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Nest Eggs and Omelets
Do you have a nest egg? You know, a place you are stashing away money for the future - retirement, down payment on a house, the kids education. That kind of thing. How're you doing? If you have been putting it in the stock market you have been watching it get smaller instead of bigger. Your nest egg is becoming an omelet instead of hatching into a wonderful creature. There are places for your money, but for the next few years you will be better off in a simple savings account or money market fund. Stay away from the big name mutual funds. If you don't believe me have a look at what they have done with your money for the past 3 years. Most have lost about 50%, some 60% and more. Their story now is they are "cheap" and a great buy; they can't go any lower - but they probably will. Mutual funds only work in a bull market and the bull was chased back to the barn in 2000. The bear is now out of his cage and has the run of the premises. When the stock market bubble (let's call it an egg) broke 3 years ago your broker, financial planner, banker had no plan to protect your capital. None of them had ever seen a bear market and none were trained to protect customers' money. Brokers are salesmen and are not there to help you make money even though they think they are. Their employer not once has ever told them the great secret of the market. That secret - SELLING. Having been a member of the exchange and a floor trader for many years I learned how and when to sell. If you didn't you would not last very long. You would be broke. There is a way to keep your egg from becoming fried, poached or scrambled, but your broker will not tell you. Most of them don't know and their companies don't want you to find out. Selling and putting your cash in a money market account does not make them any money. There is a thing called a stop loss order for stocks. The simplest one is for 10%, but you can make it any amount you wish - 5%, 15%, whatever. The best time to calculate your stop is Friday or Saturday. If your stock is $40 you figure 10% or $4.00 and you call your broker on Monday morning and tell him to place a Good 'Til Cancelled Sell order at $36. As your stock advances move the stop-price up, NEVER down. This allows the market to tell you when it turns weak rather than you trying to guess when to sell. Your stock might go to $100 before you are stopped out at $90. Now is the time to protect all your eggs with a big soft stop-loss cushion. (c) 2005 Al Thomas' best selling book, "If It Doesn't Go Up, Don't Buy It!" has helped thousands of people make money and keep their profits with his simple 2-step method. Read the first chapter to receive his market letter for 3 months at www.mutualfundmagic.com to discover why he's the man that Wall Street does not want you to know.
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Buying Stocks and the Importance of Correct Timing An investor can find and research the best stock on the market, one with huge potential but if the general market indices are negative, it will most likely be the wrong time to buy. A stock with tremendous accelerating earnings, rising sales, an up-trending chart pattern and a strong industry group may sound excellent to buy but will mean absolutely nothing if the market is positioned to move in the opposite direction of your expectations. As soon as a stock is purchased, the time comes for an investor to make a decision to hold or to sell. If the position shows a profit, hold as your judgment is correct. If the position shows a loss, cut it quickly and don't rationalize the situation before it doubles in size. Timing will play an important role in determining if you are right or wrong. Finding A Good Stock One of the things people are always asking me is how can I find a good stock. The answer I give does not please them. I say, "You are not qualified to pick stock. You don't know how so don't try. Put your money in a no-load mutual fund that is going up". Who Knows? The Shadow knows. Remember him? It seems a shadow has a firm grip on this stock market. Since the terrible break in mid-April we had a rally and then a decline. Trying to choose a suitable stock or mutual fund has been like grasping at shadows. How To Be A Winner Everyone who invests in the stock market wants to be a winner. Each person's definition of a winner will be somewhat different, but there is hardly one who isn't looking for that stock that will double in price within one year. Dividend Paying Stocks I would like to share with the reader an article printed in the financial section of U.S.A. Today on March 7, 2003 which exemplifies the awesome power of a stock dividend. Stocks & Oil, Sat Jun 18th, 2005 Both the stock market and oil prices rallied recently, which seems to be a paradox, because high oil prices are negative for earnings (i.e. a higher production cost and a higher consumer tax). However, the stock market was worried about another "soft patch," of slower economic growth, and the sharp rise in oil prices suggest the U.S. economy is still expanding at above trend growth. What is Involved in Peak Performance Trading? There is so much involved in developing peak performance, that I recommend that all traders have a business plan. We recommend that the business plan cover all of the following areas. VIX No, this is not a symbol for some Latin number. The Wall Street mavens talk about this market timing device as if they knew how to use it to determine which way the stock market is going ? up or down. It is pretty obvious that brokers, analysts and financial planners have not learned the language. Discover the Biggest Trading & Investing Online Mistake Any online investor / trader seeks an excellent off or online future trading career opportunity. Despite this goal, did you know 95 percent of all traders go broke within the first two months? Why do investors lose vast amounts of wealth in one or more of the following markets ? option trading, forex trading or currency trading, stock trading, future or commodity trading etc? in such a short amount of time? Some Good News for A Change Before we get into all the good news out there, let us first take a look at what the term "news" really means. By definition, the term "news" means the exception to the norm. If it is expected to happen then it is not news. If it differs from the norm, then it is news. Eternal Sunshine There is a current movie entitled "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind". It is about a man who has had a painful love affair and will do anything to rid his mind of those pain thoughts of a former love. He sees an advertisement that offers just such a service. It seems his former lover has the exact thoughts and she goes through the same treatment. Guess what? They meet again, do not recognize each other, and fall in love again. Losses, not Profits, will Stop You from Trading in the Market Should the market turn against you, it is important that you design a system that will produce as much loss as you are prepared to take. This loss, known as drawdown, is the maximum amount by which your trading float will temporarily drop at anytime. Doing this in advance, will help you avoid nasty surprises in the future. This gives you the confidence to continue trading when the good times start once more. How Eating Bitumen Made Me a Better Trader Trading is a fascinating activity. Mid-Cap Stocks: Asset Class with an Identity Crisis Much like the middle child, mid-cap stocks have long struggled to find their identity. Carved out from the upper echelons of the small caps and the lower end of the large caps, the mid-cap sector has a rough definition of stock with a market capitalization of greater than $2 billion, but less than $10 billion. Taking components from both worlds, some analysts argue that mid-cap stocks can offer growth opportunities found in the small caps and the relative stability found in the large caps. The Big Bad Bear The big bad bear is stirring again. So far he has stretched, yawned and peaked out of his cave. After his almost year-long nap he is hungry. A nice big steak would hit the spot. Buy and Hold Investment Philosophy Wall Street has been preaching the doctrine of Buy and Hold forever. The worst part about it is the small investor (and some big ones) actually believe it. Brokers and financial planners believe it, but when you show them they can get a better return by timing the market they just say, "It can't be done". They are either lazy or stupid. Trading For A Living - Part 1 There can't be many traders who haven't at least considered the idea of telling the boss what they think of him, throwing it all in and going off to trade the stock market for a living. It's a big risk financially, and that uncertainty is what stops most from jumping ship. Is it really possible to trade for a living? The Inside Scoop on Mutual Fund Rip Offs The bear market that showed up at the end of 2000 has every brokerage house-as well as the entire mutual fund industry-scrambling to find creative ways to boost both their image and bottom line. Unfortunately, this is often at the investors' expense. Leverage - Margin Debt What is leverage? Which Way The Market I am hearing predictions by brokers, financial planners, talk show hosts and the talking heads on TV that the market is going back to its old highs - DOW 11,700 and NASDAQ 5000 here we come. ![]() |
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