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Cash Is A Position
I go to the Money Show every year to visit with friends who have booths and are speakers. Then when folks are filing out of lectures I listen to their comments on what I know the speaker has been saying. The Money Show is for investors from all walks of life; however, my guess is the median age is close to 60. Those who go have accumulated a nest egg and now are retired or very close to retirement. They came to learn more about how to make their money grow. Last year there were 256 separate events not counting what was given in the Exhibition Hall. Almost without exception speakers were showing how cash can accumulate faster if the listener bought his product whether it was a mutual fund, stock, bond, partnership or who knows what. Are there that many money makers out there? One speaker had an hour telling the market was due to crash and the thing to do was buy long term put options. He also said if you would not do that to buy some government bonds which were paying about 2 to 3%. The exit comments I heard were pretty well summed up by one lady who said, "Is he nuts. How can we live off 2%?" When you are in a bear market the old saying is, "He who loses the least is a winner". No, you can't live on that small a return, but you can lose large sums by trying to be invested at all times. There have been many years in the past where cash with no percent return beat the heck out of the stock market. Go back to 2000 and remember the NASDAQ lost 78% of it value in 3 years. Since March 2000 investors in the 50 hottest-selling mutual funds have lost an average of 42% according to the Lipper Analyst. Fidelity Magellan, the largest fund at that time remains a loser of 23% and Janus, 4th largest, is down 45%.The Buy N Holders have still not recovered their investments. If you had sold out near (I did not say at) the top, say within about 10 or 15% your account would have been pretty darn healthy when it finally did start back up. You would not have lost 30 to 40% or more of your hard-earned money. That is what I refer to as a "reverse profit". If you had put a loss limit on your portfolio of 10% on each position and taken out just enough to live on it probably would that have been less than letting it stay invested in the market? You can easily check that. Putting 100% of your money in a money market while the market is declining does not mean you are not invested. You are invested ? in cash. This protects your savings from huge losses that can and do occur regularly in market cycles. I have written about those 16-year cycles previously. The smartest investors set a limit from where they bought from the highest price their equity has reached as to where they will sell if it starts going down. Usually 10% is the rule of thumb, but it can be 5% or 20%. That is your choice. All investors must learn that cash is a position or they are sure to lose their money. Copyright 2005 Al Thomas' book, "If It Doesn't Go Up, Don't Buy It!" has helped thousands of people make money and keep their profits with his simple 2-step method. Read the first chapter at http://www.mutualfundmagic.com and discover why he's the man that Wall Street does not want you to know.
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Stock Trading Diversification This is the continuing story of our two imaginary traders, Peter and Paul. How to Read an Annual Report Every publicly traded company is required by the SEC(Securities and Exchange Commission) to provide annual reports to it's shareholders, and the general public as well. These annual reports contain very important financial information, as well of summaries of the companies progress made by the CEO, board members, etc. I use annual reports to decide whether or not im going to buy stock in that company. Planning Your Dive and Diving Your Plan ? Trading! A colleague of mine just returned from a scuba diving trip in Cozumel, which just happens to be one of my favorite places to dive. Anyway, she was telling me about an unexpected difficulty she encountered while swimming around the corral reef down about 85 feet. It wasn't anything serious but her story reminded me of something my scuba instructor used to say over and over again. "Plan your dive, and dive your plan". Swing Trading Strategies Using Swing Trading Strategies and Technical Analysis when Trading Stocks to Make Consistent Trading Profits. Valuation Every day I hear from the "experts" on CNBC-TV and the radio gurus that the way to buy stocks is find value. One man's Rembrandt is another man's connect-the-dots and fill in the spaces. Valuation is like beauty. It is in the mind of the beholder. Trading Tips No 5: Stock Trading Curve Drawdown and Commitment All stock trading and investing methods must deal with the inevitable drawdown from the most recent peak in one's stock trading curve to a bottom before reversing and making a new high. Seasoned systems traders are well familiar with the drawdown phenomenon and the importance of drawdown as a percentage of annual average returns in evaluating a trading system. On the other hand, many "investors" that follow a "buy, hold and hope" approach to the markets for the long term, don't think in terms of a drawdown when their portfolios drop in value by 10%, 20%?75%, as has happened in the past few years. But what they have experienced is an stock trading curve drawdown. On Line Stock Trading: Small Cap & Micro Stocks Go Up and Down - How Can You Profit? Success in small cap & micro cap stock trading like with any other business in life comes from being able to see the big picture and from paying attention to the small details. Bollinger Bands Strategies The Bollinger Band theory is designed to depict the volatility of a stock. It is quite simple, being composed of a simple moving average, and its upper and lower "bands" that are 2 standard deviations away. Standard deviations are a statistical tool used to contain the majority of movement or "deviation" around an average value. Bear in mind that when you use the Bollinger Band theory, it only works as a gauge or guide, and should be use with other indicators. Its A Bull, Its A Bear, Its Suptertrader! The higher the market goes the more confusing are the "experts". In the September 14 issue of Investor's Business Daily newspaper we find the great prognosticators such as: Stock Insurance You have a lock on your house. You have a lock on your car. You have a lock on your tool shed. Do you have a lock to protect your stock market investments? Moving Averages Every day on CNBC-TV they show a 200-day moving average line superimposed on the stock price history. It seems they give great credence to this manufactured line as it represents 10 months of price action. What is it? Does it really mean anything? Successful Trading ? Taking Profits - Part 1 So you're started trading, you bought some positions with your online broker, you've set some reasonable stop-losses to protect your account and all of a sudden one of your positions move strongly in your favor ? so what do you do now? This my friend, is probably the hardest situation to deal with in trading the market ? believe it or not. Market Globalization Just 30 years ago the stock market was a shadow of what it is today. There were many fewer shareholders and the daily volume was a fraction of what it is at present. No one thought you would every be able to trade a billion or more shares in one day. Of course that was in the old days when they had tickers and the word digital was something you did with your fingers. Acapulco - The Stock Market Dives There is a famous cliff on the ocean in Acapulco where experienced divers jump into the sea. It is very dangerous because the water at the base of the cliff surges from a depth of 2 feet to 12 feet. The diver must time his leap so the water is at the greatest depth when he enters or he could easily be killed as many novices before him have been. Timing is the key. It Cant Be Done Wouldn't it be nice if you were only in the stock market when it was going up and have everything transferred to cash while it is going down? It is called 'market timing' and your broker or financial planner will tell you "it can't be done". What that person just told you is he doesn't know how to do it. He doesn't know his job. Being Wrong Buying Stock is Okay Being wrong is OK, but let's not carry it to extremes. That applies to everything, but let's limit our discussion here to the stock market. What the SEC Really Thinks About Mutual Funds! Let's go into the details of why non-indexed mutual funds are such a bad deal. When Arthur Levitt became the head of the Security Exchange Commission in 1993 he had to sell off all of his individual stocks so that people would not claim that he was doing any dirty inside dealing. He decided to put the cash from selling off his stock portfolio into mutual funds. 10 Tips For Creating Wealth From the Stock Market 1. Do not spread your money too thin. Some Good News for A Change Before we get into all the good news out there, let us first take a look at what the term "news" really means. By definition, the term "news" means the exception to the norm. If it is expected to happen then it is not news. If it differs from the norm, then it is news. Seecrets on Investment: Tired of Making Huge Losses in the Stock Market ? Part 2 Fundamental analysis. ![]() |
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