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The Stock Market - Part 1: Believe It Or Not, Its Always Been Your Best Friend And Always Will Be
Regardless of the fact that the world's stock markets have shown absolutely no growth between the date of writing this article (Late April 2005) and the late 1990s, they should still be looked at with more than just a sideways glance. Speak gently to them, speak well of them to your friends, learn to trust them, cuddle up close and get to know them - and they will reward you in a way that the banks, mutual funds (Unit Trusts in the UK), pension funds and insurance companies never can or will. The Personal Stock Market Revolution is here, and it's here right now - on a computer screen near you. You see, thanks to the internet and the "information super highway" (now there's a phrase that's disappeared in the last few years) anybody and everybody can easily beat the Wall Street professionals at their own game. And it's so simple, even a child could do it. Seriously, even a child could do it. Everything you need to trade or invest on your own account is just a click of a mouse button away and it's online right now waiting your command - in fact there's so much information, there may even be too much. This is the first in a series of articles about the Stock Market and what it can do for you - if you learn to love it allow it to be your friend. So stop being afraid and jump on in - you'll never regret it. But before we progress, let's put some semi-negative thoughts into your head and then in the next article we'll try and expel those thoughts and get you thinking positively. For example, the world and his dog knows... Over the past few years the world's stock markets have been in a "slump". OK, ok - you've got me there. Yes its true (after a fashion). Here are the facts: At the time of writing the US Dow Jones Industrial Average (the Dow) closed last evening at 10198 - more or less exactly the same as it's close on the 5th April 1999 (10174) - That's what appears to be 6 whole years with no growth. At first sight your probable first reaction is; that looks awful, and I'd be inclined to agree. But as with all "bareboard figures", the truth is often concealed behind the headline. Here's the truth behind the figures you see in the media... You may or may not know that when looking at the stock markets with a view to profiting from them, you can take almost any time frame you wish - the markets are in a constant dynamic state of change. It moves by the second, the minute, the hour, the day, the week, the month and the year and whenever it moves there is money to be made (and lost by some - ask the Enron investors, including a lot of very large pension funds in America). But for the sake of convenience and space in this article, we'll just look at the weekly time frame over the year (59 weeks) from April 1999. The Bare "Headline" Facts:
However, during that 14 months...
So, althought the Dow only "officially" moved 125 points during that 14 month period, there were at least 6 potential trades for a total of 7851 points. Put another way, the Dow during that 14 month period acually moved up and down for a total of 77% of it's starting points total. Quite staggering. And each one of those points could have been dollars in your pocket (or any other currency, because wherever you live in the world you can trade any stock market you wish - and profit from all of them) Sounds weird? I'm sure it does, but you'll soon get the hang of it. Remember what I said earlier? "It's so simple, even a child could do it" So maybe it's time to re-discover the child in you and profit accordingly. In the next article, we'll compare the performances of the highly paid Wall Street fund managers and analysts. But make sure you sit down before reading it - you'll be shocked at just how bad they are! More next week... Geoffrey Cummins is a full time stock market trader and has spent the last 12 years developing what he calls his "weedy little spreadsheet trading system", giving him some unique insights into the working of the world's stock markets. Under pressure from friends and family, Geoffrey is now making his unique insights and trading signals available to a worldwide audience. No wild claims, just common sense advice and the best Risk Free Trial (a full 90 days for less than $5 a week) on the internet all backed up by his unique 3 part / 300% guarantee. If he doesn't provide you with a minimum return on your investment of 300% (the banks best offer is 3%. Not guaranteed) - he'll give you your money back. No questions asked ©Geoffrey Cummins 2005
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Stock Market Volatility In my opinion, due to the volatility of stock market prices (the rise and fall of stock prices), an investment plan should incorporate both the traits of stick-to-itiveness and common sense, and must have an advantageous, predetermined approach for maximizing each investment in the stock market. Online Investing & Stock & Share Trading: 4 Reasons Why Most Online Investors & Traders Go Broke Are you attracted to the idea of being in control of your financial future, but confused about how to start investing in the stock or share market, while avoiding costly mistakes? Understanding a Stocks PEG Ratio A PEG ratio cannot be used alone but is a very powerful tool when integrated with the basics (price, volume and chart reading). You must enjoy crunching numbers and have a calculator handy to estimate