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Outlook... Not Just for Email! Using Your Outlook Calendar
Microsoft Outlook is one of the most widely used software programs for email, but if you're only using it for email, you're missing out on a great productivity tool! This month's column looks at a few ways you can use the Outlook calendar to make scheduling easier. * Add public holidays to your calendar automatically. On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click Calendar Options. Under Calendar options, click Add Holidays. Select the check box next to each country/region whose holidays you want to add to your Calendar, and then click OK. Your own country/region is automatically selected. Color code your appointments. * When you select a label for each appointment, Outlook will assign it a color, drawing attention to your most important activities and allowing you to see at a glance how you are spending your time. The available labels are:
* Turn a message into an appointment or task. What's the quickest way to deal with an email inviting you to a meeting or event? Drag the message onto your Calendar and a new appointment will be created. The entire message will appear in the details section - all you need to do is edit the subject line, location, date and time! Send an RSVP if necessary, and now you can delete the email! Not sure if you're going to attend? Set "Show time as" to "Tentative" and the appointment will display with a dashed border rather than a solid one. In this case you should also drag the message onto your Task Pad and a new task will be created. Edit the subject line to be a reminder to register for the event, and set the due date early enough that you won't miss out if you decide to go. * Print pages for your paper planner. If you like the idea of using the Outlook calendar, but are more comfortable using a paper planner, Outlook allows you to print pages in daily, weekly or monthly layouts, formatted to fit a variety of commercial planners. Print the whole year, or just today's schedule! * It's not just about work. There are many websites that allow you to download schedules right into your Outlook calendar, including sports teams and TV stations, among many others. You'll never have to miss your favorite team or show, and just think of the time you'll save! -- Permission is granted to use this article, as long as the "About the Author" section including the link to http://www.organizedassistant.com remains intact. An email letting me know which article you have used and where would be appreciated. About The Author Janet Barclay, Organized Assistant, is a Professional Organizer, Virtual Assistant and Time Management Consultant. For more information visit http://www.organizedassistant.com.
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SQL: Querying Microsoft Great Plains ? Overview for Database Administrator/Developer Microsoft CRM Conversation Gateway: VoIP - Implementation & Customization Microsoft CRM is winning market share step-by-step from such the traditional CRM providers as Siebel, Saleslogix. In this article we'll show Microsoft Business Solutions CRM potential in the VoIP direction. Nowadays VOIP-based technologies and Instant Messaging Systems are getting wider and wider spread. Each work desk or each personal computer has one or another instrument of information exchange, belonging to the VOIP or instant messaging systems. Currently the mostly presented information exchange systems are: How To Develop Software For Your Business Software development is a risky business. What is Shareware? Shareware is software that you can try before you buy; shareware is a kind of marketing method for software. Software developers post trial versions of their software on websites. Consumers can then download the trial version to their computer and evaluate it. If the consumer likes the software they can purchase it. Shareware is also called try before you buy. Benefits of Shareware Shareware has been fighting the stigma of being misunderstood for decades. While corporate software giants can no longer ignore the marketing potential of a trial version, small software startups are struggling with new listings and bandwidth costs. Businesses and individual consumers need to take a closer look at the benefits of taking advantage of shareware marketing. The concept of a trial version is not a new one. Consumer expectations, and the need for immediate satisfaction have spurned the industry to realize the need for instant software. The availability of file downloads in the Internet era, is spurning a revolution of purchasers who never leaving their homes or offices. As a result, the Internet has taken the proliferation of shareware to a new level. Are You Waiting for Microsoft Longhorn Operating System I love new technology. I am still ready to wait long for Longhorn. I have tried almost all operating systems of Windows series. My interest in Longhorn is building up day by day and the reason is..! From beginning Microsoft is very successful to project Longhorn as something mysterious. Many interesting stories are connected with it, which helped Longhorn to gain pre-launch popularity; I would rather say curiosity about this product. I don't know who is the propaganda minister of Microsoft? May be Mr. Brightside or Mr.Lonely. Relax guys I was just kidding. Upgrading Great Plains Dexterity Customization ? switching to new technologies: SQL, Crystal, eConne 1. Replace Dexterity cursor with SQL Stored Procedure Dexterity was designed as multiplatform technology (primarily Btrieve, Ctree, SQL Server, potentially Oracle). Dexterity data retrieving mechanism is based on Range start, Range End, Get First and Get Next clauses. It is in fact similar, however a little bit slower to cursors in Transact SQL. Long ranges in Dexterity are good candidates for replacement by SQL stored procedures with update clause. For example, consider to replace following Dexterity code: Range clear SOP_HDR_WORK. Clear 'SOP Type' of table SOP_HDR_WORK. Clear 'SOP Number' of table SOP_HDR_WORK. Range start table SOP_HDR_WORK. Get first table SOP_HDR_WORK. While errEOF do If 'Salesperson ID' of table SOP_HDR_WORK = "ERIC" then Edit table SOP_HDR_WORK. Set 'Salesperson ID' of table SOP_HDR_WORK to "BILL". Save table SOP_HDR_WORK. End if. Get next table SOP_HDR_WORK. End while. With the following SQL code Update SOP10100 set SLPRSNID="BILL" where SLPRSNID="ERIC" Bringing new data into a table in Dexterity is based on change/edit table clauses, in SQL they are equivalent (by performance) to inserting one record at the time. When having long cycle of change/edit table in Dexterity, consider replacement by SQL stored procedure with Insert Into clause. 