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I?m Too Busy for Me
Everyone is busy nowadays. It's hard to find time for anything. From the time we wake up in the morning until the time we go to bed, it's hard to find 30 minutes to simply be by yourself. If you are married with children, I know you can relate to what I am saying. I have a girlfriend who is single and we were having the discussion about how the grass is always greener on the other side. I said I would love to have a few days when I come home to an empty house with peace and quiet. She said she would love to put the key in the door, knowing that someone is on the other end. I had to laugh because although that sounds great, once it is a reality there are days when you wish everyone on the other side of the door would simply disappear for about an hour so you can come home and relax without having to start dinner, do homework, bathe children, iron clothes for the next day or prepare lunch for everyone to take to school and work the following day. I know I sure wish that would happen and I believe that most married women with children can relate to what I am saying. Don't get me wrong! I love my family with all of my heart and all of my soul. But if they disappeared for an hour or two, I would probably love them even more. If I had just one day when no one was yelling, "Mommy!" or "Honey!" I wouldn't be mad. In fact, finding time to be by yourself is totally necessary if you wish to live a happy, prosperous and purpose driven life. If there is noise going on around you 24/7 it's impossible to hear the quiet voice that speaks inside of us-that guides us and gives us direction on which path we should take. If that voice is not used to being heard, eventually, it would quiet itself and that is no good. I know how hectic life can be. Trust me. I know what it feels like to wish there were 35 hours each day and be willing to spend only 3 of those hours sleeping so you can get all the other things that you need to get done-done. But the problem is most of the stuff that we need to get done, does nothing towards working towards our personal development. If you simply let life dictate to you what you do with your life, you will find that there is never time to take simply for yourself. Yes, you can schedule a vacation every now and then and that is great. But, generally, on vacation you still are not spending time by yourself. You have planned an exhausting schedule that takes you here and there and everywhere. You are trying to get in all the sites and events that you can over a 5 to 7 day period. Most of us actually need a vacation after coming back from a vacation with all the activities that we've covered during that time period. No matter how hectic your life may be IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT YOU SPEND TIME EACH AND EVERY DAY BY YOURSELF TO THINK AND REFLECT ON LIFE AND LISTEN TO THAT INNER VOICE. The same way each day you make sure that you have enough time to take a shower each morning or the same way you make sure that you eat lunch each day, make it a part of your daily routine to spend time with and by yourself. When I say by yourself--that's exactly what I mean-by yourself. Go somewhere you won't be disturbed by the children, the spouse, the phone, the television, the radio, or your emails. Go somewhere you can have total peace and quiet. Pick a time that is convenient for you. I like the early morning. The reason I pick early morning is because everyone else is asleep. No one calls me early in the morning. There isn't any television or radio on or children or husband calling my name for any reason. I have total peace and quiet. But it is entirely up to you as to what time works best with your schedule. Once you find a quiet place and a quiet time try your best to be consistent in both the time and the location. Meaning, try to make sure you have your quiet time the same time and place each and every day. And simply SIT and BE STILL. I always start by saying a little prayer to God asking Him for His guidance on whatever it is that I am trying to overcome in my life. Right now, I am asking Him to help me be more like Him. I am asking that I am always mindful of the way that I speak and treat people ? especially those that are closest to me. I don't know about you, but I have the tendency sometimes to be more short-tempered with the people who are closest to me than I am with strangers. I am asking God to help me with this and to help me be more like Him in every way possible. You can ask for whatever it is that you want to work on in your life. Then, simply sit and relax. Pay attention to any thoughts that come to you. These thoughts that we receive during our quiet "meditation" periods, are God's guidance. Our spirits are communicating with us and giving us direction on things to do in our life that will bring us the results that we are seeking. You can achieve anything that you desire once you take the time to listen to that inner voice, that guiding light inside of you and TRUST it. This is important. You must TRUST that voice and do as it says. Don't second-guess it. There is no need to second guess because those directions are coming directly to you from God. Just LISTEN, TRUST and ACT. ACTION POINT: For the next 30 days, find 30 minutes each day for quiet time. Whether it is in the morning, afternoon, or evening, doesn't matter. What matters is that you pick a time and be consistent. Find a quiet place. You can decide to go walking each morning in the park; or the bathroom might be the only place you can get peach and quiet, it doesn't matter. Perhaps you can only find time during your lunch break so you decide to spend 30 minutes sitting in your car in the back of the parking lot. Be creative. It doesn't matter where or when you do this, just make sure that you do. Think of something that you would like to change about yourself, your life or your situation to make it better. And go into your quiet time with the impression on your mind and listen to your inner voice-that guiding voice. Listen. Trust. Act. It will never steer you wrong. Dawn Fields is a motivational speaker, author and coach. She has an amazing way of reaching you with her down-to-earth style and her ability to make the impossible seem possible. Sign up for her FREE weekly newsletter by sending a blank email to dawn@dawnfields.com with SUBSCRIBE in the subject line. Visit the web site at http://www.dawnfields.com. Be sure to tune into her weekly radio show Thursday nights at 9 p.m. at http://www.dawnfields.com/radioshow.htm
