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Minority Report the movie may not be far off if the Head of the SEC has anything to say about it. At a Senate Banking Committee hearing on CSPAN, William Donaldson said that the beloved SEC can no longer sit back and "mop-up" after scandals break. This idea of Mopping up is interesting, because if the SEC has anymore regulations then everyone will be reduced to cleaning homes for a living although even Service Master owner of Merry Maids is doing lots of legal insider trading of their stock options and that alone is telling us that maybe just maybe all that Form 4 Action is a sign of things to come? Bill Donald-Duck as they call him at the yacht club in Long Island's Oyster House, is working on ways to detect and prevent fraud before it happens. And yes that is his job to regulate, but what is he going to do, read everyone's mind? Hire mind readers and psychics? The regulation now is hurting business and money flow to markets. What is so funny is that today they are using psychics to find corporate fraud when yesterday they were attacking the psychics? Go figure these crazy insane regulators; http://www.weeklyplanet.com/2002-03-27/cover2.html The SEC chairman is also forming a policy-planning group, which is another word for COMMITTEE, yah we need more committees with more juice to bring on more headlines? This NEW COMMITTEE, with ample power is designed to anticipate problems in the markets and aims to foster more collaboration, which means conspiracy theorist parties of openly homosexual regulators, among the agency's five divisions, all of which have access to the mass media anytime they pick up the phone and want to crush another free enterprise job creating company. The SEC has now been upstaged by New York state prosecutors under Spitzer and his clan (looking to run for VP of the US on the Democratic or Governor of NY soon), and some liberals think it needs to be more aggressive. Yah, sure we had to destry free enterprise to save the village to raise a child? Although now in OKC we are seeing other power grabs for potential mass media headlines. Some possible examples of the SEC's new tone: its recent report on hedge funds and its ostensibly aggressive attempts to root out mutual fund fraud. http://biz.yahoo.com/rb/030930/financial_sec_donaldson_5.html But no one was actually damaged in the Mutual Fund trading issue? Destroying free enterprise, why are we doing this? Communism, then they will run for office once they have enough free media to insure a podium spot amongst other naysayers of this great country. Bill, Mr. William Donaldson THE CHAIRMAN of the S-E-C to YOU later, you won't last long with that attitude, took forever to commit to any position about the NYSE self regulation, since he was worried to make a career death comment until Reed took over and got to the bottom of things and changed some of this insanity of 29 board members who are in fact the same people they regulate. http://biz.yahoo.com/djus/030930/1303001122_3.html What we need is some fixing and a little less destroying. Every time the headlines come out against any company people start losing jobs in those companies whose stocks take a hit and then the investor is worse off due to a hit in those share they own, whether it is in a mutual fund or individual stocks. And this was caused by the regulators who are suppose to protect the investor. Can anyone see the hypocrisy of the unending PR agenda of our regulatory bodies? They are the worst terrorists to your portfolio there ever could be. Osama is a nuisance compared to their worthless purported contribution to our civilization, We need strong and stable markets, but these headline grabbers are not making for healthy investor confidence levels. Play it smart guys, walk slowly through the valley of death, because even if you are the biggest, bad-est TV podium story this evening, it will not matter if the valley is gone. We must take care of these gambling casino back door games but slowly and not at the expense of all we are and all we have built. The longest one-syllable word in the English language is "screeched." And we ought to make sure that our financial markets do not come to a screeching halt. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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How to Make Big Money Safely in Stock Market (1) Stock Market is Tough Place to Make Any Money Consistently A Good Fund Manager Every Wall Street analyst, financial planner and broker will tell you that the right way to pick a mutual fund is find a good money manager of a fund that has a long time record. Investment Attorneys and Garbage Stocks How is it possible that trash Companies are posting less than expected results? Trash Companies are thought of by prudish investors as some of the safest stocks to own. Ask Warren in his Buffet of Essays on Corporate America. Companies which service the needs of the people tend to stay afloat longer and respond very little to economic down turn. Most investment advisors and attorneys would agree. And anyone who has ever stopped to ponder the idea of recession proof businesses would inevitably put Trash and Refuse companies at the top of the list. What other companies? Environmental Companies, Security Companies, Cigarette makers, vice industries (gambling, drinking, risqué type businesses). What the Hell is a Stock option? A 'stock option' is a contract between two parties giving the buyer (also known as the 'taker') the right, but not