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Crystal-Healing the Chakras: A Practical Guide
Who among us really understands the chakras? For all that we know about these seven spinal energy points, much is still undiscovered. According to ancient texts, the chakras appear as spinning wheels of light. In fact, the word chakra is Sanskrit for wheel. Chakras receive and emit energy, which may be either negative or positive depending on the health of this energy. During the healing process, you will discover differences in the needs of each chakra. You needn't fear this challenge. Think of your chakras as a garden, with each flower requiring specialized care. Some chakras will require less attention, while others are more demanding. The dedication to this self-scrutiny makes healing the chakras as challenging as it is rewarding. The guidelines below may be modified to your needs. When choosing stones, be attentive not to the size or appearance, but instead to your reaction when holding them. Some of these crystals may be unfamiliar, but you are likely to find them at a metaphysical or rock shop. Though you may enjoy this introduction to chakra healing, it is best to undertake long-term treatment with the guidance of a trained professional. Besides being experienced, many professional chakra healers are highly intuitive. Their objective insight may help you understand the reasons for each imbalance. This can be healing in and of itself. 1st Chakra:This is the root chakra. It is located at the base of your spine, or tailbone. The root chakra belongs to the realm of the physical. If you feel grounded, secure, and rooted in the present, this chakra needs little attention. However, many are not so blessed. A blocked root chakra may lead you to grasp at the physical, becoming clingy and overly possessive. Conversely, if you're too open here you may feel estranged from your body and possessions. As a result, your generosity may be taken advantage of. Crystal Correction:A blocked chakra is opened by obsidian. This gem brings a centered, peaceful perspective, so that the impulse to compulsively acquire is replaced by an understanding of the temporary nature of belongings. To heal blocks, place a piece of obsidian on your genital region while lying down on your back, As you relax more the stone's strength will connect with your own, enhancing it. An abundantly open root needs rose quartz. Though typically associated with the heart, this soft pink quartz allows us to accept and love ourselves, so we can protect ourselves by saying no. 2nd Chakra:The sacral chakra controls our sexual energy and creativity. You need only press two inches below your navel to feel its location. The gift of a balanced sacral chakra is expressiveness and flair. A blockage may result in resistance to new ideas. A sacral chakra that's too open is evident in the "drama queen" as well as in all reckless behavior, from bed-hopping to dangerous driving. Crystal Correction: Carnelian: this variety of quartz is beautiful for opening the sacral area. Though it can be found in many colors, the stimulating qualities of red or orange give courage to the timid. This enables us to pursue our dreams, without fear-based illusions blocking our path. Conversely, if this chakra is too open, you may require lapis luizi. This historic light blue stone was highly valued in ancient Egypt and Babylon. Today, we can use its moderating properties to help us act with care. In Crystal, Gems & Metal Magic, Scott Cunningham writes: "Simply touching the body with this stone improves your mental, physical, spiritual, psychic and emotional condition." For optimum benefits to the 2nd chakra, rest this stone as long as desired. 3rd Chakra:This is your solar plexus, known also as the power center. Here resides a reservoir of untapped will and heroism. When this chakra is healthy, we understand our potential and are motivated to explore it. When blocked we may feel "butterflies in our stomach" or suffer other stomach woes. A blocked power center makes us act and feel powerless. The opposite problem happens when this energy-center is too broad. Crystal Correction: Golden Beryl is a light, lemon yellow stone that directs will and improves confidence. Consequently, it is fantastic for 3rd chakra blockages. Placing this stone two inches above your navel will free your power center, helping you to realize your goals. For those overwhelmed by this chakra, green jade is in order. This soothing stone helps channel our passions gently and harmlessly, and reduces negative impulses towards others. 