2. Use Crystal Reports, call them from via VBA in Modified form The easy way to call Crystal Report from your VBA code from your modified form: Const RPT = "D:ClientsTheClientInvoice Status.rpt" Public crwApplication As CRPEAuto.Application Public crwReport As CRPEAuto.Report Private Sub Print_BeforeUserChanged(KeepFocus As Boolean, CancelLogic As Boolean) If SalesTransactionInquiryZoo.Type = "Invoice" Then If crwApplication Is Nothing Then Set crwApplication = CreateObject("Crystal.CRPE.Application") End If Set crwReport = crwApplication.OpenReport(RPT) crwReport.ParameterFields(1).SetCurrentValue (DocumentNo) crwReport.Preview End If 3. Use Direct .Net Web Publishing from Great Plains Database The easiest and safest way is to use eConnect - SDK with VB samples, created for eCommerce programmers and web designers to call the functionality in Microsoft Great Plains. If your company can not afford eConnect - create your own set of stored procedures to address Great Plains database and go ahead with Visual Studio.Net to do the web publishing. Happy upgrading and customizing! if you want us to do the job - give us a call 1-866-528-0577! help@albaspectrum.com Corel WordPerfect 7 Macro Programming Example Case study: A secretary using Corel WordPerfect 7 is often required to carry out calculations and insert the values into invoices or other documents. Microsoft Great Plains Implementation ? Overview for IT Director/Controller What is installation in the language of technology? Installation has server and client sides. Server side - Installation creates security environment (logins) on MS SQL Server or MSDE, creates system database - DYNAMICS and then company databases. All these tasks are performed by Microsoft Great Plains Utilities Workstation side - workstation installation copies the client side application, installs current version of MDAC (we need SQL ODBC driver - please check documentation on ODBC DSN setup), registers the application. If you plan to run Great Plains Utilities from the workstation to create server side (see above) - you need to check Install Client and Server Components What is following implementation? Implementation requires combination of technological and accounting skills System Setup - you should refer to GP documentation. In general setup consists of Company information, General GL/AR/AP/Payroll setup, User classes, Customer/Vendor/Employee classes to name a few Master Records - you should either use integration tools, such as Integration Manager, SQL queries or have users to type in all your GL Accounts, Customers, Vendors, Employees . Beginning Balances - this is recommended approach - you place aside the old accounting application for querying the historical data and enter beginning balances in Great Plains GL, AR, AP, SOP, POP, Payroll. When you have balances in the system you are ready to use it in production Historical Data conversion - this is optional, in order to do historical data conversion you need to know basic Great Plains tables structure (Setup->Tools->Resource Description->Tables Structure). This is similar to surgery - so you probably need outside consultant to help you. If the volume of historical data is small - you can deploy Great Plains Integration Manager and then post the records in the modules. User Training - we are just listing this item - it is up to you to decide on the way to train your users Using Two Systems in Parallel - this is recommended. You should print the reports from both systems during this test period and compare the results Customization - typical areas of customizations: Invoice form, Crystal Reports, pulling info from multiple databases, including Great Plains database, Great Plains forms modification with Modifier/VBA, Great Plains Dexterity forms and logic customization, integration with CRM, RMS and other business systems, web publishing from Great Plains tables, EDI with your suppliers, SQL Data Transformation packages Do I need consultant? We strongly recommend you to use consultant in the following cases You have identified the need for Great Plains Dexterity customization You are doing migration from Pervasive/Ctree to Microsoft SQL Server/MSDE, especially when you have third-parties without migration tools You are doing migration from Great Plains Accounting to Microsoft Great Plains You have to create a lot or ReportWriter Modified Great Plains Reports You have old version of Great Plains: Dynamics or eEnterprise 6.0 or prior - in this case you can not appeal to Microsoft Technical Support - it is discontinued Your Great Plains has more than 20 users in this case the mistake may lead to serious business problems You don't have support for your old Great Plains - then you have to select your Microsoft Business Solutions Partner and pay for the annual support/enhancement plan - you will get new registration key and will be ready for the upgrade Good luck with installation, implementation, upgrade and if you have issues or concerns ? we are here to help! If you want us to do the job - give