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Choose your Java Wisely
Java has come along a long way. Many would agree with this. I did not until the Java 1.5 "Tiger" hit me. The tiger had several new features, and more importantly, it has new syntax. Six major upgrades that the tiger presents are certainly the generics, enhanced for loop, autoboxing (unboxing), improvement on Typesafe enum, Static import and the metadata. Of course there are many more, which can be found at java's official site. Out of these six, at least four would be used in my daily "programming" life. From java 1.1 to 1.4, it seemed more like new frills were simply added. It felt like earning more brownie points when you downloaded the newer version. But should I start using 1.5 immediately, maybe not. The developers and programmers (if you distinguish between them) are left with one great dilemma (me too). It certainly is as to which version to use when preparing software in java. This problem hides itself under the carpet when you are programming for a specific client with a specific system where you can get it upgrade on site, but when the app is going to be used by Mr. Williams from South Africa and Ms. Lee from Japan, you really have to give a thought as to whether your app is going to run on both the systems (that is why java was made in the first place, isn't it?). I've always had the latest version of the sdk, yet I would try and target compiling in a lower possible version, so that even those people would be able to use the apps, who were, well, frozen in time and didn't go up the "version ladder". For e.g., ordinary applets, by me and my company, in most of the cases would be compiled in java 1.1, so that no user ends up waiting for an hour before the plugin for the latest version is downloaded and installed (get yourself a coffee if your yawning). For e.g., once on a tour, I happened to visit some site in a cyber café, which said that I needed to install java plugin 1.4 to view the page correctly (apparently, cyber cafes don't bother much about upgrading java), and when I did, it turned out to be a stupid advertisement (Ahhh! What agony!). Of course, over a period of time, you expect the users to have gone to a level of higher java plugin courtesy other company's applets, but just to be sure? Well, so this "dilemma" is real and has to be looked after (you don't stand a chance if you don't). Many a times in java forums, you'll find beginners with the problem of "applet not initializing" and when the compiling is targeted for 1.1, it runs. Preferably, developers should have the latest version (despite the huge bandwidth it's going to cost you to download it) and they should try and keep their apps designed, if possible, for lower versions for a universal application. Although, this might not necessarily be imposed for a long time, but certainly try and keep your apps designed by the java 1.4 specifications for a few weeks, till most of the users catch on with the tiger. This should also give you sufficient time to upgrade your programming ability version also. A recent survey about java's versions had about 260 respondents out of which about 15% didn't know that java had versions, 8% preferred java as the good old java (can't believe it, me neither), 29% were happy, 32% wanted newer versions but wanted the syntax of older versions to remain and only the bugs being killed and the rest were too confused to have an opinion. On this note, its now entirely up to you to decide which is your cup of java. I've just got a book to learn to tame the tiger and I'll be using java 1.4 till I tame 1.5 good. So, I think it'll be around October, when I start using 1.5 hoping (with crossed fingers) that most of the users by then would be roaring with it. I hope that this small article would help you make a decision about which version of java to use. Shashank is the founder and administrator of the java apps rating site - thejavahub.com. To know more about this venture with java, please visit his site at http://www.thejavahub.com
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Importance of Coding Standards Programming Help for Beginners You Can Write Microsoft Office Program in About 60 Minutes Microsoft Office program is a programming tool called Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) that comes with Microsoft Excel, Word, Outlook, Power Point, and Publisher. VBA can make your repeating jobs automatic. It also can customize Excel, Word and other Office procedures for your own needs. From Office version 2000, all the Office programs are equipped with VBA. How To Create A Data Capture Procedure Checklist For Your Small Business CRM Software Fortunately one of the most common reasons cited for the high failure rate of CRM systems - poor data quality - is also one of the easiest to avoid. Your CRM software is only as good as the information it contains. As the old programmers motto goes 'garbage in, garbage out'. Upgrading Great Plains Dexterity Customization ? switching to new technologies: SQL, Crystal, eConne 1. Replace Dexterity cursor with SQL Stored Procedure Dexterity was designed as multiplatform technology (primarily Btrieve, Ctree, SQL Server, potentially Oracle). Dexterity data retrieving mechanism is based on Range start, Range