Getting Results

We desire to understand the world by giving names to the things we see, but these things are only the effects of something subtle. --- Lao Tsu

We're having a little cold snap here in Central Florida --- also a little rain. Not the kind of inspiring morning I was looking for, but, realize it could be a lot worse. I could be up north. Anyway, they'll be no more lame excuses for not writing anything. I've decided to seize the moment and see what happens.

It occurred to me that one's motives for writing have a lot to do with the resulting productivity. To the extent that I actually take myself seriously about wanting to be the next Wayne Dyer --- or even to gain any tangible rewards --- I sabotage my efforts.

It's a very simple principle. My writing must be for it's own sake --- just as I was corresponding with an imaginary friend. And, I shouldn't fret over the fact that I can't spell or punctuate. Sometimes I think that english teachers should be taken out and severely punished for making people feel uncomfortable with their own language.

It's a very simple principle but, (aha!) it covers a lot of ground when I look at the subject matter which I usually write about --- feeling better about things.

What's the single best tip I have to offer in this area? Not that it even comes close to being original, but that would be practicing meditation in any of its various forms. There certainly are many forms, but, what I've come to learn is that function is much more important than form. My own bias is that no matter how you meditate, whether its sitting on a overstuffed pillow or hanging from a flagpole, one should try to extend the mind-set into the rest of the day, no matter what the activity.

Is it easy? No its not easy at all, but it's much harder if we're not pursuing whatever we're doing at the time for it's own sake. When you're washing the dishes, you should be washing the dishes.

There are lots of benefits attributed to meditation, stated far and wide in the literature --- stress reduction, relaxation, pain management, increasing one's sense of spirituality, finding enlightenment etc. etc. etc.. Paradoxically, the process itself demands a mind-set which is not looking for results or outcomes --- You need to focus on the activity itself --- for it's own sake. ( --- and, incidentally, without fretting about how well you're doing it.)

It's perfectly fine if our meditation practice makes us a more popular person, cures our achne, or makes us feel that we are enlightened. But, the true purpose is to accept the present moment as it actually is and be open to all possibilities. If we do, the real reasons for our practice become so clear it's as if we just bumped into an old --- and very good --- friend.

I live in Orlando, Fl. with my beautiful and brilliant wife, my dynamic and creative 13 year old son, and a totally spoiled female Shih-Tzu. I'm retired and trying to write stuff which will help people to feel better about things. BTW, that's the name of my web site:

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