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For the year 2000 we have seen hundreds of mutual funds lose 40%, 50% and more of their value. This does not seem right since the fund is supposed to be managed by a professional. How can this "professional" do such a bad job? More than half of the funds this year will not out perform the S&P500 index which closed down about 10%. What is going on? When you put your money in a mutual fund you are supposed to be hiring someone who knows how to make money. He should be able to do a better job than you. But he has not. If this person worked for me I would fire him. You don't hire people to lose money for you. Now that you have fired this bum let's examine why he did such a poor job (pun intended). Each mutual fund has one or more analysts who are supposed to be able to determine if the stock of a company is a good buy. That means will it go up? These so-called analysts do the kind of research that Wall Street says is necessary before purchasing a stock. Yes, they do all the standard things that anyone can do such as determine company growth, profit margins, P/E rations, cash flow, etc., etc. They get all that wonderful information from Morningstar and apply statistical analysis you and I would never think of. And when it comes right down to it what do they have? You can research something until you are blue in the face, pile on information upon information, but there is one thing all this nonsense will not tell you. Will the stock go up? The kids who do this analysis (sorry, kids, you're only a man when you pick a winner) have an agenda. For the fund-type analyst he wants to find a stock that will not go down because that hurts the fund manager who gets paid not by performance but by the amount of money he can keep in the fund. He gets to skim his percentage off the top every year and never has to make the investor any money. Like paying someone to mow a parking lot. Let me give it to you in plain language. Fund managers don't know how to be wrong. It is OK to be wrong, but when they have picked a dog and it starts down they refuse to get out to preserve capital. There is no excuse for any mutual fund to lose 30% or more of its capital. They only know how to buy and hold. Many times there is nothing to buy and cash is the only good position, but they don't seem to understand that. When I was a floor trader on the exchange I was only right about 40% of the time, 20% I got out even and 40% I took a hit. When I was wrong I ran, did not walk to the nearest exit. Losses must be kept small. These money managers have never learned that basic rule. In one of the Woody Allen's movies he was asked what he did for a living. He said, "I am a money manager. I manage peoples money until it is all gone." Does that sound like your fund manager? Isn't it time to find a fund that is going up? Al Thomas' book, "If It Doesn't Go Up, Don't Buy It!" has helped thousands of people make money and keep their profits with his simple 2-step method. Read the first chapter at http://www.mutualfundmagic.com and discover why he's the man that Wall Street does not want you to know. Copyright 2005 al@mutualfundstrategy.com; 1-888-345-7870
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Never Fall In Love! Recently I watched my favorite football team lose a vital game. Is The Bear In The Cage? For the last few weeks we have seen the stock market averages going higher and higher each week yet the economic news is still very bad. Is this bear market coming to an end? Will the stock prices and mutual funds go back up to where they were? Two for the Money Look back over the years and try to remember how many different stocks and mutual funds you have owned. Suppose you had owned only 2 different equities during that entire time. One when the market was going up and the other when the market was going down. Investment Discipline One of the great "secrets" of successful people is discipline and it doesn't make any difference whether it is manufacturing, processing, servicing or investing in the stock market. China Syndrome There has been great condemnation recently because China has been selling its goods on the world market at prices below what other countries, especially the U.S., can produce. It has been called exporting deflation. Investment Lawyers and Trash Stocks The trash business in its efforts to cook their books trying to keep pace may find itself in some trouble. The efficiency per Garbage Truck unit numbers was growing exponentially at a time when consolidation has slowed as there is a decreasing number of worthy deals to make for a good value, Ah ha Warren Buffet's favorite remarks are here too. What Does it Take to be a Stock Trader? It takes a total mental commitment to the task. It becomes a complete way of life. You cannot be a part timer. You cannot work at a regular job and trade stocks successfully. So, What is This Stock Market Thing Anyway? We've all heard of the stock market and probably have a general idea of what it is and how it works either from high school economics classes, television financial reports, and the countless film depictions of what happens on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. But how does it really work and what is meant by "playing the stock market?" Stock Trading Success The ABC's of Stock Trading Success Buy Low - Sell High Now where have I heard that before? I know. It was my broker. Buying Stocks and the Importance of Correct Timing An investor can find and research the best stock on the market, one with huge potential but if the general market indices are negative, it will most likely be the wrong time to buy. A stock with tremendous accelerating earnings, rising sales, an up-trending chart pattern and a strong industry group may sound excellent to buy but will mean absolutely nothing if the market is positioned to move in the opposite direction of your expectations. As soon as a stock is purchased, the time comes for an investor to make a decision to hold or to sell. If the position shows a profit, hold as your judgment is correct. If the position shows a loss, cut it quickly and don't rationalize the situation before it doubles in size. Timing will play an important role in determining if you are right or wrong. Wall Street Paradigm In 1960 an engineer working for a watch company in Switzerland discovered that a small crystal would vibrate at a constant rate. He found this was so accurate that it could be used to calibrate time so he took it to company management and said it would make an entirely new kind of watch that had no springs and no gears. They could not imagine who would want such a thing. Swiss watches dominated world commerce. They did not even bother to patent it. Mousetrap The spring-loaded rat catcher is the ultimate low-tech device invented more than 100 years ago and remains the best demouser in the world. It is so simple anyone can master it and best of all you can keep on using it year in and year out. It always works. Box Of Chocolates Ever have one of those sample boxes of candy? Each little piece is beautifully wrapped in colorful foil or decorated with an interesting design. Taste just one. So good! One more. And another. Before you know it the box is empty. Nothing left. Emotional Maturity If you are going to be a winner in the stock market you must have emotional maturity. I did not say you had to be smart or know how to pick stocks and mutual funds. Valuation Every day I hear from the "experts" on CNBC-TV and the radio gurus that the way to buy stocks is find value. One man's Rembrandt is another man's connect-the-dots and fill in the spaces. Valuation is like beauty. It is in the mind of the beholder. Your Job There are so many kinds of work that needs to be done and you are doing one of those jobs right now ? unless you are one of those two and a half million that have been laid off during the past 3 years. The press continues to blame China and India for stealing away all these forms of employment, but they don't have it right. Bollinger Bands Strategies The Bollinger Band theory is designed to depict the volatility of a stock. It is quite simple, being composed of a simple moving average, and its upper and lower "bands" that are 2 standard deviations away. Standard deviations are a statistical tool used to contain the majority of movement or "deviation" around an average value. Bear in mind that when you use the Bollinger Band theory, it only works as a gauge or guide, and should be use with other indicators. Inertia Syndrome When it comes to buying a stock or mutual fund most people act pretty quickly. There are some who will take the time to get a report from Morningstar (it is worthless) or get reports from their broker (also worthless) or even do a search on the Internet (if you know what you are doing). When your broker says "buy" you buy and when a friend gives you a "tip" you buy. On Line Stock Trading: Small Cap & Micro Stocks Go Up and Down - How Can You Profit? Success in small cap & micro cap stock trading like with any other business in life comes from being able to see the big picture and from paying attention to the small details. ![]() |
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