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Trading Tips No 8: Picking the Best Stock Market Price
Carefully thinking through your goal as a trader is of prime importance, when picking the best stock market price. It is very difficult if not impossible to meet a goal that is ill defined. Is your goal to trade frequently, irrespective of market conditions irregardless of what the stock market price is? Or is it to trade for the excitement of it all. A more sober assessment would probably yield a goal of making money - but how much and at what risk? How do you determine what the best stock market price is? Ultimately, a well-defined trading goal should specify the desired average annual return and the corresponding equity drawdown that a trader is comfortable with, financially and emotionally. Following a methodology that meets your goal is also of prime importance. This is the key is picking the right stock market price that fits your trading plan. What if you follow a methodology that has the potential to average 30%/year return with limited drawdowns, and that performance level easily meets your goal? Would you continue to follow that methodology? Logic dictates a resounding yes! But what if that methodology calls for you to limit your trading or to stay in cash for a period of time, say a month or two, due to a lack of high probability opportunities? Or what if that methodology goes into a drawdown period? Then what? Do you have the discipline to stick with your goal and the methodology that could potentially meet your goal, or will you grow impatient and abandon your methodology? It is probably not surprising that the answer to that question is different for professionals (who stick with it) than for amateurs (who often bail out and try something new only to repeat the cycle over and over). The key to potential trading success and finding the stock market price for entry that is best for you is having a well-defined goal, the methodology to potentially meet that goal, and the discipline to stick with it. If you would like to learn more about stock trading and you have a computer and a burning desire to seize success, then you have what it takes to personally unearth Bill's Astonishing, step by step trading secrets... BUT ONLY FOR A LIMITED TIME. http://www.instantprofitstoday.org
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Historical Briefing: Stocks, Finance and Money The World Bank claims that some two billion of the world's citizens live on $1 per day or less! That fact absolutely shocked me. With this statistic in mind it becomes important to focus on all of the things that have served as money over the history of civilization. Aztecs used Cocoa beans, Norwegians used Butter and dried cod, many Indian tribes used animal skins and some of the early colonists used grains. It's worth thinking about this the next time you pick up your paycheck. The word "salary" is derived from the word SALT, which is what was the key currency of the North Africans for hundreds of years. SALT was a key commodity substance used for preserving food. Lights of the Stock Market There are red lights, green lights, blue lights and spot lights. There are orange lights, pink light and flash lights. There are search lights and micro lights. And the one you must obey is the stop light. 12 Basic Stock Investing Rules Every Successful Investor Should Follow There are many important things you need to know to trade and invest successfully in the stock market or any other market. 12 of the most important things that I can share with you based on many years of trading experience are enumerated below. Complacency Indicator If you haven't heard of the technical indicator with the stock market symbol VIX it is now time to pay some attention to it. When the number is running low, as it is now, around 15 to 18 it means everyone is happy and thinks the stock market is going to continue up or at least continue on its current path and there is no need to sell anything. This is a measure of complacency. When the number goes above 35 it means everyone is very nervous and thinks the market is going to fall. It is considered a contrarian indicator. Dividend Reinvestment Plans: Investing on Automatic Pilot If you're like many investors who squander those small dividend checks from your stock portfolio, a Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRP) might be just what you need. Just as its name implies, a Dividend Reinvestment Plan allows you to reinvest some or all of those dividends into more stock of the issuing company. Unlike purchases made through traditional means, partial or fractional shares, as well as whole shares, are available. Trend Trading - Trading Stocks Using Technical Analysis and Swing Trading Strategies Peter is a professional trader, Paul is not. Peter has a tested, proven, written trading plan that he follows each time he enters a trade, Paul does not. Peter has agreed to meet with Paul to help Paul become a more successful trader. Why Investors Use Financial Planners Do you have a financial planner? Does one of your friends have a financial planner? Maybe you take your advice from your broker. As I have said countless times before a broker will make you broker. And