Spiritual Surrender: Living a Peace Filled Life

Are you at a crossroad in your life where you want the after to be better than the before? Do you feel as though your life is not on "purpose"? Are you scared of what the future may hold for you or angry at what has happened in the past? If any of these themes ring true for you, than I would ask you to let go, and surrender.

I am often asked what the term Spiritual Surrender means. To me it is about living each moment as it comes and not worrying about what has taken place in the past or what may happen in the future. It is about being certain that each moment of your life is being lived exactly as it is supposed to be to learn the lessons you were brought here to learn. My belief about surrender is based on metaphysical law. I believe that we create our destiny through our thought process. If I am in the state of surrender than my truest thoughts are always, "Thy will be done".

I came to this place of surrender the hard way. I was an incessant worrier who grew up in a household that was riddled with fear. My dad was an independent insurance agent and everything in life revolved around how it could hurt us and what we could do to stop this from happening. Safety was a BIG issue in our family and because of this, I never felt safe. I developed both depression and panic as a young child and it has only been through a continued practice of complete surrender to the moment that I have been able to overcome this. It is a daily practice as you will soon find out.

The breaking point for me came when my son joined the military days before 9/11 and I was faced with his deployment to war. Just to make my point here, my son just called me as I was writing this article to ask me the name of the cemetery in our town. He is filling out some form for the army and it asks where and how he would like to be buried. Not exactly what I wanted to talk about today!

It is so funny how Spirit works and I just have to get a giggle right now.

Spirit: "So you want to write an article about Surrender?'

Me: "Yes I do?"

Spirit: "Do you really think you have mastered this enough to write about it?"

Me: "Yes I do."

Spirit: "OK"

Phone rings: I notice the caller ID is my sons

Me: "Hey son, what is going on?"

Son: "Could you tell me the name of the cemetery in town?"

Me: "Why?"

Son: "I am filling out some forms for the army on how I want to be buried."

Me: (gulp) "Are you kidding?"

Son: "No, and would you like to pick out my casket or have the army do it?"

Me: "Tell the army I will take care of all arrangements."

Son: "OK, bye."

Me: "Bye" (deep breath)

The fear of losing a child, my deepest fear, has just reared its ugly head. But I get this lesson and I have mastered it. I will not go into the fear but instead I sit back and find the place within myself that knows God is in complete charge and watching over both me and my son. All is well and I have nothing to fear. I am practicing what I preach in this moment, in the now, I am surrendering this conversation to God. What I desire for my son and surrender to God, is his perfect heath and safety today, tomorrow and always. I envision him alive and living out his life happily.

If you can live each moment as it comes and not worry or fear what might happen in the future, then you can be at peace. If you can look over all of your life up to this point and believe that it has all happened for a reason and was perfect. You can be at peace. What good does it do to rehash your past and all the negative things that may have befallen you? This just keeps you prisoner to that same past and you can never move into the bright future that God would have for you. If you are able to live this moment and then the next, accepting all that may come as perfect, then you can be at peace. This is surrender.

You can get closer to the state of surrender by following these steps:

1) Every time you think something negative or are in fear, reverse your thought to encompass something positive about the situation. Find a positive perspective to what is going on. There is always something good that is taking place and it is your job to find it.

2) Believe in a positive outcome. When the "world" tells you something is impossible. Don't believe them. Believe all is possible and feel your desired outcome all the way down to your bones. You must believe with all your heart. Ask others to believe with you.

3) Intend for the outcome you want, not the outcome you fear. Don't even let a minute of your thought process be on anything other than the intention for the perfect outcome. Intend for the impossible. Intend for the miracle. Intend for peace of mind. Intend to feel the presence of God.

4) Surrender?Let Go?have no attachment to the how, why, where or when. Just believe. Hold your thoughts on the positive. Hold your belief in the positive. Place your intention on the positive. Surrender.

I bless you on your journey.

For more information on Spiritual Surrender, please visit us at http://www.isurrenderthis.com. and see the powerful tool, "I Surrender This" that is helping people all over the world release their fears and live a more peace filled life.

Free "I Surrender This" e-book available on website.

Lisa Sullivan is the creator/facilitator of "I Surrender This"

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