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How many people went to a cash position this week? There is no question that this market has scared the bajebers out of many investors, me included. Fortunately, I started going to cash some time ago, but I did give back a substantial amount of my profit. Your broker never wants you to be in cash. You might take it out or invest it in something else. "Don't worry, the market always comes back." Yes, and pigs can fly. Fund managers are even worse. Because I recommend selling out temporarily and going to cash does not mean I don't have a long-term program. It means I don't want to participate in a down market. CASH IS A POSITION. It is the same as owning Vanguard Index 500 when the market is going up and being in a Money Market Fund earning interest while the market is going down, but not losing your principle. Make sense? Brokers will tell you over and over that you cannot "time the market". WRONG. Just because they are not smart enough to do it does not mean it cannot be done. I have been doing it for years and have never been caught in a bear market. Even the Federal Reserve Board published a paper saying that "market timing" works. There are timing programs or services that can be bought that are very simple and easy to understand. To protect your retirement funds you must have this in place. In my column last week I called the market a Stealth Bear. It looks like it has come out of its den. You don't want to be around when the bear is running loose. It can hurt you. During this past few weeks we have seen some tech stocks lose 80, 90% of their value, but how about good ole Proctor & Gamble dropping 30% in one day? That is a stock held in a high percentage of retirement portfolios and hundreds, if not thousands, of mutual funds. It is going to be a long time before we see new highs in the Nasdaq Composite and the reason is very simple. There are people and fund managers who own many stocks that they would like to sell to get "even". Know anyone like that? This effectively puts a cap on any resurgence back to the top. I have no idea if the market is going to go lower, but the tendency is toward more selling, not buying. This is a good time to have a position called CASH. Al Thomas' book, "If It Doesn't Go Up, Don't Buy It!" has helped thousands of people make money and keep their profits with his simple 2-step method. Read the first chapter at http://www.mutualfundmagic.com and discover why he's the man that Wall Street does not want you to know. Copyright 2005 al@mutualfundstrategy.com; 1-888-345-7870
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Do You Know What is the Single MOST Critical Mistake in Trading the Stock Market?? Well maybe that's overstating it a little, but it's certainly one of the most important. Oil Stocks As A Long Term Investment The demand for world oil is increasing while world reserves are decreasing. This is a known fact. The current price of oil can certainly confirm this statement. Consensus also agrees that we will never see $25.00 oil again. The logical conclusion to our above statement is oil stocks should be a good long term investment. However, the location of the oil companies' reserves can affect their bottom line and valuation. Selection Vs Direction As I have said many times before in this column it really doesn't make any difference what you buy ? stocks, funds or indexes - it takes smarts to know when to sell. Direction of the general market is more important than selection of any equity. 401K-itis Are you one of those many people who dread reading their 401K statements? You have been watching it decline for about 2 years and are wondering if will ever stop. Just about everyone says the market will come back. Brokers say you are in for the long haul so don't worry. Any account that drops to a 50% loss has to go up 100% to get "even" and that is a very difficult phenomenon. If you have an 80% loss as has already occurred in the Nasdaq you would need a 400% rally to get "even". At 90% you have to see a 900% rise to that mythical "even". Trading Education: The Best of Both Worlds! I made my very first investment in the stock market when I was ten years old. Ever since then I have been hooked! Now I check out hundreds of trades each year with the same excitement andenthusiasm, and each time try to find that one market at the right time that could dramatically create wealth. Market Success Who are the successful investors? 9 Deadly Trading Mistakes! The following are a list of nine things you want to avoid at all costs. Anyone of them can literally destroy your financial dreams and goals! Buying Mutual Funds It looks like the market is ready to start up again so it is time to buy mutual funds, but you only want to invest your money in funds that go up. First, you don't want to start with a loss so be sure to purchase no-load mutual funds. There is no need to ever pay commissions as there are several thousand funds that have no commission whatsoever for either buying or selling. Investing in Trash Company Stocks Refuse is a serious issue in any society, about as serious as cleaning the water and air, even more so to some degree, especially if you study your history with regards to the plague. This is why it is considered one of the better long-term hold stocks to have in one's portfolio. Today people are living much longer generally due to cleaner living environments, proper trash disposal, sewer treatment plants and a relatively clean civilization. Buying New Issues Has your broker been calling you recently with the "great opportunity" to get in on a new Initial Public Offering? With friends like that you don't need any enemies. Inertia Syndrome When it comes to buying a stock or mutual fund most people act pretty quickly. There are some who will take the time to get a report from Morningstar (it is worthless) or get reports from their broker (also worthless) or even do a search on the Internet (if you know what you are doing). When your broker says "buy" you buy and when a friend gives you a "tip" you buy. Price to Earnings Ratio - P/E After finding the price of a particular stock, usually the next number everyone looks at is the P/E ratio. Selling The stock market has been going up for more than 7 months and many investors who held on through the big crash of 2000 are seeing their portfolios get back some of what had disappeared. Is now the time to sell those equities that are 'even' with what you paid for them? No. Gold Fever Right now there doesn't seem to be any "gold fever". Very few are out looking to strike it rich in this sector. Stock Market Investing: Knowing When (and when not) to Sell One of the greatest challenges of investing in stocks is developing a "sell discipline". Some of the most adept investors struggle with the decision of when to sell. Good Stock Market Tip; Good Return! Forget making a profit; instead focus on the income provided from your stock portfolio. That's right! Forget making a profit. The burden is now lifted - no more pressure on making a buck in the stock market. (Instead of trying to bend the spoon, that is impossible, instead just think of the spoon as ? omigosh! - I'm in the Matrix!) When you focus on the amount of money your holdings are providing in dividends ? and when those companies selected have a history of raising their dividends each year ? a lower stock price allows the dividends that are being rolled back into the stock to accelerate your income. The total value of your portfolio may go lower, but your income from that lower priced portfolio would increase dramatically. Profit by income! Jack and Jill Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a bucket of ?money. Money? They are continuing to fill their bucket with stocks without any consideration to the value of these equities. They are not worried at all as they are buying "safe" mutual funds. NASDAQ 800? In November of 2000 when the NASDAQ was trading at 3000 I wrote in this column that the NASDAQ Index would fall to 1500 and I got lots of heat for saying it. Microsoft had fallen from $129 to $60 per share. You know where they are today. Good News? As the man said, "I've got some good news and I've got some bad news. What do you want to hear first?" It was replied, "Tell me the good news first". The good news is that they are going to make some changes in the mutual fund industry reporting to help the investor and the bad news is it isn't going to make any difference in your bottom line. How to Maximize Your 401k Mutual Fund Returns When it comes to 401k's there is an overabundance of sad stories. Here is one that at least has a happy ending-and it's getting happier all the time. ![]() |
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