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Money, Insanity and Wall Street
Money: the most charged word in the planet. It means something to everyone. For some, money means a blessing, for others it means a disaster. We all have heard stories of people who have lost their fortunes or their life savings trading in the stock market; but, we don't hear much of people who are currently trading and how their lives are turning upside down. For some, the process of trading is like the development of an addiction, it starts with expectations, with hopes of a relief, with desire to control money or acquire more of it. Soon, it starts turning into an obsession. Then, it controls the thoughts, emotions and feelings. Next, there is no longer consciousness about the external life, everything around turns into a distraction from the focus of trading, and those distractions must be eliminated. This is where relationships end, where jobs are terminated, and the mind is totally controlled by the obsession of trading. Whether money is made or not, is not the issue. The issue is how, at what cost is made? Is the cost a family, a spouse, a significant relationship, sanity, peace of mind, health?? Maybe the cost is not worthy. When you buy a stock or an option, you are leaving a part of you attached to it, whether you want to accept it or not; it is always in the back of your mind. Your heart, your mind, and even your body will tell you what to do. If there is pain, fear, anxiety, destruction, conflict around you, then maybe you need to stop and look again. Wall Street is always there, but your sanity, family and self-esteem may not be. Choose, because you always have a choice. Nobody can make the choice for you; nobody had made the choice for you. Money can absorb human souls, money can destroy human lives. Money is definitely a sword of two edges. It can bring joy or destruction. Your choice. Every time. © Copyright 2005 by Jeanette Castelli Adapted from the book, Wall Street Poems: Rising Beyond The Illusions, by Jeanette Castelli. For more information visit website, http://WallStreetPoems.urbantex.com/ Jeanette Castelli is an author, speaker and coach. Her education includes an MBA and a Master of Psychology. She is an expert in recovery and healing processes, including divorce, past events and wall street losses. Contact her JCastelli@urbantex.com
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Acapulco - The Stock Market Dives There is a famous cliff on the ocean in Acapulco where experienced divers jump into the sea. It is very dangerous because the water at the base of the cliff surges from a depth of 2 feet to 12 feet. The diver must time his leap so the water is at the greatest depth when he enters or he could easily be killed as many novices before him have been. Timing is the key. Can?t Stand The Heat It seems that every day I turn on the TV and find a Poker game. Texas No Limit seems to be all the rage these days. I love watching it. When I discuss this with others, their response is always the same, "You should play." Ah, but what they don't know is I stay out of the kitchen. As far as risk to reward ratio. That's a gamble I'm not willing to take. I prefer to invest my money. Sometimes I gamble in the stock market, but as long as I stay within my comfort zone (long term), I don't mind. Stock Options Trading Strategies - Lean Professional stock options traders use the term lean to refer to one's perception about the directional strength of the stock. When you own a stock option and intend to hold it for a period of time, you are aware that you will probably be holding it while it goes up and while it goes down. 9 Deadly Trading Mistakes! The following are a list of nine things you want to avoid at all costs. Anyone of them can literally destroy your financial dreams and goals! Option Spread Trading Spread trading is a technique that can be used to profit in bullish, neutral or bearish conditions. It basically functions to limit risk at the cost of limiting profit as well. Mutual Fund Expense Lies When purchasing mutual funds we are cautioned to read the prospectus, look at past performance, check out the fund manager's record and see what their expense ratios have been. Selection Vs Direction As I have said many times before in this column it really doesn't make any difference what you buy ? stocks, funds or indexes - it takes smarts to know when to sell. Direction of the general market is more important than selection of any equity. Inverted Interest Rates Inverted interest rates? What's that? Who cares? Even if you don't understand what Mr. Greenspan is saying (and almost nobody does) it is important to you because it could mean you might lose you job next year or have to cut back on some of the things you want to acquire. The Secret Method to Selecting a Winning Trading System Every successful trader has a winning system. There are of course, as many systems out there, as there are traders. Some systems get you to buy on strength and sell on weakness others do the opposite. The Club Yesterday I received my monthly issue of MONEY magazine. This issue has the special feature called "The Ultimate Investment Club" that highlights their picks for the top mutual fund managers. Let's see how their members made money for their shareholders. Hot Stock Trader: How to Pick Momentum Stocks with Ease and Simplicity Most stock traders know that momentum trading can be a very profitable activity. You can make big amounts of cash in a short period of time. The problem is, that if you don't know what stocks to look for and how to approach them and leave everyting to chance, you could end up wasting money instead of making your profits grow. The 401(K): How The Insider Has Stolen Your Retirement! Mutual funds were moderately successful in creating a presence in the stock market until the advent of the investment retirement account and in particular the 401(k). Corporate insiders persuaded the federal government to allow for the 401(k) in lieu of offering employees the traditional pension. When this happened the employees lost the protection of a specialized financial manager who could manage both the return and the risk of the retirement money of the worker. The Three Little Pigs Went to the Stock Market Three little pigs went to the market to stock up for the future. My Stock - Right or Wrong We all know the expression, "My country, right or wrong", but have you ever thought about the stocks or mutual fund you own and said to yourself, "My stock - right or wrong" and held on to your position even as you saw your hard-earned money disappearing? The Skinny on Mutual Fund Investing Mutual fund investing is a lot like Thai cooking. Everyone has heard of it, most know a little something about it, but very few actually know how to do it and do it well. To invest in mutual funds wisely, it is important to have a good grasp on what mutual funds are, how they work, and what the risks involved may be. The fact that mutual fund investments are often considered safer than stocks, options, and other investments often misleads people to think that their investment in mutual funds are risk free. This, as you will see, is not the case. Gurgle Gurgle Caught in a whirlpool and being sucked under. No life vest or other device to save you. Gurgle, gurgle. Down you go. Price Targets Every day in any financial publication you will find the Wall Street mavens giving their predictions on many stocks. It was issued here and should go there. It is now undervalued and is worth that much more. Really? Trading For A Living - Part 1 There can't be many traders who haven't at least considered the idea of telling the boss what they think of him, throwing it all in and going off to trade the stock market for a living. It's a big risk financially, and that uncertainty is what stops most from jumping ship. Is it really possible to trade for a living? Evaluation II As I said in Part I everyone in the insane asylum looks normal, but at least the doctors are sane. Unfortunately, in the insane asylum known as the stock market all the doctors (brokers) are also insane. What is a Trading Plan ? and Why You Need One? How do you make money without picking tops and bottoms? ![]() |
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