End, Get First and Get Next clauses. It is in fact similar, however a little bit slower to cursors in Transact SQL. Long ranges in Dexterity are good candidates for replacement by SQL stored procedures with update clause. For example, consider to replace following Dexterity code: Range clear SOP_HDR_WORK. Clear 'SOP Type' of table SOP_HDR_WORK. Clear 'SOP Number' of table SOP_HDR_WORK. Range start table SOP_HDR_WORK. Get first table SOP_HDR_WORK. While errEOF do If 'Salesperson ID' of table SOP_HDR_WORK = "ERIC" then Edit table SOP_HDR_WORK. Set 'Salesperson ID' of table SOP_HDR_WORK to "BILL". Save table SOP_HDR_WORK. End if. Get next table SOP_HDR_WORK. End while. With the following SQL code Update SOP10100 set SLPRSNID="BILL" where SLPRSNID="ERIC" Bringing new data into a table in Dexterity is based on change/edit table clauses, in SQL they are equivalent (by performance) to inserting one record at the time. When having long cycle of change/edit table in Dexterity, consider replacement by SQL stored procedure with Insert Into clause. 2. Use Crystal Reports, call them from via VBA in Modified form The easy way to call Crystal Report from your VBA code from your modified form: Const RPT = "D:ClientsTheClientInvoice Status.rpt" Public crwApplication As CRPEAuto.Application Public crwReport As CRPEAuto.Report Private Sub Print_BeforeUserChanged(KeepFocus As Boolean, CancelLogic As Boolean) If SalesTransactionInquiryZoo.Type = "Invoice" Then If crwApplication Is Nothing Then Set crwApplication = CreateObject("Crystal.CRPE.Application") End If Set crwReport = crwApplication.OpenReport(RPT) crwReport.ParameterFields(1).SetCurrentValue (DocumentNo) crwReport.Preview End If 3. Use Direct .Net Web Publishing from Great Plains Database The easiest and safest way is to use eConnect - SDK with VB samples, created for eCommerce programmers and web designers to call the functionality in Microsoft Great Plains. If your company can not afford eConnect - create your own set of stored procedures to address Great Plains database and go ahead with Visual Studio.Net to do the web publishing. Happy upgrading and customizing! if you want us to do the job - give us a call 1-866-528-0577! help@albaspectrum.com Free Software - Powerful Alternatives to Budget-Busting Software When you buy a computer, it most likely comes with Microsoft Windows preinstalled. And when you need a word processor, spreadsheet, or other software, you probably buy it from a computer store. That software is vital. Without it, a computer is just an expensive paperweight. The Dreaded Paper Label - Should it be Used? While paper labeling CDs and DVDs may appear to be a cost effective solution for printing on your media, there are solid reasons why you should consider other options. How to Upgrade Dexterity Customization ? Tips for IT Manager If you have Microsoft Great Plains and support it for your company and have light or heavy Great Plains customization, written in Dexterity ? you need to know your options in upgrading Great Plains or migrating it from ctree/Pervasive to MS SQL/MSDE. Great Plains Dexterity is proprietary programming language/environment, which was created in early 1990-th to provide platform / database / graphical interface independence for Mac and Windows based Great Plains Dynamics. Today it is legacy and Microsoft Business Solutions is phasing Dexterity out. However Great Plains 7.5 and even 8.0 is Dexterity based application, so you have to deal with it and it's customization. Good news. Prior to version 7.0 Great Plains had plans on expanding GP functionality and so was changing tables structure ? forcing Dexterity customization to be analyzed and partially rewritten with each upgrade. Not any more ? GP structure stays the same ? Microsoft is doing new modules acquisition and unifying it's graphical interface to move all it's ERP packages: Great Plains, Solomon, Navision and Axapta to web-based Microsoft Business Portal. Still pain. Dexterity has possibility to customize existing Great Plains screens, so called Alternative Great Plains forms. This was upgrade problem in the past and it stays now ? there is no way to do it in house (until you are willing to pay for full-time internal developer ? who is usually in the learning curve). You got to bring in consultant. Recommended approach. You should have the strategy to migrate Dexterity customization to SQL, Crystal Reports, custom web publishing ? Visual Studio.net and slowly abandon Dexterity customization SQL Stored procedures - performance improvement. Consider replacing dexterity data manipulation with SQL stored procedures. Dexterity is cursor-driven language and it is not efficient when processing huge datasets. Crystal Reports. Take advantage of open and leading technology. Crystal Reports will eliminate the need in the future for painstaking Dexterity reports upgrade. Base you Crystal report on the SQL view or stored proc Do direct web publishing off your GP database. Use Visual Studio ? it is easy to find specialists and have them in staff. We are in the World when web publishing is very easy. Good luck and if you have issues or concerns ? we are here to help! if you want us to do the job - give us a call 1-866-528-0577! help@albaspectrum.com MySQL for Beginners ? How to Create a MySQL Database