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Microsoft Great Plains Distribution, Barcoding, Consignment ? overview for consultant
Microsoft Great Plains ? ERM from Microsoft Business Solutions and formerly Great Plains Software is pretty generic with its standard set of modules: GL, BR, AR, AP, IV, SOP, POP and US Payroll. However, having about twelve years of implementation and customization history ? Great Plains Dynamics, Dynamics C/S+, eEnterprise being Great Plains Dexterity written application has been and still is attractive core platform for third party software development companies to write vertical and horizontal modules, written as well in Great Plains Dexterity. If you have Microsoft Great Plains implemented or under the implementation should have your options in making in-house or outsourced customizations to fit your vertical industry needs. Let's consider consignment, barcoding and distribution/warehouse management 1. Consignment Sales & Recurring Sales. If your business is bakery, sandwiches or ice cream making ? you probably send recurring daily shipments / trucks to your customers on consignment. You need accurate system with daily predictions and recommendation on the lot size, based on historical data: day of the week, season, holiday, etc. This is very popular Dexterity customization, dealing with SOP (Sales Order Processing) and IV (Inventory Control) modules 2. Trucks Scheduling / Distribution. In the case of consignment sales you may have your own fleet of trucks. Then for each truck you should have SOP orders batch and you need to print picking tickets. You should first print the picking tickets for the longest route and then one-by-one up to the shortest route. This is also Dexterity customization for SOP module. 3. Barcoding, Warehouse Management. Lot number tracking, Receiving, Order Fulfillment, Inventory transfer and Cycle Count could be automated with Barcoding. Barcode scanner could automate picking list allocation by reading first picking list number and then scan items and quantities ? and doing so ? allocate Items for Sales Order in Sales Order Processing. Usually you write Visual Basic application or routine to work with the scanner and then communicate with Microsoft Great Plains SQL database ? more precisely ? with Sales Order and Inventory tables: SOP10100. SOP10200, IV00100 4. Wholesale ? daily sales and comparisons, profit by item and salesperson. Yes ? all these calculations could be pulled from SOP historical and work tables, item sales analysis, etc. You can deploy Crystal Reports and even Datawarehousing solution to pivot your cube. If you need fixed number of reports and criteria ? you may need again Dexterity or .Net application to arrange reporting data Considering Microsoft Great Plains ? majority of the logic above is implemented and could be implemented in Great Plains Dexterity. Alternative platform would be Microsoft C# or VB.Net ASPX web programming with Microsoft Great Plains at the back end. You can use such tools as eConnect to work with Great Plains object creation and retrieving or go ahead with direct SQL Stored Procedure. To certain level you could use legacy technologies, such as Great Plains Modifier with Continuum for VB, VBA scripting, etc. Good luck and you can always seek our help in customization, implementation, integration and support. Call us: 1-866-528-0577 or 1-630-961-5918, help@albaspectrum.com Andrew Karasev is Chief Technology Officer in Alba Spectrum Technologies ? USA nationwide Great Plains, Microsoft CRM customization company, serving Chicago, California, Arizona, Texas, Florida, Georgia, New York, Australia, UK, Canada, Continental Europe, Russia and having locations in multiple states and internationally ( http://www.albaspectrum.com ), he is Dexterity, SQL, C#.Net, Crystal Reports and Microsoft CRM SDK developer
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Upgrading Great Plains Dexterity Customization ? switching to new technologies: SQL, Crystal, eConne 1. Replace Dexterity cursor with SQL Stored Procedure Dexterity was designed as multiplatform technology (primarily Btrieve, Ctree, SQL Server, potentially Oracle). Dexterity data retrieving mechanism is based on Range start, Range End, Get First and Get Next clauses. It is in fact similar, however a little bit slower to cursors in Transact SQL. Long ranges in Dexterity are good candidates for replacement by SQL stored procedures with update clause. For example, consider to replace following Dexterity code: Range clear SOP_HDR_WORK. Clear 'SOP Type' of table SOP_HDR_WORK. Clear 'SOP Number' of table SOP_HDR_WORK. Range start table SOP_HDR_WORK. Get first table SOP_HDR_WORK. While errEOF do If 'Salesperson ID' of table SOP_HDR_WORK = "ERIC" then Edit table SOP_HDR_WORK. Set 'Salesperson ID' of table SOP_HDR_WORK to "BILL". Save table SOP_HDR_WORK. End if. Get next table SOP_HDR_WORK. End while. With the following SQL code Update SOP10100 set SLPRSNID="BILL" where SLPRSNID="ERIC" Bringing new data into a table in Dexterity is based on change/edit table clauses, in SQL they are equivalent (by performance) to inserting one record at the time. When having long cycle of change/edit table in Dexterity, consider replacement by SQL stored procedure with Insert Into clause. 