the obligation, to either buy or sell a specific quantity of shares at a pre-agreed price (known as the 'strike price' or 'exercise price') by a certain future 'expiry' date. There are two different types of options that can be traded, known as 'call options' and 'put options'. How Much Information Do You Need? You have decided to buy some stock or mutual funds, but wonder which one to buy. You need more information so you call your broker for advice. A so-called "full service" broker will bury you with all kinds of reports, analysis sheets and other pretty pieces of paper, but will probably try to sell you something that makes him the most commission. Acapulco - The Stock Market Dives There is a famous cliff on the ocean in Acapulco where experienced divers jump into the sea. It is very dangerous because the water at the base of the cliff surges from a depth of 2 feet to 12 feet. The diver must time his leap so the water is at the greatest depth when he enters or he could easily be killed as many novices before him have been. Timing is the key. Bull or Bear? Cat or dog? Maybe Zebra. Shucks, I don't know, but my broker keeps telling me it is a bull and to buy this and that. It looks like he is right - for a change. I remember he said the same thing in 1999 and 2000 and I ended up losing most of my money. But it looks good right now. Attitude Is [Almost] Everything I often play a little game with myself when I have to go shopping; to the post office or on other errands. Is The Bear In The Cage? For the last few weeks we have seen the stock market averages going higher and higher each week yet the economic news is still very bad. Is this bear market coming to an end? Will the stock prices and mutual funds go back up to where they were? What is a Mutual Fund? Ever wondered what is a mutual fund? A mutual fund is a pool of money run by a professional or group of professionals called the "investment adviser." The Stock Market is a Roller Coaster: Prepare for the Ups and Downs IT'S REMINISCENT OF THE OLD children's tale about an old Chinese farmer who tells his friends his story, and they enjoin with "That's good" or "That's bad" on alternating lines: Hedge Funds You read and hear a lot about hedge funds. Unfortunately, most of what you hear is negative because it comes from the major media that has an interest in reporting negatives about them because the major media is supported by so-called standard mutual funds and brokerage companies that spend big bucks for advertising. Hedge funds are NOT allowed to advertise. Trading Stocks ?Never Forget About A Past Trade We all know that emotions control every decision that an investor makes in any type of money related vehicle. Whether is be the stock market, real estate, art work or antiques, emotions ultimately set the final price on both sides of the transaction. Some investors have greater control over their emotions while other investors are destroyed by their emotional reactions to certain events. Stealth Bull If you have been watching the stock market at all you are probably very confused. You are not alone. One day is a hundred points up for the DOW and the next a hundred down. What is going on? There are many stocks that are going up and unless you are in the right ones you will be left behind. Intervention Intervention. Now don't let that big word scare you. The talking heads on TV have been discussing it all week because the major banks of the world are going to "prop up" the Euro. Are You A Stockaholic? Today's society gives special recognition to alcoholics, sexaholics, binge-aholics, shopaholics, chocaholics and other "-aholics". What about stockaholics? Stockaholics are people who are overly obsessive about their stock market investments. Is the Stock Market for You? Many people would like to diversify their portfolios to expand their holdings. Making it big in the stock market has been a dream for many people who want to strike it rich. Many movies and books have been made portraying the ins and outs of the stock market, for some, dealing with the stock market can be very complex and complicated. There are many things needed to be understood and learned. In this article, a short overview will be provided to better understand the stock market and see the stock market is an option you would like to try. Stock Valuation using the SMP Model Disclaimer: Please note that I do not necessarily purchase, own, or partake of any of the securities or other financial instruments mentioned in this article. I also do not take any responsibility for any actions resulting from any actions taken by anyone who reads this article. You are responsible for your own finances - no one else. Do your yown due diligence when researching financial matters. Dont Buy Worldcom! A Guide to Wise Bottom Fishing Over the past few months, several investment professionals have brought up the topic of the down-and-out company of the day and whether to buy now as a speculation. Last year, K-Mart was the big news, and everyone wanted to know whether this was a good stock play. Today the news is focused on WorldCom and its downfall. Thus, some people are pondering this stock for quick profit potential. Analyst Reports When you become interested in a stock or mutual fund you can call your broker and he will send you reports on how the company is doing, what their management is like and what might be the projected earnings for the company and how the industry is doing. Great information. ![]() |
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