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True Justice and Freedom The world's idea of justice and freedom fall short of their purpose. Prison bars keep the guilty from repeating their crime while behind them. They cannot change the person. Freedom comes with a price. We have to take responsibility for our actions. We are never free from the tensions of living on the earth. We must pay the price of making a living and existing among people of different temperaments and cultures. Being in Christ is the perfect answer because he has already paid the price for our sins. Should Christians Drink Alcohol? Tea-totalling Texans? Them's fightin' words! Mind Walls Walls as a blockade seem to be an integral part of our society. Almost from the beginning of man's pilgrimage here on earth, there have been walls which have bound and imprisoned mankind. These walls are designed supposedly to protect our society, to safeguard us from taboo and abnormal personality traits. 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It showed two small children grabbing an eggo waffle popping out of the toaster, yelling, "Let go of my eggo!!" We didn't see what transpired between the two, yet I have to believe one of two things happened; one of the children would have given in and let go or the waffle would have been torn in to small pieces. Tarot Spreads: The Planetary Spread, for Insights into a Personality The Planetary Spread is an excellent layout to use when you want insight into a personality. God?s Eyes- If These Four Walls Could Talk? Can you imagine being sent out into the wilderness for forty years like Moses? If Moses would have lived his life up until then differently would God have spared him the discomfort? Was God trying to prove some point to Moses by making an example of him? What can we learn about this story? Understanding the Tarot Card Deck - Part 1 One of the first steps toward understanding the Tarot lies in appreciating the meaning of its two Arcana ? the Major and the Minor. But even before that, the novice does well by committing to memory the meaning of "Arcana" ? defined as "mysterious knowledge, language, or information accessible only by the initiate." In the Aftermath of Mankind It is life, time for breathing deep, sighs and touching without fingers. Hummingbirds whizzing by my ears, the striking fear of that buzzing sound, so large and loud. Only they can scare me. Expect the Best and Get It The famous prayer of Jabez, where Jabez prayed for prosperity, is a model of expectant thinking that we can all benefit from. "And Jabez called upon the God of Israel saying "Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I might not cause pain." So God granted him what he requested." 1 Chronicles 4:10. Terrorists Again - 14 Prayers to Protect Your Family In the last 2 weeks or so, I have been posting some prayers to deal with specific issues that my readers have mentioned to me. Do Feng Shui Remedies Really Work? THE PREMISE Selling Spiritual Stuff Spiritual stuff is a hard sell Roy and one of the reasons for that is spirituality was turned into religion a long time ago. Spirit is natural and it is who you are naturally. Religion is man's commercialized idea of spiritualism. Man included within religion his own agenda, which altered the form of spiritualism for ever more. Long ago man felt the connection to his environment and that which created him. He was curious about who and what he was and many explanations came down as he starred up to the sky each night. E.V.P. (A Beginners Guide to Electronic Voice Phenomena) WHAT IS E.V.P.? The One Who Heals It's late. But it's usually those words that you cannot sleep without getting down that are the ones worth saying the most?these moments are few and far between- especially when one learns that it is better to listen than to speak. Unfinished Business (Part 1) Most of life can be said to be bad, or problematic, or painful, or sorrowful. Every great religion acknowledges this fact regarding life. Loved ones will die; chronic and painful sicknesses will begin; all manner of afflictions to the body and mind will occur. These are sorrowful things but all a part of life. Path to Healing Some wounds are embedded so deeply that no amount of professional expertise can cure, much less heal. A famous Yale surgeon says that as a surgeon, he cuts into the body, but he can not order the wound to heal. Ultimately, it is through our efforts that healing can occur.The path to healing is a personal choice. It is a path where you choose to piece together the fragmentsand make it" whole" again. It paves the way to self-discovery, to open the door to your inner selfand experience inner harmony. And ultimately, come tomeet the child within that has longed for your love ,care and attention. The child within that is forgotten,pushed to the background, lurks in the shadows, but patiently waits to be acknowledged.WHAT NEEDS HEALING?Childhood trauma:The imprints of childhood experience is a powerfulforce. An expectant mother who lives through a stressful situation during pregnancy share the burden with the unborn child. Years ago,domestic matters were never discussed openly, especially issues about abuse, violence,neglect , abandonment and other related matters. Today, society is more aware of the potential or actual existence of abuse and violence in the home. Tragic that the innermost and safest sanctuary societydepends upon can be the most dangerous.These are issues that take