How Its Always Now

How do we feel the fullness of life itself?

We have to go underneath the busy mind. And go into that deep sense of being itself. Here we find love, inspiration, and our own free spirit.

In your field of consciousness, there is a deep sense of eternal, timeless awareness. It is an inner silence. The psychology of well being originates here.

Yet the silence is full. It has an amplitude and dimension to it. It is a vast power, a benign power, a power of complete and utter love. It has an undefinable quality that cannot be described. A quiet philosophy of God and life emerge here.

This is the oneness that is common to all human beings. It is the infinite unity beneath the surface of phenomena. You realize your intimate relationship with everything.

Something resides within us, an expansive loveliness, a growing lovingness, an indispensable sense of what is happening now.

Things change in our lives. We see phenomena pass before us and it appears to change us. But beneath it all is a constancy of consciousness.

From this quantum field, consciousness encounters the fullness of life. This timeless factor, this being, knows only the now. Past and future are fictions, blips of memory, but underneath it all is the continuum of the now.

Everything happens to this fundamental sense of identity. Despite the shifting matrix in your life, you remain yourself, and you remain the timeless observer.

This subtle observer is silent, never speaking, yet unbelievably alive.

This core of who you are has been called many names: consciousness, the field of infinite potentiality, the quantum dimension, the self, the soul, or your being.

This energy of precious awareness stays within you before and after your experience of being in a body and thinking about the world through the mind.

Mentally, we divide the now into past and future, but the only factor in which consciousness happens is now. Without now, nothing else exists.

What holds the now in place is you. While the mind flits here and there, mapping out phenomena, the vast power of consciousness holds everything together, and makes everything coherent.

The one factor that remains constant in your life is the present moment. And it is held by the field of consciousness. All phenomena arise from now in consciousness, and it's you in your deepest sense.

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Saleem Rana got his masters in psychotherapy from California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, Ca., 15 years ago and now resides in Denver, Colorado. His articles on the internet have inspired over ten thousand people from around the world. Discover how to create a remarkable life

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