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A Guide To Purchasing Professional XP Icons Online And Enhancing Your Applications
Icons are used everywhere; right from software applications, to internet browsers, to operating systems to websites and even in print media. But businesses have to waste a good deal of money and time in manufacturing icons on their own. Professional icons are tough to create and need expertise in terms of creative artists, lots of time and software. But just as in any other field today, here again there are specialized organizations dedicated to manufacturing and supplying ready made icons. This article is meant for those of you who intent to purchase readymade XP icons for your applications So what are XP style icons? XP style icons are the in-thing now-a-days and are preferred above all other icons. This is because of the fact the XP icons look more professional and blend effortlessly into your applications. Some basic features of XP style icon are as follows; Features of XP style icons
What kind of XP icon should I go for? While purchasing XP icons online you got to be sure of your objectives. There are different types of icons available and each one is specific to a particular application. The different formats, sizes and colors in which XP icons are available are discussed below along with their usage. Formats in which XP icons are available
Gif/PNG/Jpeg format icons can be used for web applications or any other application which can be accessed with the help of a browser. Ico format icons are meant for use in software/GUI applications for windows. You can also use .ico format icons to create icons to display in favorites or bookmark lists of a web browser. A vector format icon (.ai format icons) can be stretched to a huge extent (to king size) and can be used in the printing, advertisements etc. They produce sharp images when printed. Sizes in which XP icons are available XP icons are available in four different sizes that include 16X16 pixels, 24X24 pixels, 32X32 pixels and 48X48 pixels. 16x16 pixel icons can be used in toolbars, menus and applications, 24x24 pixel icons can be used only in tool bars and display menus, where as 32x32 and 48X48 pixel icons can be used in applications. Colors in which XP icons are available XP icons can be brought in four different colors (monochrome, 16 color, 256 color and true/8 bit color) depending on your needs. All icon creators will provide you with icons in 256 and true colors. You can decide on the icon color to use in your applications based on your customer needs. Monochrome and 16 color icons are rarely used today. What should I get after purchasing and downloading the icons? After purchase you should get your XP icons in two formats (.ico and .gif), each format in two colors (256 colors and true colors) and each icon four different sizes (as mentioned above). So in case your purchase an icon package having 100 icons, you should have 100 X 2 X 2 X 4 = 1600 icons. Some icon developers may also provide you icons with drop shadow effect and without drop shadow along with the above. Vector icons are not provided by all vendors and those who do provide vector icons would do so only on request. Some good vendors who offer vector icons are icongalore.com and iconpharm.com. In addition Jpeg and PNG format icons are offered for free by some vendors on request while purchase. Can the icons be modified after download? Most icon creators would give you rights to modify the icons after downloading. Icons can be modified in terms of changing the icon color, changing transparency, attaching or removing drop shadow, changing or adding text to icons etc. Some good software programs using which you can modify XP icons are 'GIF movie gear' and 'IconXP'. In case you plan to modify your icons after purchase you should buy icons in vector format (.ai format). Modifying other types of icons is not possible. What is the typical price range of ready made XP style icons? The price range in which XP icons are available differs based on the icon creator, formats provided, individual or packaged purchase, terms of usage etc. A non-exclusive XP icon can cost you up to US $30 per icon where as an exclusive XP icon can cost up to US $300. 'Icongalore.com' offers the cheapest XP style icons. Their non-exclusive XP icons come for as low as $3/icon and exclusive XP icons come for $80/icon. Exclusive VS non exclusive icons Exclusive icons are those that offer you with complete rights over your purchased icons. Exclusive icons are sold only once and will not be resold under any circumstances. Non exclusive icons on the other hand will give you only usage rights. The original copyrights of non-exclusive icons will remain with the icon creator. This means he can sell the same icons to different customers. But the thing to be noted here is that exclusive icons are way costly than non-exclusive ones. In this case making use of fresh non-exclusive icons from an icon creator should be more than enough unless you want to brand your applications using exclusive icons. In most cases non-exclusive XP icons will do just as good and are recommended. Why should I buy icons when I can make them on my own? Creating icons from images is an easy task. There are many programs available in the market that will allow you to perform this conversion in minutes. But icons created in this manner cannot be used for professional purposes. Professional icons should be individually designed and should blend effortlessly into the software making it easier for your user to browse through. Creating such professional XP style icons is a time consuming task and requires much expertise. This is the reason why you should consult professional XP icon creators for your icon needs. Where can I find quality icons online? There are many websites that sell XP icons. Some of the most popular ones include, www.icongalore.com (offers the cheapest unique XP style icons), visualpharm.com, iconarchive.com, icons-online.com, iconbazaar.com and iconfactory.com. About the author http://www.ishopage.com is an all-in-one online shopping mall . This website sells computers and computer related products, fashion accessories, apparels, health and beauty products, electronic goods and toys.
