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I Love You, Warren Buffet
Sometime around 1980, can't remember exactly, there was a flight of money from many countries to Switzerland. The clock makers had so much money pouring in that the banks took interest rates to zero and even for a period of time were actually making you pay ½% interest to them to put your money in their banks. Yes, it actually happened because people believed their money was going to be safe there. It was. Warren Buffett recently sold some convertible debentures - about $400 million. These are bonds that can be converted into shares of stock in the same company, namely Berkshire Hathaway (BRKA). Mr. B said the money was to be used for general purposes and possible acquisitions. Their statement indicates they have plenty of money now, but Warren is very good at buying companies that are in trouble. What Warren has done has never been done to the American investor before or at least I haven't heard of it. The bond portion of the offering only pays 3% interest. Not much, but Berkshire Hathaway has an excellent history of making money so investors would rather have 3% for sure than 5% of maybe not getting their money with another company. But here is the kicker that sets Mr. B apart from anyone else. Along with the debenture come a warrant. A warrant in this instance is like an option to buy additional shares - nothing new here. If you want to keep the warrant active you must pay Berkshire Hathaway 3 ¾ % interest. The warrant is convertible into the stock of Berkshire Hathaway at a price 15% higher than the price on May 21, 2002, about $78,000. The stock has to go up to $89,700 to break even. In other words you are giving Mr. Buffet say $100,000 for which he is paying you 3%, $3,000 annually, and in turn to keep the warrant you are then paying him 3 ¾%, $3,750 annually. He is using your money until the year 2007. Wow! What a deal - for him. The reason Warren can get away with this is that he has a great reputation for making money. If, and that is a big "if" in this bear market, the stock of Berkshire does go up you will be able buy it at a real bargain. That is the reason you are paying the premium. Today's Price/Earnings ratio is 101 and the S&P Index is 41. What will the P/E and price of Berkshire be if the P/E of the S&P goes to 17? Mr. Buffett himself has said we are going to have to be very astute to make 5% in the market over the next 7 or 8 years. Any stock in a bear market is like a ship that is in the water. When the tide goes out all the boats go down. This is a bet that investors believe Warren can beat the bear. He thinks we are in for a long-term bear from which he can't help but profit because he will not have to pay off the warrants. It is hard to believe anyone who is an astute investor would buy this; however, the offering was oversubscribed. Warren Buffet you are a genius. Al Thomas' best selling book, "If It Doesn't Go Up, Don't Buy It!" has helped thousands of people make money and keep their profits with his simple 2-step method. Read the first chapter to receive his market letter for 3 months at www.mutualfundmagic.com to discover why he's the man that Wall Street does not want you to know. Comments to al@mutualfundmagic.com Copyright Albert W. Thomas All rights reserved.
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Stock Chart Reading As an investor you will want to check out any equity before you buy it. Many investors go to Morningstar which is one of the largest providers of mutual fund information in the world. It is assumed that their information is correct. After all that is what you are paying for. The 10 Commandments Wall Street has been preaching for years and years to investors how and where to put their money. The "experts" have put forth these ideas for so long that they seem to be carved in stone just like Moses did with God's 10 Commandments. The only difference is that what Wall Street preaches is lies that will make you broke. Adding Funds Someday you may want to retire and continue to live in the life style to which you have become accustomed. According to conventional wisdom you will need less money because you will have fewer expenses than when you had to go to the office every day. Maybe. Let's hope so. China Syndrome There has been great condemnation recently because China has been selling its goods on the world market at prices below what other countries, especially the U.S., can produce. It has been called exporting deflation. The Secret Method to Selecting a Winning Trading System Every successful trader has a winning system. There are of course, as many systems out there, as there are traders. Some systems get you to buy on strength and sell on weakness others do the opposite. Hedge Fund Advertising Have you seen all those big full page ads for hedge funds in the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, Investors Business Daily? You haven't. Maybe they are being drowned out by the regular mutual funds who continually tell you how great they are. A Stock Market Investment Strategy I feel that an investment strategy in the stock market can instill in the individual investor not only an assured confidence in all future stock market investments, but also an almost Zen-like sense of peace and well being. A stock market investment strategy spelled out, proven, and instilling within the investor the power to succeed in the stock market with an assured confidence. Prosperity It has fallen upon the consumer to make our economy strong. All the politicians, economists and talking heads on TV are telling him (that's you and me) to get out there and spend your money. Buy that new car, build a new house and fly off to some remote place for an expensive vacation. Oil Stocks As A Long Term Investment The demand for world oil is increasing while world reserves are decreasing. This is a known fact. The current price of oil can certainly confirm this statement. Consensus also agrees that we will never see $25.00 oil again. The logical conclusion to our above statement is oil stocks should be a good long term investment. However, the location of the oil companies' reserves can affect their bottom line and valuation. Why Is The Macedonian Stock Exchange Unsuccessful? The Macedonian Stock Exchange (MSE) is not operating successfully. True, some of the parameters which we use to measure the success of a stock exchange have lately improved in the MSE. For instance, the monthly money volume has increased together with the number of transactions. But this is a far cry from success. Market Experience of a Naïve Stock Operator Sometime in the third quarter of 1997, someone told me that I should play the stock market. Knowing nothing about the stock market, I turned to some colleagues to seem to know a lot about it. Following their advice, I opened an account with a stock brokerage company. Well, up to that point it was simple enough. But what should do I do next? So I go to my knowledgeable colleague of mine again. But now he says nothing. Hmm... The very person who was interested in opening an account for me, is completely indifferent now. Mutual Fund Commissions You have heard about a particular mutual fund from a friend, saw it advertised on TV or read about it in some publication thought it would be a good buy. Next you call your broker to get his advice before you buy because he is an expert and is there to help you make money. Peer Groups Whenever I see mutual fund comparisons in the trade publications and in the financial section of the newspaper they almost always mention a specific fund and tell you how good it is in relation to its peer group. A peer group is a specialized sector of mutual funds that all invest in about the same type of stocks or areas of the world or size of companies or some such categorization. The Golden Goose is Sick It is finally catching up with them. The brokerage companies I mean. For years they have been feeding bad food to their flock and now the flock is rebelling. The customer has been low man on the totem pole for too long. That food has been the disinformation that has caused customers to lose large sums of money. Is Active Trading The Answer? One of the main reasons many of us get into investing is to become financially independent. Who isn't trying to amass a portfolio with enough income to ensure that we don't have to work when we should be playing golf or traveling the world. While there are several strategies to invest, is active trading one of the ways to become a millionaire? Lemmings Are Gathering Before they go over the cliff to their destruction these little furry ones get together for a party and celebration. Each tells the other how smart he has been with his investments and buying and selling of stocks and real estate. Selling The stock market has been going up for more than 7 months and many investors who held on through the big crash of 2000 are seeing their portfolios get back some of what had disappeared. Is now the time to sell those equities that are 'even' with what you paid for them? No. Why Investors Use Financial Planners Do you have a financial planner? Does one of your friends have a financial planner? Maybe you take your advice from your broker. As I have said countless times before a broker will make you broker. And a financial planner won't do any better. I know. You thought they would. Bottoms Ups If you have talked to a stock broker or financial planner in the last few days I will bet they all agree that there are some great bargains out there and now is the time to start buying in anticipation that the market will go back up. You will also find agreement from the talking heads on CNBC and those talk radio station stock mavens. No one says sell. It looks like bottom pickers heaven. Selection Vs Direction As I have said many times before in this column it really doesn't make any difference what you buy ? stocks, funds or indexes - it takes smarts to know when to sell. Direction of the general market is more important than selection of any equity. ![]() |
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