a financial planner won't do any better. I know. You thought they would. Patterns The Law of Chaos is the theory of random unpredictable action applied to the cosmos, mathematics, mechanics, almost everything. Those who believe it will definitely think the stock market is in chaotic state at this time. Don't you believe it. Trading Baskets II: The Crapolio, A Roll of the Dice in the Stock Market In a previously written article, we expanded the use of the term "Trading Baskets" to include stocks from different sectors or industries. Now I want to share with you an approach to day trading or swing trading that I had some success with back in the wild and woolly, pinnacle days of day trading that may still work today. Unfortunately, this basket of stocks was dubbed "The Crapolilo", a name it just could not shake. You'll see why. Does Japan Matter? For the last 12 years we have seen the Japanese stock market slowly sinking from a high of 38,000 to about 8,000, more than a 75% loss and very close to the price of the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Why should we care about their stock market? Lemmings Are Gathering Before they go over the cliff to their destruction these little furry ones get together for a party and celebration. Each tells the other how smart he has been with his investments and buying and selling of stocks and real estate. Learn to Calculate a Stock?s Pivot Point Stocks breakout from properly formed bases everyday but many investors don't understand how to locate a pivot point or what patterns to study that may contain this very important buy signal. A pivot point can be described as the optimal buy point or the area at the end of a familiar base pattern where the stock breaks out into new high territory. William O'Neil, the founder of Investor's Business Daily is considered the pioneer of the pivot point in modern times. As Jesse Livermore explains in his book (1941), the pivot point can also be described as the point of least resistance. When a stock breaks the point of least resistance, we are presented with an opportunity where a stock has the greatest chance of moving higher in a short period of time, especially when volume accompanies the breakout. Stock Valuation using the SMP Model Disclaimer: Please note that I do not necessarily purchase, own, or partake of any of the securities or other financial instruments mentioned in this article. I also do not take any responsibility for any actions resulting from any actions taken by anyone who reads this article. You are responsible for your own finances - no one else. Do your yown due diligence when researching financial matters. The Holy Grail (of Investment) Every year I go to the Money Show in Orlando, Florida. Thousands attend. It is mostly an older crowd with the youngsters about 40 years of age. I have been saying for years that until you have lost enough money trying to make a fortune you will not become serious about investing. The under 40's are shooting for the moon and it has finally dawned on the over 40's (maybe it's the over 50's) that they must find a better way to get rich. How (NOT) to Buy Mutual Funds When it comes to mutual funds, there is a lot more to success than just finding a good one. Sad investment stories like the following are all too common. I hope my sharing it with you will help you avoid making the same devastating financial mistake one of my former clients made. Stock Market Education; Day Trading for Beginnners; How to Pick Stocks The trading method you employ to approach the stock market can make a big difference in your results. What the Hell is a Stock option? A 'stock option' is a contract between two parties giving the buyer (also known as the 'taker') the right, but not the obligation, to either buy or sell a specific quantity of shares at a pre-agreed price (known as the 'strike price' or 'exercise price') by a certain future 'expiry' date. There are two different types of options that can be traded, known as 'call options' and 'put options'. Living Trust Investing: Income Considerations when the Grantor Dies A common problem I often see when working with living trust beneficiaries and trustees is the lack of attention in rethinking income strategies in the event of the grantor's death. The Skinny on Mutual Fund Investing Mutual fund investing is a lot like Thai cooking. Everyone has heard of it, most know a little something about it, but very few actually know how to do it and do it well. To invest in mutual funds wisely, it is important to have a good grasp on what mutual funds are, how they work, and what the risks involved may be. The fact that mutual fund investments are often considered safer than stocks, options, and other investments often misleads people to think that their investment in mutual funds are risk free. This, as you will see, is not the case. Red, Green, Yellow - or - Stop, Go, Go Very Fast: Which Describes Your Online Trading? Ever notice how behavior in one area of life can apply to behavior in other areas of life? For example, I've noticed a number of things while driving that apply to online trading. One of them is regarding how people behave toward traffic signals. ![]() |
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