Who Is He?

"What do you think about the Christ? Whose son is he?" --MATTHEW 22:42, NCV

After three years of ministry, hundreds of miles, thousands of miracles, and innumerable teachings, Jesus asks, "Who?" Jesus bids the people to ponder not what He has done, but who He is. It's the ultimate question of the Christ: Whose Son is He? Is He the Son of God or the sum of our dreams? Is He a figment of our imagination?

When we ask that question about Santa, the answer is the culmination of our desires. A depiction of our fondest dreams. Not so when we ask it about Jesus. For no one could ever dream a person as incredible as He is. The idea that a virgin would be selected by God to bear Himself. The notion that God would don a scalp and toes and two eyes. That's too incredible. Too revolutionary. We would never create such a Savior. We aren't that daring.

When we create a redeemer, we keep him safely distant in his far-away castle. We allow him only the briefest of encounters with us. We permit him to swoop in and out with his sleigh before we can draw too near. We wouldn't ask him to take up residence in the midst of contaminated people. In our wildest imaginings we wouldn't conjure a king who becomes one of us.

But God did what we wouldn't dare dream. He did what we couldn't imagine. He became a man so we could trust Him. He became a sacrifice so we could know Him. And He defeated death so we could follow Him.

Only a God could create a plan this mad. Only a Creator beyond the fence of logic could offer such a gift of love.


Our lighthouses should point our neighbors to the light no one could have envisioned-a free gift of love from God through the sacrifice of His Son.

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