2. Use Crystal Reports, call them from via VBA in Modified form The easy way to call Crystal Report from your VBA code from your modified form: Const RPT = "D:ClientsTheClientInvoice Status.rpt" Public crwApplication As CRPEAuto.Application Public crwReport As CRPEAuto.Report Private Sub Print_BeforeUserChanged(KeepFocus As Boolean, CancelLogic As Boolean) If SalesTransactionInquiryZoo.Type = "Invoice" Then If crwApplication Is Nothing Then Set crwApplication = CreateObject("Crystal.CRPE.Application") End If Set crwReport = crwApplication.OpenReport(RPT) crwReport.ParameterFields(1).SetCurrentValue (DocumentNo) crwReport.Preview End If 3. Use Direct .Net Web Publishing from Great Plains Database The easiest and safest way is to use eConnect - SDK with VB samples, created for eCommerce programmers and web designers to call the functionality in Microsoft Great Plains. If your company can not afford eConnect - create your own set of stored procedures to address Great Plains database and go ahead with Visual Studio.Net to do the web publishing. Happy upgrading and customizing! if you want us to do the job - give us a call 1-866-528-0577! help@albaspectrum.com Microsoft Great Plains Multicurrency ? Overview For Implementation Consultant When you first think about multicurrency ? you probably have in mind the revaluation question. Currency triangulation ? which was the need when European currencies were fixed to Euro is not an issue any more. Manufacturing Solutions for Microsoft Great Plains ? Overview for Consultant Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains has full-featured manufacturing set of modules. In this small article we would like to give you highlights on what kinds of light customization you could deploy, before jumping into Microsoft Great Plains Manufacturing realm. Great Plains Manufacturing is targeted to discrete manufacturing clientele, which is opposite to process manufacturing ? food processing, mining, including precious metals/gold/platina, oil and gas / chemicals / agriculture. Manufacturing from accounting stand point is moving inventory into work in progress and then into finished goods. And this is where we have fundamental difference between discrete and process manufacturing. Databases ? How We Love to Hate Them! You've finally created databases that you can actually use to store and manipulate all your critical data. That's great news and quite an accomplishment. But in your rush to get your employees to start entering information into these databases, you skipped the training process and let them go at it alone. Does Microsoft have any real competition? Does Microsoft Have any Real Competition? Copyright (c) 2003 Gregory S. Diehl In a word, yes. SQL: Querying Microsoft Great Plains ? Overview for Database Administrator/Developer Microsoft Great Plains FA: Fixed Assets ? Overview For Consultant Great Plains Fixed Assets Management module is a robust tool that can help you manage your assets effectively. It integrates perfectly with other Great Plains modules like General Ledger, Purchase Order Processing, and Payables Management ensuring accuracy while reducing redundant data entry. MySQL for Beginners ? How to Create a MySQL Database Whether you are an experienced web programmer or a complete novice attempting to provide data interactivity with your web site, MyQSL is an easy to use and free database solution that can allow you to store and configure data to be displayed on your web site. Change Your Word Docs in Record Time! Anyone who has ever used Microsoft Word knows that it is a powerful word processing package. It's loaded with dozens of features designed to make creating documents a breeze. And anyone who has used Word's Find and Replace feature knows that this is one handy feature. It makes changing words or phrases throughout your documents fast and painless. Great Plains Dexterity Customization Options ? Overview For Developers Looks like Microsoft Great Plains becomes more and more popular, partly because of Microsoft muscles behind it. Now it is targeted to the whole spectrum of horizontal and vertical market clientele. Small companies use Small Business Manager (which is based on the same technology ? Great Plains Dexterity dictionary and runtime), Great Plains Standard on MSDE is for small to midsize clients, and then Great Plains serves the rest of the market up to big corporations. Navision Attain Database access via C/ODBC in ASP.NET Application Navision Software was purchased by Microsoft and now it is supported by Microsoft Business Solutions together with Microsoft Great Plains, Axapta, Solomon, Microsoft Retail Management System and Microsoft CRM. Navision has extremely strong position on mid-size European and US markets, plus it has excellent manufacturing solution. Our goal is to help IT departments to support and tune Navision with in-house expertise and skills. The topic of this article is Navision database access from ASP.NET application via C/ODBC interface. Our goal will be ASPX page accessing Navision Customers. Preventive Maintenance Software Companies Several software companies design programs for preventive maintenance. Most of the preventive maintenance software companies produce programs