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Brief Notes About Mainframe Software Pricing We don't think about mainframe software pricing anymore, we just go out buy a server hardware/software "package" from Microsoft, but did you ever tink about how they got their ideas for the usage licence, it all started with IBM and the introduction of Cmos logic technology in 1994, simnce then mainframe software pricing has steadily became disproportion to the comparatively minute hardware costs, which has been stated to be "typically four to five times the hardware cost" in terms of the system budget. Microsoft Great Plains Jewelry ? Implementation & Customization Overview Each Industry and market niche has business specific and unique requirements to ERP/Accounting System. Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains is ERP platform, ready for third party modules additions and customizations, plus being SQL Server-based system it opens you wide spectrum of integration options and tools. In this small article we'll give you Microsoft Great Plains implementation and setup highlights, typical for Jewelry retail network. Software Piracy We regularly hear reports about the cost to the software industry of software piracy, but are the claims to be taken at face value? Statistics are notoriously biased towards what the author is trying to say. Crystal Reports for Microsoft Great Plains Microsoft Business Solutions ? Great Plains is designed to meet and extend the needs of small and mid-size organizations for its business success. Its comprehensive accounting and business management applications also provide businesses with capabilities to customize various modules of the Great Plains software to fit to their specific needs. Because of these potentials, Great Plains has been targeted to the whole spectrum of both horizontal and vertical clientele. Lotus Notes Domino and Microsoft CRM Integration Well, even if the combination might look very unusual, we see the coexistence of these two systems, especially in large corporations, non-profit organizations. Technically Lotus Notes Domino has parallel structure, including Domino email server. Lotus is extremely flexible and you can program your own CRM or purchase CRM for Lotus, however Microsoft CRM has Microsoft SQL Server database and very simple Sales automation module. Let's look at the integration reasons and scenarios. Be sure that each specific case requires custom programming, tuning and support. How to Upgrade Dexterity Customization ? Tips for IT Manager If you have Microsoft Great Plains and support it for your company and have light or heavy Great Plains customization, written in Dexterity ? you need to know your options in upgrading Great Plains or migrating it from ctree/Pervasive to MS SQL/MSDE. Great Plains Dexterity is proprietary programming language/environment, which was created in early 1990-th to provide platform / database / graphical interface independence for Mac and Windows based Great Plains Dynamics. Today it is legacy and Microsoft Business Solutions is phasing Dexterity out. However Great Plains 7.5 and even 8.0 is Dexterity based application, so you have to deal with it and it's customization. Good news. Prior to version 7.0 Great Plains had plans on expanding GP functionality and so was changing tables structure ? forcing Dexterity customization to be analyzed and partially rewritten with each upgrade. Not any more ? GP structure stays the same ? Microsoft is doing new modules acquisition and unifying it's graphical interface to move all it's ERP packages: Great Plains, Solomon, Navision and Axapta to web-based Microsoft Business Portal. Still pain. Dexterity has possibility to customize existing Great Plains screens, so called Alternative Great Plains forms. This was upgrade problem in the past and it stays now ? there is no way to do it in house (until you are willing to pay for full-time internal developer ? who is usually in the learning curve). You got to bring in consultant. Recommended approach. You should have the strategy to migrate Dexterity customization to SQL, Crystal Reports, custom web publishing ? Visual Studio.net and slowly abandon Dexterity customization SQL Stored procedures - performance improvement. Consider replacing dexterity data manipulation with SQL stored procedures. Dexterity is cursor-driven language and it is not efficient when processing huge datasets. Crystal Reports. Take advantage of open and leading technology. Crystal Reports will