its toll on the young victims. They growup with wounds, carry them around like a heavy load on their shoulders.Some never get over their trauma,it turns up at the most unexpected moment to haunt them;yet, there are those who are lucky enough to confrontit and use it to propel themselves to a healthier mind,body and spirit, successful relationships and life itself.When love is a venom:How many hearts have known pain all in the name of love. It invades lives from all walks of life, social status, add to that race or creed.No one wants to suffer pain, but it does happen. Healing a broken heart, picking upthe pieces of broken hopes and dreams, suffer the betrayal ,endure shattered self-image, re-live the haunting nightmares, the violation of one's innermost being,soul and spirit...it can take a lifetime to heal.The most traumatic of all is the violation that comes from those who are supposed to provide a nurturing environment to those who are entrusted to their care.All in the guise of love.GriefThe loss of a loved one can be most devastating. Sometimes one did not have a chance to bid their last farewell. It was all too sudden.Or one passes away after a lingering illness, with the relief that the suffering is over comes the grief of the loss. At one point and time in one's life, grief is a reality.GuiltWrong turns, wrong choices, wrong decisions-we all take wrong turns, make wrong decisions and choices.This is a human trait, even the saintliest of the saints has experienced this. We stumble, we fall, but many of us manage to get up and get on with life.The losses incurred at times may be life-threatening, or at the costof financial comfort and security or worst, relationshipsare threatened, lost ,sadly but innocently or unconsciously someone else has to bear consequences and the sacrifice.Wearing guilt on your sleeves, in your heart, in your beinginvites negative vibrations and digs you deeper into the mire.Take a look at those sad eyes,the window of the soul ,and you'll know. However,this is not a dead-end!Unfulfilled dreams and hopesLive your dream,ride on the wings of hope- this willnot always work out. One day you wake up and realize your dream never materialized and now you languish over the many years you spent trying to pursue that dream! All this while, time, opportunities and life passed you by .Hope can lead to disappointment- realize this. When all hopes are dashed , what have you got?PATH TO HEALING:Healing is a complex matter. Who has never felt the pains of suffering, be it physical, mental, emotional, material and spiritualEven our dear Mother Earth is in desperate need of healing from the abuse inflicted upon her through man's recklessness,negligence and lack of respect.There are avenues open to healing. One may choose to spend time with a professional, seek comfort from related groups,from family, but always, healing has to startwith oneself, from within that deep well of strength .It takes determination to face up to your dilemma,but, ultimately,it is most rewarding to regain your personalpower, self-confidence, learn to love yourself and enjoythat inner peace and calm.It is important to acknowledgethe pain, to recognize the cause, to be able to integrate the fragmented pieces and be willing to take it to the next step to be "whole"again.Then, you will be able to share love and peace with the world once again.Healing extends beyond the physical state- when the painis so deep, the spirit, the soul also bear the pain. It comes in hauntingly in the dark of the night , it fills a once loving heart with venom, it could ravage a once healthy mind and body. Beneath a once beautiful and graceful soul is the mask of vengeance.Venom for venom.BLOCKS TO HEALINGSometimes, the path to healing is full of potholes. Indeed, the path is covered with blocks, where healingcan not be accomplished,it's almost out of reach.Impediments on the path:denial, apathy, self-absorption and self-indulgence,addiction, putting up walls and barriers, busy-bee syndrome, compartmentalizing, isolation,withdrawal from society, cynicism, loss of faith, trust and compassion,self-pity, poor ?me syndrome, anger, fear of gettinghurt again, martyr complex, neurosis or psychosis, aggressive/ oppressive behaviour, confrontational attitudeguilt complex, resignation, loss of motivation.Sometimes, we hurt those we love most deeply, likewise, we bear the pain they cause. Time is a great healer, but don't take the painfully slow route and miss out on what the world holds for you.Let life flow for you and with you.E N D . Terminal Diagnosis and Putting Our House in Order In those days Hezekiah became ill and was at the point of death. The prophet Isaiah son of Amoz went to him and said, "This is what the LORD says: Put your house in order, because you are going to die; you will not recover." Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed to the LORD... 2 Kings 20:1-3a (NIV). To Praise Him is to Love Him; to Love Him is to Obey His Commands Some say praising Jesus is just singing. Others say it a combination of many things. Let's see what the Bible say. In the book of Exdous 15:1-3 it says Then Moses and the Israelites sang this song to the Lord: I will sing to the Lord for he is highly exalted. The horse and its rider he has hurled into the sea. The Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father's God, and I will exalt him. The Lord is a warrior; the Lord is his name. Now look at Deuteronomy 32:1 it says Listen, O heavens, and I will speak; hear, O earth, the words of my mouth. Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants. I will proclaim the name of the Lord. Oh, praise the greatness of our God! He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he. They have acted corruptly toward him; to their shame they are no longer his children, but a warped and crooked generation. Is this the way you repay the Lord, O foolish and unwise people? Is he not your Father, your Creator, who made and formed you? ![]() |
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