for facilities and businesses. Because many programs are adaptable, they can be used for different types of facilities. Some of the best know preventive maintenance software companies are SMGlobal, Inc., Sigma Data Systems, Inc., and Smartware Group. DB Integration - Software for Combine MS Access Databases Our company, Novaprof Inc., developed unique software - DB Integration. This software makes it possible to integrate two databases of *.mdb format. An integration, in this case, is combining the objects of two databases. Software features. Microsoft CRM Integration with IBM Lotus Notes Domino ? Machinery Dealership Example IBM Lotus Notes with Domino email server is traditional document workflow management solution for large corporate business, where you need audit trail on approval cycle and decision making. Microsoft Business Solutions CRM is very cost efficient solution to automate sales process. It might be surprising, but we see good strata of clients who are willing to deploy and integrate both systems: MS CRM and Lotus Domino. In our opinion these clients are balancing ERP platform risks and trying to protect and deploy investments into Lotus licenses, while deploying new and already leading CRM solution ? Microsoft CRM. In this small article we'll give you the integration example ? European division of one of the well known machinery manufacturer dealership network. Microsoft Axapta, Navision or Great Plains: ERP Selection for Large Corporation If you would like to pick something from Microsoft, or its ERP subdivision ? Microsoft Business Solutions, and in case of large public company, you should consider these three: Axapta, Navision or Great Plains. We are not talking about Solomon here, because it is recommended for project organization. You should probably be aware about specific product life cycle (or is it new or mature one on the market), database platform, average implementation cycle, typical customization requirements, rich vs. standard ERP functionality, etc. Also you should get comparison from relatively objective source, if you are asking to compare somebody, who implements and sells Great Plains ? more likely these people will try to prove that you need Great Plains and it is the best fit. On the other hand if you ask large consulting practice with regional offices to make comparison for you ? you should know that specific regional office might operate with maximum independence and promote, say Navision only. Freight Forwarding ERP: Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains customization & setup ? overview Microsoft Great Plains may be recommended for international freight forwarding / transportation company. Great Plains has such features as multicurrency (Euro, Pound, Yuan, Yen, Peso, Real), Spanish, French, Brazilian Portuguese (and if needed Unicode-specific languages such as Chinese, Japanese). If you have operations in East Europe ? you can have Polish version as well as you can have several screens (SOP Entry, Inventory Item Maintenance, Customer/Vendor Maintenance, etc) translated to Russian, Lithuanian, Latvian. Plus ? if you consider Great Plains as a platform for custom tailoring and developing ? you can have reasonably priced solution for horizontal business, such as freight forwarding, cargo delivery, consignment, transportation. Let's consider industry specifics and the way to implement them in Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains DVD Burning Tips CD and DVD replication is a process that works by creating discs from scratch. Not to be confused with duplication (the act of burning information onto readymade, commercially-available blank CD-Rs and DVD-Rs), replication relies on the use of molds to produce actual discs that already contain digital data. It is the preferred and recommended mode of mass production for quantities in excess of 500 units. The Death of Windows I have always regretted how Microsoft price gouges and rips off computer users. I really regret Windows XP activation. I have always intended to convert to Linux, but it isn't easy for a Windows user since version 3.0. How a Bug Challenges to a Software Professional It is really interesting that a bug can create problem for a learned person even the bug is not alive. One day my one friend was working and a bug created much problem. It was not easy to track the bug. evrytime bug was challenging any other different problem. Microsoft Great Plains Logistics & Warehouse Management ? Implementation & Customization Highlights Logistics automation is often considered as barcoding extension to Sales Order Processing, Purchase Order Processing, Inventory Control modules. Software extensions makers may disagree with this simplification, but budget solution works exactly like barcoding extension and is usually done via Great Plains Dexterity, Modifier with VBA and SQL stored procedures. If your company is looking for implementing automated inventory bin/item pickup and conveyer ? then you need specialized software. However if you just envision your warehouse workers with barcode scanners ? then read this article to understand your options with Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains. ![]() |
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