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A People in Exile (Part 2)
Mother Nature has this uncanny tendency to turn upon herself ? undoing with her left hand what she has made with her right. She sends hailstorms to the destruction of her own blossoms. She unleashes a tempest upon the crop that she herself has ripened for the harvest. Lightning splits the trees that she has nurtured and sets the forest aflame. Nature is no believer in disarmament because the birds prey upon the insects and worms. The glowworm feeds upon the snail. There is no kindness in the seed, no benevolence in the forest ? for everywhere we turn all are in conflict with one another. There is something inherently illogical and absurd in life. Have you ever thought about the fact that the misfortune of one community makes the fortune of another? The courts as well as law enforcement officers depend upon the lawbreaker and criminal for their livelihood. Doctors depends upon the disabled and sick for their well being. Funeral directors rely upon the bereaved and dead that they might live. Psychiatrists and psychologists need the mentally unstable for their daily bread. Scarcity of bread brings destitution to the poor and high prices to the needy. So you see, we too, are a people in exile and the exile in which we suffer has relieved us of all else except our pains. Our present day Babylon have locked us from our personality; shut out our freedom. We have been caged from ourselves. And in this struggle to survive, many of us have lost our souls. So we are left with our sorrows and our pains. With these we pay the debt, the price of living. So it is will all people who, like Israel, suffer exile. Yet, we thank God today, the precious words of Second Isaiah. It is relevant because it has a message for those of us who have found ourselves a long way from home. It seems to be telling us to get our minds together. While we are in a world where everything is seemingly against us; where Mother Nature and living and surviving is a struggle, we get a word from the Lord telling us to wake up, get up and look up. We must wake up from our spiritual slumber, stupor of despair, state of sluggish dullness. We must get up from of our beds of spiritual bondage, chairs of soothing contentment, couches of hopeless resignation, and stools of bitter complaints. We must look up to the hills from whence cometh our help, to Him who is the author and finisher our faith, to the everlasting promises of God our Father. We are an exiled people today only because we choose to be. Each man must find the Himalayan peak for himself. God did not make us to sit down on flowery beds of ease; but we are built to climb. God has supplied us with a supernatural power; that spirit within which is able to conquer every danger and every difficulty. Therefore, we must not resign from life because of our perils. We must not allow ourselves to be listed among those who asked, "How can we sing the Lord's song in a strange land." But we must sing the song of the brave because I have learned that there really is a silver lining behind every dark cloud. Why not press on until you find it? Why not learn how to live in freedom even in the midst of bondage? The problem with a lot of us is that we suffer from terminal spiritual inertia. The spiritual power God has given us has undergone a critical shortage. We lapse into a state of spiritual bankruptcy. We have no oil in our lamps, no fuel to keep the fire burning. Be reminded today, that God has given you the power to overcome. Rev. Saundra L. Washington, D.D., is an ordained clergywoman, veteran social worker, and Founder of AMEN Ministries. http://www.clergyservices4u.org. She is also the author of two coffee table books: Room Beneath the Snow: Poems that Preach and Negative Disturbances: Homilies that Teach. Her new book, Out of Deep Waters: My Grief Management Workbook, will be available in July.
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Negative Disturbances Whenever we have the opportunity to make human assessments, the assessments we make will always betray our doctrine of man. We can always glean from what one person has to say about another, their doctrine or philosophy concerning man in general. Jesus the Great Teacher --Lessons Learned! I don't know of anyone who really liked taking tests in school if you did there is something seriously wrong with you. It just seemed as though some breezed through while people like myself always struggled. Life is not fair!!!! Some call it tests anxiety. I think I just concentrated on trying not to get the answer wrong instead of relaxing and allowing my brain to find the answer in my head. Most times the next day I could do better because of no pressure. Second golf shots are like that too! So when I received my test scores back all I noticed were the red marks and disappointments instead of how many right answers I had out of one hundred. Having said that, perfect test scores were few and far between for most of us I think. Shamanism The shaman acts as a bridge. While in contact with life in other dimensions of the universe, they also use what is available in the local environment as an aid in returning a person, place or situation back into balance. When I Lived in a Haunted House Now, I will recount in full what happened to me and my partner in a house we used to live in, before my first born was around. Instructions... Guess Work or Gods Work? I can't boast about my culinary skill, because I just don't have the natural ability to get around in a kitchen and "whip" something up. I am one of those people who lacks the imagination to throw something together. My sister on the other hand can make a gourmet meal out of a handful of ingredients and feed a family of 5. Hold On! Job was a spiritual man who loved and obeyed God at all times. Yet, God allowed some really terrible things to happen in Jobs life. A Crash Course in Tarot #3: Card Spreads Most Tarot decks consist of 78 cards: 22 Major Arcana, and 56 Minor Arcana cards. The Minor Arcana consist of four "suits", just like a deck of regular playing cards. Practical Stress Management -- 7 Spiritual Solutions