your own PEG ratio. Access to quality statistical information from the web such as past earnings and future earning estimates is essential to calculate this fundamental indicator. A variety of websites produce a PEG ratio but I have not found one site that has a reliable PEG ratio that I can use for my own research, so I calculate it myself, ensuring accuracy with the final number. Paddle Your Canoe At some time in your life you have been on a river in a canoe and hopefully you had a paddle. You know about being up the creek without one. Trading Tips No 2: The Big Lie in the Stock Market It is commonly reported that the stock market averages about 10% per year return over the long term (decades). So the investor that buys and holds a diversified portfolio of stocks or mutual funds is led to believe that their portfolio will grow by 10% per year on average. You know the mantra, “Not to worry, I’m a long term investor. On average, I’m earning 10% per year.” Ignore Stock Market Talking Heads You should ignore analysts on TV, the radio, the newspaper and all other TALKING HEADS when it comes to investing! What stocks do they talk about? - The same old group, every day of every year - Why? Because they don't know any better, they are sheep like the general public, repeating what every economic textbook says and every other economist tells them to say. Everyday, the same companies are highlighted on the evening news - A Stock Market Investment Strategy I feel that an investment strategy in the stock market can instill in the individual investor not only an assured confidence in all future stock market investments, but also an almost Zen-like sense of peace and well being. A stock market investment strategy spelled out, proven, and instilling within the investor the power to succeed in the stock market with an assured confidence. Investing in Dividend Paying Stocks I was recently interviewed for a press release through a financial question and answer format. One of the questions asked of me in the interview was: Trading Tips No 6: The High Cost of Low Cost Stock Market Information It has been said that low cost or even free stock market information or trading advice can be the most expensive advice you can get. The meaning is clear. You get what you pay for. Understanding Stock Market Indexes A stock market index is a statistical measure of changes in the securities markets. An index represents a portfolio of securities traded on the market that is considered to be reasonably representative of the market as a whole. Each index has its own method of calculation. It is generally expressed as a change from its base value. For a better understanding of the stock market, an index should be read not at its absolute numerical value but at the percentage change in its numerical value. One cannot invest in an index directly. However, you can invest in index related mutual funds. Discipline One of the great "secrets" of successful people is discipline and it doesn't make any difference whether it is manufacturing, processing, servicing or investing in the stock market. Emotional Trading The single most expensive stock market trades are those made with emotions, but, of course, you are not an emotional trader are you? Smart Day Trading Strategies to Help You Make Money in the Stock Market Stock trading can be a very profitable activity. You can make big amounts of cash in a short period of time. The problem is, that if you don't know what stocks to look for and how to approach them and leave everyting to chance, you could end up wasting money a lot of cash instead of making your profits grow. VIX No, this is not a symbol for some Latin number. The Wall Street mavens talk about this market timing device as if they knew how to use it to determine which way the stock market is going ? up or down. It is pretty obvious that brokers, analysts and financial planners have not learned the language. True Investment Road Maps If you don't know where you are going any road will get there. After you get there you might not like where you ended up. You must plan ahead for your trip. 9 Deadly Trading Mistakes! The following are a list of nine things you want to avoid at all costs. Anyone of them can literally destroy your financial dreams and goals! Market Psychology Today we are inundated with tons of information about the economy, stocks, government agencies and foreign governments. They show us charts and graphs of the increase/decrease in oil production over the last 5 years, the amount of maple syrup produced in Vermont for the past century, the time it takes to bounce a signal off the moon and all kinds of other nonsense that we can live without. The talking heads on the investment programs, both radio and TV, tell us how this is going to affect the price of certain stocks and the market in general. Well, maybe. Buy and Hold: How to Perpetuate Your Investment Losses A recent cartoon in my daily newspaper showed two guys sitting in a bar. One is saying to the other: "I did learn something from my broker...how to diversify my investment losses." Buy Low - Sell High Now where have I heard that before? I know. It was my broker. Keep Your Profits It looks like we have now entered a new bull phase in the stock market and I have a question for you. Will you give back the profits that you make this time as you did in 2000? You sure don't want to, but you are not going to get any help from your broker. ![]() |
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