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The Top 10 Reasons to Invest in Mutual Funds
Everyone who follows the financial news has heard of mutual funds and knows the stock market has generally risen (with various ups-and-downs) for over 200 years. In fact, by most measures, the stock market has made more money for more people, and done it more reliably, than any other investment over the past 100 years! If you want to accumulate substantial wealth, you must include stocks in your investments! But, most people who "invest" don't study the market. They don't understand it, and they don't have time to manage their portfolio wisely. That's where mutual funds come in. I respect that other people have other opinions, and certainly not all mutual funds are well managed ? you MUST choose wisely and use appropriate caution! But, for most folks, a good, solid, boring mutual fund is the golden path to riches. Here are my Top 10 reasons to us mutual funds: 1. Selection. You can select from thousands of funds (you'll find one to suit your needs) and you can get information on them easily. Magazines like "Money" are easy to find. Most credit unions have information, and your local library is a goldmine ? and there's the Internet. 2. You Can Start Small. Most mutual funds will let you start with less than $1000, and if you set it up for automatic deposits, some will let you start with only $50. I've spent more than that in a restaurant! There is NO reason not to consider this! 3. Simplicity. You deposit 10% of your income every month. Just pay yourself first, then pay the mortgage, then pay everyone else. 4. Professional management. I don't always have time to research, select, and monitor individual stocks. So, I pay a professional a small fee to do it for me. A good fund manager will make you rich! 5. Compound interest. Depending on what index you pick, the U.S. stock market has gone up an average of over 12% per year for the past 10 years, and it's been almost that high for the past 20 years. The market fluxuates, but the beauty of this is, you don't care! Over 10, 20, or 30 years, the system works every time! 6. Dollar-cost-averaging. The details are complicated, but by investing every single month, whether the market is up or down, you get a tremendous boost from the mathematics. Your "average cost" will always be less than the "average price" you paid! And that is money in your pocket! 7. Diversification. A broad-based growth fund typically invests in dozens of companies in different industries, sometimes even in different countries around the world. If one stock goes down, hopefully dozens of others will go up. There is excellent protection and sound risk management built-in to these funds. 8. Specialization. If you prefer, and if you do the research, there are funds that invest in only a very small number of companies. If you can accept the additional risk, you can invest in one particular industry, or one country, or in companies of a certain size or that are environmentally responsible. This specialization offers the potential for even greater profits, but it can also bring greater potential risk. Study before you invest! 9. Fund "Families". Most mutual funds are offered by management companies that sponsor several different funds, with different objectives. They make it easy to move your money between funds, so as your goals change, you can adjust your investements with a quick phone call, or on the Internet. 10. Momentum. Once you get started, your enthusiam builds. Once you have money "in the market", you'll track it, manage it, and in all probability, your desire to save will increase. If you've had difficulty saving in the past?START! Those monthly statements will be positive reminders to do even more. Yes, you should invest in tax-sheltered retirement plans first, and yes, there are other investment possibilities. And yes, there is some risk, because the market can go down. But to retire wealthy, pick a great, long-term growth fund, invest regularly, and let the system work for you! The key, as always is: GET STARTED! Here's to your success! © Copyright 2003 by Philip E. Humbert. All Rights Reserved. This article may be copied and used in your own newsletter or on your website as long as you include the following information: "Written by Dr. Philip E. Humbert, writer, speaker and success coach. Dr. Humbert has over 300 free articles, tools and resources for your success, including a great newsletter! It's all on his website at: http://www.philiphumbert.com
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Selling The stock market has been going up for more than 7 months and many investors who held on through the big crash of 2000 are seeing their portfolios get back some of what had disappeared. Is now the time to sell those equities that are 'even' with what you paid for them? No. Stealth Bull If you have been watching the stock market at all you are probably very confused. You are not alone. One day is a hundred points up for the DOW and the next a hundred down. What is going on? There are many stocks that are going up and unless you are in the right ones you will be left behind. True Investment Road Maps If you don't know where you are going any road will get there. After you get there you might not like where you ended up. You must plan ahead for your trip. Paddle Your Canoe At some time in your life you have been on a river in a canoe and hopefully you had a paddle. You know about being up the creek without one. Protectionism First let's see what protectionism is. According to Mr. Webster it is the advocacy, system, or theory of protecting domestic producers by impeding or limiting, as by tariffs or quotas, the importation of foreign goods and services. Dividend Reinvestment Plans: Investing on Automatic Pilot If you're like many investors who squander those small dividend checks from your stock portfolio, a Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRP) might be just what you need. Just as its name implies, a Dividend Reinvestment Plan allows you to reinvest some or all of those dividends into more stock of the issuing company. Unlike purchases made through traditional means, partial or fractional shares, as well as whole shares, are available. The Stock Market - How Just One Question Will Tell You All You Need To Know About Your Stock Broker Last time we looked at the real performance of the stock market (we used the Dow Jones as a reference point) and the apparent performance that makes the headlines and can be seen by a casual look at a chart or "ballpark" figures - briefly; the Dow went up, for example, less than 50 points between April 1999 and April 2005 - essentially 6 years with no growth! Buy Low - Sell High Now where have I heard that before? I know. It was my broker. What Are You Waiting For? Do you own any mutual funds? In an IRA or 401K or wherever. Privately or at work. Stocks: Understand What You Buy! "There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action!" Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 - 1832) 3 Components Needed for Beating the Market Time to look back The Next Bull Market We are already in it, but you can't see it. It doesn't look like the one we had in '99. Like the magician who has you watching what he wants you to and with the other hand he is doing something else that is what is happening in the stock market today. The magician is the Dow Jones Industrial Average, the Nasdaq or the S&P500 Index. These have John Q. Public mesmerized. Stock Market Volatility In my opinion, due to the volatility of stock market prices (the rise and fall of stock prices), an investment plan should incorporate both the traits of stick-to-itiveness and common sense, and must have an advantageous, predetermined approach for maximizing each investment in the stock market. Mutual Funds are Dead You may have wondered why your mutual funds have been going down for the past 2 years. The answer is very simple, but not one you will hear from Wall Street as they want you to send money. Market Globalization Just 30 years ago the stock market was a shadow of what it is today. There were many fewer shareholders and the daily volume was a fraction of what it is at present. No one thought you would every be able to trade a billion or more shares in one day. Of course that was in the old days when they had tickers and the word digital was something you did with your fingers. How Much Information Do You Need? You have decided to buy some stock or mutual funds, but wonder which one to buy. You need more information so you call your broker for advice. A so-called "full service" broker will bury you with all kinds of reports, analysis sheets and other pretty pieces of paper, but will probably try to sell you something that makes him the most commission. How to Read an Annual Report Every publicly traded company is required by the SEC(Securities and Exchange Commission) to provide annual reports to it's shareholders, and the general public as well. These annual reports contain very important financial information, as well of summaries of the companies progress made by the CEO, board members, etc. I use annual reports to decide whether or not im going to buy stock in that company. Advisory Service for You? It depends on your level of understanding of the market and the amount of money you have. Humpty Dumpty the Stock Market Falls Down Humpty Dumpty had a great fall and all the King's horsemen could not put Humpty Dumpty back together again. Stock Trading Secrets? How often have you come across an advertisement or e-mail proclaiming to "teach" you the stock trading secrets that Wall Street Insiders don't want you to know? Usually included in the descriptions of these trading products are claims such as "Make 10K monthly in minutes per day", or "Learn the secrets of Professional Stock Brokers", etc. etc. So what are these "secrets" that they are SELLING? ![]() |
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