Kachina Doll

To a shaman a kachina isn't really a doll or a child's toy. Also, it isn't a collector's piece of art or a decoration. However, it is often used that way, and that's ok too. There is a place for that approach in our lives. They do make a powerful addition to any home's decor, and make a great conversation piece. So, if you are a history buff, especially American history, a kachina collection is most appropiate. Kachinas origionally came from the Hopi and Navajo tribes in the American Southwest. If you enjoy sacred art, like I do, add a kachina to your collection.

However, if you are a mystic, shaman or are spiritually oriented, a kachina is really a working tool. The kachina acts as a connection to aspects of the life force. Some kachinas act as a contact to protective energies. All kachinas connect you and your environment to spirit forces that can be helpful to you in endless ways. They change the Feng Shui of any room or situation for the better.

So when searching for a kachina, look for it's qualities and it's historical use. If you need help with any issue in your life, purchase a kachina that is designed to target that problem. If you can't locate one that is exact to your needs, then go with your gut reaction...and trust that.

A kachina is really a type of primitive fetish, something you really relate and connect to. If you don't relate deeply, the kachina will not be as effective as a helping tool. You do need to talk and communicate with the kachina, like some speak to saints, and ask for specfic help.

If you use your kachina as a sacred messinger, keep the area around the fetish clean and clear. You want to help the kachina to not pick up negative or damaging energies. Treat the kachina and it's environment as you would any sacred object, and enjoy it's help

Finally, like all relationships, your connection to your kachina can take time. The longer you have it the more you get to know each other. So as time goes by, your kachina can shift it's help to you as your needs change.

* There are many kachinas available today, some are expensive...one of a kind works of art. However, as a working tool you don't have to spend alot to get the right piece. Remember that your connection to the specific kachina is more critical then anything.....it simply must 'talk' to you.

* As a shaman, I have seen kachinas helping people who didn't even realize that they were getting help. So you don't have to be a believer........they help anyway. Hey, we could all use a little help these days!

Jerry is a professional shaman. He publishes an online magazine dealing with shamanism and holistic living. If you are looking to own a kachina, you can find some inexpensive kachinas available for purchase in the publication. So, check out the kachinas and explore the magazine. You can view the kachinas on this page: http://www.jeremiahhuck.workzsites.com/page/page/2189668.htm

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