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Keeping Track
One of the things we can be as certain of as death and taxes is that in every meeting at least one person will hand out a document for comments and discussion. But think of the huge workload this gives rise to for the author. She can only hope that not too many people respond, or that they don't all do so at once! But there's another way... Microsoft Word has a nice feature called tracking. When you go through a document by hand, you cross words out here, insert a line there -- but of course the original document is still visible, no none of the changes is irrevocable. Word has exactly the same facility: Go to tools - and now when you delete a word it doesn't disappear, a red line is put through it. By the same token, when you insert a word it appears in green. Next, place the document in an area where it's accessible to everyone, such as in the global directory in Mulberry place, and ask people to make their comments and alterations there. (save a copy elsewhere, though, in case somebody deletes it!) An added bonus of using this approach is that when you place the mouse pointer over an amendment, it tells you who made it. That means you can ask them questions about it. But the best part is that once everyone has put in their two- penn'orth, al you need do is accept or delete each suggestion with a click of the mouse. In fact, you can do all of it with just one click by selecting accept all or reject all. This feature alone could save you hours and hours. Terry Freedman has nearly thirty years' experience in education, and nearly 20 years' experience as a writer. A member of the UK's Society of Authors, Terry has had around a dozen books published, and over 800 specialist articles in leading newspapers and magazines. His website provides free access to many of his articles, a free newsletter with more tips like this, and more, or visit his blog.
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Looking for an Alternative to Microsoft Office? You Should Be! Now is the time to look at an alternative to Microsoft Office. 3 Reasons Why Medical Billing Software is Leading the Way Since technology changes so quickly, it is hard to begin by saying "in the old days . . . ," but that seems to fit the best. In the old days, medical companies, service providers, and almost any other business which used automated billing enjoyed the convenience of logging on to a database (or several, they the company had multiple offices) and processing their billing statements. This "old way" required IT and servers, and is actually still the current way for most businesses. Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics on Pervasive SQL.2000 Data Repair ? Overview For DBAs Some introduction into Great Plains Software products, now Microsoft Business Solutions. Microsoft Great Plains becomes more and more popular, partly because of Microsoft muscles behind it. Now it is targeted to the whole spectrum of horizontal and vertical market clientele. Small companies use Small Business Manager (which is based on the same technology ? Great Plains Dexterity dictionary DYNAMICS.DIC and runtime DYNAMICS.EXE), Great Plains Standard on MSDE is for small to midsize clients, and then Great Plains serves the rest of the market up to big corporations. Simple Solution for Php Includes - IFrames I have recently created my first Php program. I wanted to share with others some of the problems that I encountered, and how I finally overcame these obstacles. Most Common Ways to Accumulate Spyware (where It is Downloaded to Your PC) It is possible that if one avoided all sources of spyware, ad-ware and virus infection that infection would be at minimal levels. Although I don't recommend using only this method as a form of fighting spyware, it can be a potentially effective mean. Used in conjunction with a virus scanning program (I recommend Avast), abstaining from visiting these web sites or using these programs will help your PC to fight off infections, infestations and slower speeds due to unneeded running processes. Great Plains Bill of Materials Setup & Customization for Process Manufacturing ? Overview Microsoft Great Plains has full-featured Manufacturing suite of modules: Capacity Requirements Planning, Job Costing, Master Production Scheduling, Materials Requirements Planning, etc. However Microsoft Great Manufacturing serves so-called discrete manufacturing market niche. At the same time Great Plains fits to mid-size companies, where manufacturing processes might be categorized as light assembly. One of our clients, mid-size crane trucks manufacturing facility recently outsourced all the parts assembly to overseas partners and concentrated on sales, distribution, leasing and only light final assembly. This small article describes you how you could deploy Microsoft Great Plains Bill or Materials in process manufacturing. We will describe combination of Sales Order Processing (SOP) module to get customer orders, Bill of Materials (BOM) to assembly for the order, Inventory Control (IV) to allocate materials and Purchase Order Processing (POP) to replenish inventory Most Dangerous Types of Spyware are on the Rise: How to Choose the Weapon Bad News - the Threat is Bigger than it Seemed Lotus Notes Domino and Web: Application Development ? Tips for Programmers Beginning with Domino version R4 it has integration with the Web, and the server itself becomes a HTTP-server. The next releases of Domino Web-server add new functionality (for example servlet managers, supported JVM versions upgrade, etc). To give you general picture and abstracting from details we'll talk about two major Domino Web-server functions: Interactive Mapping Brings Information to Life What is Interactive Mapping? Microsoft Small Business Manager Customization Options - Overview Microsoft Business Solutions Small Business Manager is Great Plains Dexterity based application and successor and small business market niche version of Microsoft Great Plains. Microsoft Great Plains itself has variety of customization and integration tools: Integration Manager, VBA/Modifier, Great Plains Dexterity, SQL Server stored procedures to name a few. By one reason or another MBS decided to restrict Small Business Manager and do not provide VBA/Modifier, restricted Great Plains ReportWriter version and didn't include Great Plains Dexterity IDE installer on SBM CD. Crystal Reports for Microsoft Great Plains ? Overview for Developer Microsoft Great Plains is main accounting / ERP application from Microsoft Business Solutions, targeted to the US market.� It serves the whole of vertical and horizontal market: most of the industries and company sizes.