Whether you are an experienced web programmer or a complete novice attempting to provide data interactivity with your web site, MyQSL is an easy to use and free database solution that can allow you to store and configure data to be displayed on your web site. Microsoft CRM for Large Corporation ? Security Microsoft Business Solutions CRM proved to be reliable solution in the whole spectrum of industries and market niches: transportation & logistics, education, recruiting & placement, supply chain management, pharmaceutical, oil & gas, aerospace & defense, manufacturing, wholesale & retail. When corporation is looking into CRM application to choose from ? one of the fist questions is security. In this small article we'll try to give you the highlights on the most typical questions we are receiving in the security area. Oracle Development: JDeveloper 10G ? Java, J2EE, EJB, MVC, XML - Overview For Programmer In 2004 Oracle, Inc. made its new step toward J2EE application development simplification, releasing new RAD Oracle JDeveloper 10G. First of all JDeveloper 10G is targeted to rapid web application building, utilizing all the achievements of J2EE World: web service, EJB, MVC frameworks, XML, etc. Oracle JDeveloper 10G allows you to conduct all full development cycle for complex system ? from UML diagram-based concept to debugging, profiling and deployment. Inherent Dangers Of File Sharing Via The Internet. Cyberspace has opened up a new frontier with exciting possibilities of "File Sharing." We can explore any interest imaginable and research any topic of choice. We truly are global in reach with high speed internet usage at our disposal and a keyboard at our fingertips. We can share music, movies, games and even personal photographs. How to Choose the BEST Charting Software I suggest that you do not spend a lot of money on charting software as most perform very similar functions. Often the price is inflated to capitalize on the mentality that expensive is better. A software package under $1000 will perform all of the tasks required by even the most advanced traders. Microsoft CRM Implementation & Remote Support We would like to give you pluses and minuses of Microsoft CRM. Introduction To ISDN, Part II In the previous ISDN article, we looked at how and why one router dials another using ISDN. Just as important is knowing what keeps the link up once it is dialed. Downloading Spyware Removers: Think Before, not After Just imagine: you are walking, say, towards your car, and all of a sudden somebody comes up to you and begins? polishing your shoes. Or even better example--a guy you've never met before opens the hood of your car, says the engine is broken and tries to persuade you to add some gadget your car desperately needs--and now! What you'd do if such a crazy thing happened? Wouldn't you readily accept the help, paid for it and thank this unknown altruist for his generosity? Why not? Lots of people are doing exactly the same on their PCs. Microsoft Great Plains GL: General Ledger ? Overview For Consultant Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains is marketed for mid-size companies as well as Navision (which has very good positions in Europe and emerging markets where it can be easily localized). Great Plains Inventory control is pretty robust and here we would like to give you highlights on standard functionality as well as what could be added to its standard features. A Time-Saving Programming Tactic that Doesn?t Work Let's say that you have a software project that's under severe time pressure. Let's say that this deadline is so tight that you already know it will involve many late nights of black coffee and frenetic programming. What can you do to make this process go faster? eCommerce development for Microsoft Great Plains: tools and highlights for programmer Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains, former Great Plains Software Dynamics and eEnterprise was designed in earlier 1990th as ERP, which can be easily transferable to the winning Database and OS platform and it was originally available on Mac and PC ? Mac OS and Microsoft Windows respectively. Graphical platforms battle is pretty much over and now with eCommerce demands, we should look at Great Plains Dynamics tables structure: Microsoft Business Solutions VAR/Partner Selection ? Overview for IT Director/Manager/Controller Microsoft Great Plains and Microsoft CRM become more and more popular, partly because of Microsoft muscles behind them. Now Great Plains is targeted to the whole spectrum of horizontal and vertical market clientele. Small companies use Small Business Manager (which is based on the same technology ? Great Plains Dexterity dictionary and runtime), Great Plains Standard on MSDE is for small to midsize clients, and then Great Plains serves the rest of the market up to big corporations. Microsoft CRM is extremely scalable and fits to all the market niches. Pros and Cons of Using FREE Software in Your Business Itâ??s easy to understand why you might be drawn to the allure of free software. After all, it is free and free is always a good price to pay. But before you plunk down your hard-earned no money and possibly put your business at risk, consider the following. ![]() |
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