eliminate the need in the future for painstaking Dexterity reports upgrade. Base you Crystal report on the SQL view or stored proc Do direct web publishing off your GP database. Use Visual Studio ? it is easy to find specialists and have them in staff. We are in the World when web publishing is very easy. Good luck and if you have issues or concerns ? we are here to help! if you want us to do the job - give us a call 1-866-528-0577! help@albaspectrum.com Crystal Reports - Microsoft SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server is the leader for inexpensive and middle size SQL solutions. Plus it is now capable to serve large enterprise on Microsoft Windows platform. Crystal Reports is the most flexible tool on the market and it has market recognition. Multiple software vendors offer Crystal Reports as the main reporting tool: Microsoft, Best Software, Oracle to name a few. Microsoft Great Plains Implementation: Collection Management ? Overview For Consultant Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains is very good fit for mid-size company and probably good budget solutions for large corporation. Being matured product ? Great Plains provides such horizontal solutions as Collection department automation. The most common question we hear in collection department is how we assign problem clients to specific collection manager and how she/he works with them one by one, simply by hitting next arrow button. This is not possible in Great Plains Accounts Payable module and this is where Collection Management module comes to the scenes. Fast Car Knoppix Small can be beautiful! Working with Knoppix for the past two years has been a joy. Two terms to describe this distribution, simple, elegance. See Knoppix is one of the many operating systems that runs from the CD, so it doesn't have the hardware conflicts associated with many instruction sets between hardware and software. Demand More From Your Lead Tracking Software An integral part of any quality CRM system is lead tracking software. This is the part of the system that helps you gather customer data from your sales force. The ideal lead tracking software package, however, won't just tell you where the sales are coming from, but will help generate revenue by pointing sales representative to higher conversion segments of your customer base. Microsoft Great Plains Security Setup - Overview For Consultant Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains is very good fit for mid-size company and probably good budget solutions for large corporation. Former product name was Great Plains Dynamics / eEnterprise. Both versions: old and new are Great Plains Dexterity written and Dexterity itself was planned as database and computer platform independent / transferable shell back in earlier 1990th. Currently Great Plains (version 8.0 and coming 8.5) is MS SQL Server based and the last multi-database version 7.5 (available on Pervasive SQL and Ctree/Faircom). But considering former goal ? Microsoft Great Plains has security model, which is independent from MS SQL security and works in parallel with SQL Security ERP Consulting: Microsoft Great Plains Partner Future Directions In the Clinton era the status quo was simple: you serve your local clients and if you want to expand your business ? open offices in other business metros. Great Plains Software was granting generous margins on the software sales and stimulated local leading VARs/Partners/Resellers with so-called orphan leads ? customers who lapsed in payment annual enhancement program or called Great Plains Software directly to comply about quality of service by their VAR. When Microsoft purchased Great Plains Software and formed Microsoft Great Plains Business Solutions (soon renamed into Microsoft Business Solutions) and acquired new ERP/MRP/accounting applications: Navision, Axapta, Solomon (Solomon Software was bought by Great Plains Software in the late 1990th). When Microsoft introduced Microsoft CRM ? it tried to change traditional partner reselling model, let's see what it is and why (this is our personal opinion ? we are trying to envision the future for generic ERP VAR) Basic Steps To Optimize Your Internet Security After seeing many people complain about their weak Internet security I decided to write down some things that will help you for your Internet security. Mapping Software: Putting Data Visualization on the Map Mapping Software Improves Data Visualization ![]() |
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