� Crystal Reports on the other hand is the leader in the reporting software industry and Microsoft is willing to use Crystal as main reporting tool for Great Plains, Solomon, Microsoft CRM, .Net platform, etc. If you are developer who is asked: how do we extend Great Plains ReportWriter with somewhat more sophisticated ? read this and you will have the clues on where to look further. Great Plains Tables Structure ? first of all you need to know the tables to link.� Launch Great Plains and go to Tools->Resource Description->Tables.� Find the table in the proper series.� If you are looking for the customers ? it should be RM00101 ? customer master file.� If you need historical Sales Order Processing documents ? they are in SOP30200 ? Sales History Header file, etc. Create ODBC connection to GP Company database.� Use the same technique as when you create standard ODBC connection for GP workstation ? but change default database to targeted company database. Consider SQL Views ? if you don't want complex links in Crystal Report itself or if you need unionization from several companies ? SQL view is the answer. Consider SQL Stored Procedures.� Sometimes you can not pull the data in one view ? you need temporary tables to be created and the final query should be based on these temp tables ? this is when you need stored procedure. Call Crystal Report from GP Screens via VBA/Modifier ? if the user wants to call Crystal report for example - printing Invoices in GP and do it from SOP Entry window ? you can use Modifier and VBA to call Crystal Reports engine. Create SQL Query to probe the data ? we always recommend tuning your query and see that you are getting adequate results ? in any case ? Crystal Report is just a nice tool to show the results of your query. Happy customizing, querying and designing! if you want us to do the job - give us a call 1-866-528-0577! help@albaspectrum.com Google Brings the Earth to Your Desktop Google Inc. has launched a new software package that allows you to see satellite images on your desktop. Professional Software Icons For Your Standalone Application User interfaces and accessibility are some of the most important aspect of an application. It can have a million features, it can do a thousand things once, but if it doesn't look quite right then it will be a disaster. Take Linux for example. This open source (free) operating system has been around for quite a while, and it has been very appreciated for its stability and speed. However, in its earlier days it lacked a user interface, which made it very unattractive to the general public. While a few years back Linux was used only by system administrator and computer freaks, Microsoft's Windows was all over the place, pumped up by its friendly user interface, even though it had a lot of bugs and was very unstable. Today's things are quite different. People have learned from their mistakes and now, most operating systems, including Linux, use a graphical interface and are very user-friendly - things that in the past you could do by writing lines and lines of instructions, you can now do with a few clicks. This major improvement has brought in a whole new class of users, and the popularity of this operating system has increased considerably. Crystal Reports - Microsoft SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server is the leader for inexpensive and middle size SQL solutions. Plus it is now capable to serve large enterprise on Microsoft Windows platform. Crystal Reports is the most flexible tool on the market and it has market recognition. Multiple software vendors offer Crystal Reports as the main reporting tool: Microsoft, Best Software, Oracle to name a few. Great Plains Customization ? Programming Auto-apply in Accounts Receivable Microsoft Great Plains is one of three Microsoft Business Solutions mid-market ERP products: Great Plains, Solomon, Navision. Considering that Great Plains is now very good candidate for integration with POS application, such as Microsoft Retail Management System or RMS and Client Relation Systems, such as Microsoft CRM ? there is common need in Great Plains customizations and integrations, especially on the level of MS SQL Server transact SQL queries and stored procedures. 5 Time-Saving Tips in Microsoft Word Whether you have used Microsoft Word for years, have just switched from WordPerfect or are new to word processing, try these easy steps to save time and simplify your work in Word: An Introduction to .NET Framework .Net Framework is a platform or development environment to seamlessly create web-applications that are accessible through client machines from across the globe. These web-applications adopt open standards such as eXtensible Markup Language (XML), HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP), and Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) to interact with applications that are available in other platforms. Constructionalist Parsing - Deciphering Natural Language The research in the field of Natural Language Processing usually assumes the existence of a syntactic "Generative Engine" that combines words and word-like elements into syntactic structures, and then sometimes displaces them by "syntactic movement". A Linguistic Parser must "undo" all the effects of syntactic movement, which results in a structure where the relations between the words are represented more directly. Microsoft Update - 5 Reasons to Update Service Pack 2 Microsoft released Service Pack 2 (SP2) for the Windows XP operating system back in August (2004), representing significant improvements in many areas, especially system security. For those people that are still unsure whether they should update to it, the following five reasons may help make the decision easier. Microsoft Great Plains Implementation for Midsize & Large Corporation: Lockbox Processing Microsoft Great Plains is now targeting large and midsize businesses and being matured ERP has advanced, but still very simple in use modules and features: Lockbox Processing for Accounts Receivables, Customer/Vendor Consolidation, Multicurrency etc. We'll try to cover these features in the series of small articles to help decision maker and end user understand the feature and how does it work to make a decision to purchase additional nice modules. In our opinion large corporation, which had to use ERP with rich functionality in the past, doesn't have to do it in our new time. There are few reasons to switch to cheaper ERP, the most important are: database platform reliability improvement ? nowadays MS SQL Server does excellent job and has most of the former instability and maintenance issues resolved. The second reason ? MS Windows server is now close to be considered as a solid rock and you do not have to reboot it on the regular basis to fix all the types of "memory leaks", etc. OK, lets review Lockbox processing: ![]() |
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