us a call 1-866-528-0577! help@albaspectrum.com Programming Language Migration Path While I was preparing some personal background information for a potential client, I was reviewing all the programming languages that I have had experience with. I list languages that I'm most experienced with on my resume. However, it occured to me that if I was to list all the languages that I've worked with, then the client would become overwhelmed with the resume and just write me off as either a total bit head or looney toons. But as I reflected on all these different environments I realized how much fun I've had being involved with the software development industry, and that a lot of that fun has to do with the learning process. I think this is what makes a good programmer. Not just the ability to write code, or come up with a very creative application, but the ability to learn. Lets admit it! If a programmer doesn't have good learning skills, then the programmer is going to have a very short career. Microsoft Great Plains Implementation: Verticals - Wholesale Order Entry center ? overview Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains has substantial market share and strong support by Microsoft on the US market. Currently we see the trend in the vertical markets when companies with custom-built accounting application, usually written on legacy platform are switching to standard and proven ERP solution and customize or tailor it to fit their vertical market requirements. We'll be publishing series of vertical articles: Logistics, Distribution Centers, Warehouse Management, Barcoding, Shipping/Receiving, eCommerce, EDI, Wholesale. Today we'll give you Wholesale tailoring scenario S is for Spying, Surveillance -- and for Software as Well Words we choose to describe things and phenomena often show our attitude towards what we say. They imperceptibly reflect our opinions and judgments, prejudices and preferences, moral convictions and beliefs. Whether we like it or not, good deal of words we use are biased, or should I say "slanted", --positively or negatively. Two people will call the same thing differently, depending on their points of view. Great Plains Sales Order Processing and Invoicing Modules ? Tips For Consultants We'll give you non formal view, based on our consulting practice. Spyware Statistics -- Whats New in May 2005? Although statistics often is blamed for various deadly sins -- from being biased to being inaccurate -- there is nothing left to those who are anyhow connected with IT but to keep up with fresh data. Since spyware is literally ubiquitous, nobody who owns or uses a PC can say that it is none of his business. So general public also has to keep an eye on the news about spyware. When is a Software Engineer Not a Software Engineer? The title of "software engineer" has got to be among the most highly abused in the corporate high-tech world. It's also one of the most popular. Microsoft Axapta, Navision or Great Plains: ERP Selection for Large Corporation If you would like to pick something from Microsoft, or its ERP subdivision ? Microsoft Business Solutions, and in case of large public company, you should consider these three: Axapta, Navision or Great Plains. We are not talking about Solomon here, because it is recommended for project organization. You should probably be aware about specific product life cycle (or is it new or mature one on the market), database platform, average implementation cycle, typical customization requirements, rich vs. standard ERP functionality, etc. Also you should get comparison from relatively objective source, if you are asking to compare somebody, who implements and sells Great Plains ? more likely these people will try to prove that you need Great Plains and it is the best fit. On the other hand if you ask large consulting practice with regional offices to make comparison for you ? you should know that specific regional office might operate with maximum independence and promote, say Navision only. Microsoft Moves to Small Business Accounting/Retail Market ? Stakes and Thoughts In this small article we will be looking at the new opportunities for Microsoft Small Business Server specialists, but rather look at the global business strategy and possible ways of future ERP modules standardizing and interoperability. This is important to get into consideration for midsize and large corporate business IT decision makers. Let's look at the chronology and possible future development. Groupware and Online Collaboration: Collaboration Series #4 This article is the fourth of a series of articles exploring specific aspects of groupware. The brief informational articles in this series discuss some of the technologies associated with groupware, as well as some of the characteristics of groupware. Some of these characteristics may go hand in hand with business collaborative needs. Other characteristics go beyond what some groupware providers have to offer. The purpose of these articles is to equip the groupware user or investigator with helpful knowledge about the product in order to enable more effective use or to lead the investigator to the groupware service he or she is looking for. This fourth article explores the ability of groupware to facilitate online collaboration. CRM and Customer Life Cycle Customer Relationship Management or CRM is a combination of enterprise strategies, business processes and information technologies used to learn more about customers' needs and behaviors in order to develop stronger relationships with them. CRM software systems automate many customer-related business tasks. Software For Your Hard-Drive All your software is stored on a hard-drive. But how about software FOR your hard-drive - private disks, partition managers, disk defragmenters? Here is the scoop on the latest tools. ![]() |
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