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Christening and Baptism Favor Ideas
Baptism and christening ceremonies are an important event that signifies the start of a child's spiritual life. As a common courtesy to guests who attend these ceremonies, the parents of the child or the host of the event often obtain party favors as a gift. Here are some themes and ideas that are appropriate for these occasions: 1. Cross - The holy cross is by far the most common theme for baptism and christening favors. There are many interpretations of the meaning of the cross. However, the cross is widely accepted as the sign of Christianity. Some favors with this theme are cross-shaped soap, candles engraved with the cross symbol, and chocolate bars with a cross on the customized wrapper. 2. White - The color white symbolizes life, joy, happiness, and purity. Yellow is another color that is often used as it can also symbolize goodness, happiness, and brightness. Sometimes these colors are used together, for example, a white angel with yellow halo. 3. Doves - Doves are a popular theme. These calm, quiet, and elegant birds symbolize purity and peace. 4. Angels - Angels symbolize light, goodness, and divinity. They are often portrayed as humans with wings and halos and have much religious significance in both the Old and New Testaments. Angels are a popular theme on invitations, candles, and personalized candy wrappers. 5. Priests and Holy Men - Priests and holy men offer blessings and guidance to people in spiritual matters. 6. Candles - Candles are commonly used in meditation and religious events and make a great gift or favor for any religious ceremony. 7. Bible - The bible is a symbol of religious perseverance. Most bible themed favors are drawn as a white, black, or brown book with a holy cross on it. There are various other themes for christenings, but these are some of the most common. Most guests that attend these events are religious, so these ideas will be helpful in finding the right favors. Nevertheless, many people choose to give favors that do not have these themes, but instead have baby-related themes, like stork and baby bottle themes. Criss White is a professional web writer on baby and new mother topics for baby and pregnancy websites. See Christening Baptism Favors for more baptism favor ideas and for baby shower supplies, information, and more baby related articles by this author, visit My Baby Shower Favors. Note: If you find this article useful, you may reprint it on your website, e-zine, or in your newsletter as long as the credits and resource box remain in tact and the hyperlinks are active.
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