The Amazing Possibilities In Your Impossible Dream

There was this TV commercial a couple of years back that made me look away every time it came on. It was for some kind of a power saw and the premise was that there was this guy who built furniture for a living.

Somehow he lost his sight in an accident and thought he would have to give up doing what he loved most. But no way. It turns out this saw was so precise and reliable, even a blind man could operate it.

See where this is going? Suddenly they show the blind carpenter running a piece of wood through this super sharp, massive round blade, not even blinking an eye. Oh, it was just too much for me. It made my toes curl.

Still, as bone chilling as the whole scene was, I could see an underlying message beneath the touting of this impressive saw - there are amazing possibilities in our impossible dreams.

The power of self-belief can take us farther than we ever thought we could go. But it seems a law of nature that in order to see our dreams realized, we must meet up with the impossible and learn the secrets to conquering it.

If you're like me, there have been many times you've taken a good look at the course you were on and wondered if you would ever get where you wanted to go. Against my heart's desire, I spent years working as a secretary.

But in spite of the business suits that defined me outwardly as a professional working woman, I always envisioned myself as one who would one day be on stage in sparkly clothing, singing my heart out for my adoring fans.

If you consider my background, my musical aspirations seemed almost an impossibility. I was never one of those naturally gifted singers with perfect pitch. I would sing around the house when I was a kid and those who were in earshot let me know they weren't listening to anything pleasant. To put it bluntly, I couldn't carry a tune in a bucket.

The short version of how this all wound up is that I eventually did become a professional singer and performer. I even spent 10 years teaching others the art of singing and stage performance, which in many ways prepared for the ministry I have today.

A situation that looked impossible on all levels became completely possible because I refused to give up on doing what I was born to do.

"If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, nothing will be impossible for you," Jesus told His followers.

If you haven't achieved your impossible dream, what are the obstacles that have prevented you from doing so? Was there a time you had complete faith you would see your goals realized and then something shook you up and off your path? Will you ever re-connect with the motivation you once had to be happy, fulfilled and prosperous?

The day finally arrived for me when I had to make a choice about where I was headed. I was sad, unhappy, restless and completely dissatisfied with what my life had become.

You might say God came knocking with a huge reminder that I was incredibly far off the road He set me on when I started out. But He was going to do whatever it took to set me straight again. He had already programmed me for success and fulfillment. I needed to believe it in order for my dreams to materialize

As I began to walk away towards my failed past and into the wonderful future that was my birthright, I searched the scriptures for edification and motivation. I was greatly encouraged by Luke 1:37 which says, "For nothing is impossible with God."

These are powerful and life-transforming words. Not only that, they are true words you can rest assured in. Write them down, paste them up where you can see them, think on them every single day until they sink into your spirit and become your personal truths.

Nothing, not even what we label an impossible situation, can stop God. It can't stop you either as long as you are connected to your Creator and tuned in to the dream He planted in your heart even before you were born.

Always remember that in every impossible dream, the amazing possibilities of what you can achieve are endless.

Luanne Hunt is a singer/songwriter and author of "Moving God, Moving Mountains!" Get a FREE subscription to Luanne's monthly newsletter, "Coffee and Donuts - The Ezine for those who hunger and thirst for Christ-centered fellowship." Visit to sign up and also download a FREE copy of her CD "I'm So Happy!"

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