Stress is amazingly persistent, even seductive. We get used to feeling tight and tense. Though positive thinking has its place, unless it is backed up by practical spiritual wisdom it tends to get overwhelmed and fade away. Religion and Spirituality - What Differentiates Religion from Spirituality? Religion is "absolute truth of life" of the physical manifested world. It is Religion and not Spirituality which forms the basis of the present society we live in. In the present the needs for following a Religion being at its minimum... it is easy to follow any Religion. Anyone... even a layman can follow any Religion but not Spirituality? The Cuddlies I finally went to the dentist today. I had been putting it off for a long time. Most of us are like that. When we know that something is going to be painful, we refuse to act until a stronger pain forces us to act. Unfortunately, that is the case with spiritual things as well. Much that God asks us to do goes against all of our natural instincts, and so we put off doing them. Quick! Throw Me A Line! I was reminiscing with a friend recently about his 'dark night of the soul' that he'd just experienced. During his pain, he turned his back on God. Raised in a traditional Catholic family he found himself very angry at God and at the church during an especially ugly divorce and custody battle. As he's coming back into himself, we've been talking and processing together through a lot of what happened and what he's been through. It took him three years to even begin to let go of the extreme rage he felt when she first left him. I had tried desperately to guide him through his hell with the help of my spiritual beliefs, but he was just too mad at God to hear any of it. His issues had nothing to do with me, but they just about ended our friendship because of his overwhelming anger at the entire world and everyone in it. Americans Need a Savior Not Another Guru Mrs. Dixon the famous prognosticator and psychic to the stars talked for several hours as my friend sat in the audience and took notes. Although she didn't believe that Jeanne Dixon was a legitimate source of prophecy she wasn't listening as much to her predictions, as she was to her choice of words. She counted the personal pronouns Dixon used like, I, me, and mine. The list of pronouns was in the hundreds. She also listed the times Dixon used words like God, Jesus Christ or the Holy Spirit. That list consisted of about a dozen mentions. I remember that I was somewhat shocked by what I thought was a hyper critical assessment of Dixon's presentation. My friend was one of the mildest and most helpful persons I had ever known and this seemed so out of character for her. I Saw An Angel At Work Sometimes you have to see something to believe it. Like angels. Unfortunately, angels are adept at not being seen, yet many people believe in them. Terrorists Again - 14 Prayers to Protect Your Family In the last 2 weeks or so, I have been posting some prayers to deal with specific issues that my readers have mentioned to me. Christian Love Actually, loving does not take any great effort on our part because it is not something we must put forth great effort to achieve. When God enters our heart, soul, and mind, love is spontaneously produced because He is love. It is a spiritual attainment. It is the result of a cause and the cause is this: God loved us first (1 John 4:19). To Praise Him is to Love Him; to Love Him is to Obey His Commands Some say praising Jesus is just singing. Others say it a combination of many things. Let's see what the Bible say. In the book of Exdous 15:1-3 it says Then Moses and the Israelites sang this song to the Lord: I will sing to the Lord for he is highly exalted. The horse and its rider he has hurled into the sea. The Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father's God, and I will exalt him. The Lord is a warrior; the Lord is his name. Now look at Deuteronomy 32:1 it says Listen, O heavens, and I will speak; hear, O earth, the words of my mouth. Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants. I will proclaim the name of the Lord. Oh, praise the greatness of our God! He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he. They have acted corruptly toward him; to their shame they are no longer his children, but a warped and crooked generation. Is this the way you repay the Lord, O foolish and unwise people? Is he not your Father, your Creator, who made and formed you? Kindness There is an inherent generosity in the human spirit to be of help, to be of service to others. What is it that makes us decide to be of service. What is it that inspires us and encourages us to be of support to others? What is it that makes you want to serve others. What is Kundalini? The Kundalini is a pool of energy that lies dormant at the base of the spine and which can be and often is, accessed, allowing the student/victim to use the energy for health, spirituality and creating their life as they were meant to live it. Dead Man Walking One of my favorite movies is "The Green Mile". A memorable scene was when the presumably guilty murderer was being brought into the jail and they announced his arrival as "the dead man walking." His sentence was already passed on him even before he was properly accused. As humans, we tend to judge others just by the way they look. Our carnal eyes can only see from the inside out, and are blind to seeing what's on the inside of us! In our own mind's eye, we are blameless, but woe to the other person who doesn't meet our perfect standards. Candle Burning to Petition the Male Saints Last NAN I explained how to petition the female Saints with special requests. This time around I'll provide some instruction on how to ask to be put in the cosmic care of the Male Saints . These are very ancient pagan rituals, which have been popularized by the Christian Church. The basic methodology is to put your request under the appropriately coloured candle on the suggested day of the week along with an image of the Saint (which you can often find on the Internet) and/or a symbol or emblem that represents the Saint. ![]() |
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