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Passions of the Heart!
There are no better people to be around than those who have a zest for life and a joy in their hearts. Few as there may be, when you meet one you just know it. There's something about them that draws you inward, some call it a persons, "Persona", I believe God would call it your, "Passion." Some say you are just born with that inner balance and security that is so magnetic. David was one of those people that had that hunger for life. It didn't matter if he was herding sheep, slaying a lion, or killing giants with slingshots, David had it, and all around him new it. They were drawn to him, the bible even states that "David was a man after God's own heart." But more importantly it was what he knew he held in his heart. It bigger than life, a higher calling so to speak, and anything David came up against could defeat him. In his heart he new that with the Lord almighty nothing was impossible. " I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."Phil. 4:13. Even more so than David was a man called Jesus who demonstrated a life full of passion. So much so that he was willing to lay down his life for his beliefs in his heart. He also had it, and people new it. There is an old saying that says, we are only as good as those we hang around. In other words, if you are a certain level tennis player and you only play against people of your skill level you will not be tested and your game will not improve. The same holds true in our Christian life. Having accountability partners, being in small groups or hanging around those that are more mature Christians in their walk only helps our game or our own relationship with Christ. But even more find someone who has it. One that has that Passion of the Heart that love for Christ and life. They're out there you just have to have a willing heart in order to find them. Psalms 73:28 "be it is good for me to draw near to God, I have put my trust in the Lord God that I may declare all thy works." There in lies the answer to "How can I have that Passion? How can I find those that have it?" Draw nearer to God, trust in him. Greg Ryan is a best selling author of the Changing from the INSIDE OUT series. A powerful five step plan to better your life, get healthier, and have more energy! For FREE mini Course click here! http://www.resolutions.bz
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When Bad Things Happen (Part 1) Rabbi Kushner in his book "When Bad Things Happen to Good People," describes how he learned one day that his three year old son would die in his early teens of the rare, but lethal disease called progeria. Progeria is a condition which accelerates the aging process. Medical authorities informed him that his son would never grow beyond three feet in height and would look like an old man while he was still a child. It was this spirit slashing and heart splitting news that prompted the Rabbi to seriously question his faith and God. Grace - The Divine Influence of God The greatest frustration in a Christian's life is not being able to get what they believe to work in their lives. You Must Feel to Heal! In my work with clients who have physical illnesses there is one consistent observation that I keep running up against. That is the inability to feel one's emotions. I Think Ill Just Go Fishin I said something last week I haven't said in years. Where it came from, I really don't know. It's funny, you're tooling along minding your own business for weeks, maybe months at a time, and then something you haven't thought about for years pops into your noodle. Angelic Art - Alternative & Spiritual Healing Therapy As more and more alternative and spiritual healings are being studied and documented they are finding that all forms of upliftment heals the body, mind and spirit. Angelic art falls within this category by uplifting the spirit. I do not claim Angel paintings create physical healings. Angel paintings soothe the emotions and create a more peaceful atmosphere helping today's society deal with the stressful world we now find ourselves in on a day to day basis. Drop the Negations What really binds us to any negative emotional state in which we find ourselves suffering is this: choice. E=mc˛, Emotional & Physical Gravity The word "gravity" is a word coined by Sir Isaac Newton to describe an unseen force that attracts objects with mass to each other. As human beings living on planet earth we experience this force as one which constantly impedes us from floating away into the cosmos. How to Pray and Receive a New Car - Within 4 Weeks! Last month, one of my readers needed a new car. He asked the LORD for it. And the Lord answered and showed him this beautiful, new SUV. Spiritual Surrender: Let Nature Be Your Teacher Although spring is just around the corner, there have been days lately where it feels as though it will never be here. I am not a cold weather person and I never have been. I often kid with people that when it came my time to come to Earth I had requested to live someplace like Tahiti, somehow my request was confused with someone else's who had asked for cold weather and I ended up in the hills of Connecticut. Not funny! As I sit here in this cold, April weather waiting for spring, the one thing I am sure of is that spring will come. Before I know it the snow will have melted and the grass will be green. The daffodils and tulips will be blooming in all of their colorful glory and I will feel the warmth of the spring sun on my face. How do You Know If You Have Psychic Ability? I am sure many of you reading this article have pondered on this subject. Are some people simply born with a special gift or is this an acquired skill all of us can learn. The End of Guilt What is the purpose of guilt? A Mothers Journey to Spiritual Surrender I have studied many of the great Religions, Quantum Physics, Mystical Awareness and many forms of Spirituality over the past 17 years. I consider myself a Seeker and a Lightworker. I am also the mother of two children. This is what has defined me for the past 20 or more years. It is a role that I love and a role that has brought deep meaning to my life. As a single mother, my two children are my world. Reflections On Eckhart Tolles Concept Of The Pain-Body First, there is the field of complete consciousness. Nurturing Your Spirit Do you ever wonder about the other "YOU ?" Kundalini and Enlightenment We all hear of the concept of the "Enlightened Master", and I do believe they exist. Strangers In This World Christians all over the world will all be tempted in different ways. One problem we all will face is being tempted to conform to the world. Everyday we face the demands of jobs, raising children, and days with too much to do in too little time. Stress starts building up and it gets more difficult to make the right decisions. John 15:19 says 'If you belonged to the world, the world would treat you with affection and would love you as its own. But because you are not of the world (no longer one with it), but I have chosen (selected) you out of the world, the world hates (detests) you.' The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly That we must live with imperfections is a fact of life that cannot be denied. We must come to terms with the silent and perennial truth that the field of human life will always consist of the good, the bad and the ugly coexisting together. Bone Box of the Rich and Famous The contrast between the two men could not have been more striking. Caiaphas, the high priest, was among the rich and famous, arguably the most powerful Jew alive in A.D. 30. He had married into the high priest's family and now was himself high priest for a year by Roman appointment. With a PhD-level rabbinic education, Caiaphas was urbane and sophisticated. I Am Not An Island or What Does God Have to Do With Animals? "May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all." 2 Corinthians 13:14, NIV Formula for Spiritual Growth The formula for spiritual growth is given briefly in 2 Peter 1:5-7. Make every effort to add to your faith goodness, and to goodness, knowledge, and to knowledge, self-control, and to self-control, perseverance; and perseverance, godliness, and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. ![]() |
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