4th Chakra: This is the heart chakra and its place is self-explanatory. This is the divine sphere of spiritual growth, love, resilience and high ideals. A congested heart chakra makes us overly critical of both others and ourselves. In this condition, we find it difficult to open ourselves to possibilities for love and friendship. Conversely, if our heart is too big, we may attempt to do the impossible, trying to carry the weight of the world. Crystal Correction: Placed upon the heart, green jasper helps us feel secure enough to open up and reveal ourselves. This facilitates honest and joyful communication. For a heart with no bounds try peridot. This pale, pastel green stone also recharges us by calming us down. Peridot allows us to be sympathetic but not sacrificial. 5th Chakra:The throat chakra helps us communicate both through words and physical language. It is located at the base of the throat. When this chakra is balanced, we speak honestly and confidently. If we are blocked here, our deceit is subtle. For example, we may leave out information. Alternately, if this chakra is enlarged we talk too much and without forethought. This is commonly known as "foot in mouth" syndrome. Crystal Correction: Sodalite;a gorgeous navy stone, helps with a constricted throat chakra. This crystal gives us courage and clarity. Knowing our truth, we may sound it with conviction. On the other hand, those with an expansive 5th chakra need to sound their truth more quietly. In this capacity, amber is helpful. This stone is intensely soulful. In The Crystal Handbook, Kevin Sullivan reveals that "in Viennese esoteric literature, Amber marked the resting place of the spirit or spirits believed to animate the stone." Fossilized, multimillion year-old tree sap, amber gifts us with the natural wisdom of early earth. 6th Chakra: Many know this energy center, located between the brows, as the 3rd eye. If in balance, this chakra gives us the ability to peer beyond appearances, revealing our innate psychic potential. When it is blocked, however, we limit ourselves to unexamined facts. This leads to rigid thinking and interrupted joy. However, if we are too open here we may be disconnected from the physical world. An inability to shut the psychic eye, when fitting, floods with an upsetting sense of unreality. Balance is key. As we dream, we also must wake Crystal Correction:A moonstone placed on the 6th chakra can clear the issues that blind our intuition, and open the mind to the unseen. Because moonstone is related to cycles of change, it invites personal growth. This helps us tune into flow, welcoming spontaneity and releasing rigidity. With an unnecessarily open 3rd eye, blue lace agate is needed. This pretty, sky-blue stone sharpens our focus, clearing out the clutter of psychic distraction. 7th Chakra: Wow! Words are not enough to express the capacity of the crown chakra.. Situated at top-center of your head, this chakra presents the possibility of enlightenment. Though balancing it won't make us a Buddha, it will surely carry us to peaks of spiritual ecstasy and connect us with our life's purpose. If you're blocked here, you're far from alone. A healthy crown chakra is rare. It is the gift of tireless efforts in spiritual self-development. When blocked, we may be confused about our career and lack lasting, rapturous peace. For maximum results at balancing this chakra, we must first ensure the wellbeing of our previous chakras. Having this chakra too open is rarely a problem, unless you dislike joy and harmony. Yet, we live among the disenchanted. We must be able to communicate with both the cynic and the sorrowful. Otherwise we are trapped in our own mind. As safe as this place is, it can get pretty lonely. Crystal Correction:Clear quartz is a trusted healer for all chakras, but it particularly useful in opening the closed crown. Due to the 7th chakras location, the crystal selected should be small enough to rest on the top of your head. This stone provides clarity of purpose and allows us to see the broader meaning in everyday events. In doing so, it guides us to understand and live in sync with universal truths. For those with an overly open crown chakra, hematite is healing. It is also grounding. By drawing attention to the practical realities of existence, this dark and powerful stone will help us meet our own and others earthly needs. Sidebar: Discover Your Blocks with a Pendulum Using a pendulum is a quick and reliable way to self-diagnose your chakra imbalances. To start, obtain a 6-sided quartz pendulum from a rope or chain. Many metaphysical shops carry these beauties. Hold this crystal steadily over the chakra you are most curious about. Soon, you will notice the crystal begin to move. Do not be concerned about the direction of the swing. On the contrary, width is what's important. An extremely wide swing indicates an overly open chakra, where a tight, shaky swing identifies a block. Galina Pembroke is an internationally published writer and publisher/editor of New View magazine online. New View features articles on sprirituality, astrology, self-help and more. 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