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Overcoming Stress: Successful Living The Easy Way
So many of us live a stressful life. Unfortunately, when we are unable to take the time that we all need to nurture ourselves we fall victim to self?pity, depression, or burn-out. What we all really need to snap-out-of-it is a few minutes or a few hours of self-serving attention and pampering. (Or maybe more like an extended vacation!) We live in such a fast-paced society that we are not always permitted the time that we all require to be whole, happy and healthy human beings. But who really puts those time constraints on us? Since when did we start letting others control our time and our destiny? I know that when I was much younger that there was no way possible that anyone else could tell me what and when I should do anything. But as many of us get older we begin to mellow and accept the fact that in order to get ahead in life we need to conform a little more. (ouch) In reality, that is probably a good thing for us. But sometimes we go too far, and we forget about feeding our own inner free-spirits. Sometimes, we just need to play. Let's take a little time to get back to what is real. Let's remember to listen to our inner voices and begin once again to feed and care for our inner free-spirits. Youth is wonderful because of it's freedom and because it's a time of less responsibility. Maturity, hopefully, brings security and success, due mostly to increased realization of responsibility and our acceptance of it. Is there a happy medium? Can we find both a care-free attitude while still fulfilling our responsibilities that lead to security? In our journey to achieve just that, we may indeed discover our own immortality. For after all, it's through living life to it's fullest that we all may discover our own piece of heaven, right here on earth. Remember each and every day to count your blessings. And remember that it is up to you to take care of your responsibilities, but also know that it is essential that you feed your own soul with the things that truly make life worth living. There is a time and purpose for everything. It is in achieving balance in all things that we find true happiness. So take a little time each day to take care of the things in your life that must be tended to. But also remember that your need to be care-free, your need to play is also part of your responsibility as well. Do not allow others to dictate your life. It is only by giving to others joyfully and without resentment that your true humanity is revealed. Be your own Master. Acknowledge your own Inner Truth. Listen to your Soul. For only you hold the ultimate power to your own personal fulfillment. It is by taking care of your own needs first that you can truly begin to give to others. You are worthy. Claim it. Know it. Be it. Copyright © 2005 Sherry Sims Sherry Sims has spent the last 20 years assisting people as a professional psychic, intuitive counselor, energy healer and teacher. Helping people to resolve personal and relationship issues has been at the core of her work. She gently assists her clients to accept their true power which allows them to begin taking control of their lives through healing, awareness, and self-love. To learn more about creating happiness and fulfillment in your life you will want to sign up for her free newsletter: SIMPLE MAGIC ? Creating the Life You Want. For more articles by Sherry Sims please visit http://Mystic-Hearts.com
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Stress Management and Mastery: How to Handle Change Q. I have just recently come to recognize that I don't handle change very well, although my husband and friends have told me that for years. I seem to have trouble with changes that are out of my control. And then when I try to change things I want to change, I just don't know what to do and get bogged down. What do you recommend? Slow Down, You Move Too Fast "Slow down, you move too fast, you've got to make the [moment] last!" Dealing With Stress in Our Overworked Lives As small business owners, we often take on more than we can handle. Wearing all the hats running our businesses, as well as the other commitments we have (i.e. volunteer work, family, etc.), can sometimes leave us feeling overworked, frustrated, and stressed out. The Art of Worrying I am worried. I have been biting my nails for weeks and now there is not much left (skin doesn't taste very good) on my hands and feet to chew on. I have been bent over the sink retching, I am constantly nauseated with pounding headaches beating out a death march in my skull and yet, life goes on. To say I am worried is placing the situation into a category far above its position ? I am sick with worry. I am worried to death and I am sick of being worried about nothing. I am even tired of being worried about being worried about nothing - and I worry about that as well! How To Reduce Stress and Ease Worries in Just 3 Minutes Meditation, relaxation and visualisation are the standard recommendations for reducing stress, and they are all beneficial and useful to us in many ways, however, they are not so easy to put into use when stress strikes with it's disruptive companions frustration, overwhelm, confusion, anxiety etc in full attendance. Stress Control: Tough Leadership vs. Easy Does It Tough leaders are usually seen as ogres. Their exacting demands and high expectations add to stress levels. And their obsessive compulsive behavior can have a negative effect on results if they don't understand how to control stress to get positive results without serious negative reactions. 7 Tips to Help You De-stress & Handle Your Problems Life would be so wonderful if it weren't for other people. Let's face it, people will upset you. They will say things that will hurt your feeling. Stressed Out? It May Be Your Job "I'm stressed out." How to Cope When Things Go Wrong There are times in every person's life when things do not go according to the way we would like. All of us have our ups and downs. These can consist of periods of poor health, emotional problems, financial struggles, relationship challenges, accidents and the like. Are You Taking Notice? What Are Your Warning Signs Stress Is Building Up? Many people recognise the warning signs that stress may be just around the corner. The trouble is that most of us rarely listen to them. Instead most of us choose to ignore them, until we become overwhelmed. Stress Management and Mastery: How to Learn from Mistakes Q. I've been told that I need to learn from my mistakes. But telling me to learn from my mistakes is easier said than done. How exactly does it happen? Secrets to Aromatherapy II - Psychological Complaints Aromatherapy is very therapeutic when it comes to healing emotional and psychological conditions. This is because the essential oils from plants contain all kinds of compounds, phytoestrogens and phytochemicals that have the ability to subtly alter brain chemistry for the better. Keeping You Stress Free! We function at our best when we are free from stress, relaxed, confident and focused. Feeling the adrenalin flow and achieving a deadline by the skin of our teeth may be exhilarating in the short term but as a way of life can be detrimental to both health and happiness. Stress has a habit of creeping up on us very slowly. At first it may just show itself in low-level irritation and then possibly some sleepless nights and eventually a feeling of being out of control, time off work and, if unchecked, some form of serious illness. Stress Symptoms Stress relief and management Top 10 Tips on Managing Conflict, Emotional Tension, and Anger To be a safe and predictable person for those around you at work and at home, it is essential that you are able to maintain your composure when you feel like your 'buttons' are being pushed. This strength will help you to achieve your goals in business as well as your goals for your personal relationships. Reduce Stress To Maximize Efficiency The right amount of stress can be good for you, such as when an impending deadline pushes you to work faster. Too much stress, however, becomes conterproductive because you start to make mistakes, become confused and muddled, or lose concentration. Mindfulness and Laughter: Gaining Clarity While Giggling Life is funny. Natural Stress Relief - Without a Doctor! Are you looking for stress relief? No drugs, no meditation? Have you ever thought about taking up a craft? In fact, doing a craft is a prescription for good health. And more importantly you do not need to be good at the craft to benefit! Stress and Your Immune System: 10 Ways to Relax and Rejuvenate Stress seems to have become a constant factor in today's fast-paced society. If left unchecked, it can wreak havoc upon our health. Learning how to effectively manage stress can mean the difference between being robust and full of life, or becoming susceptible to illness and disease. Stress can weaken the immune system and accelerate the aging process. The ability to relax and rejuvenate promotes wellness, vitality and longevity. Stop Yourself Reacting To Other People When They Push Your Buttons We all know what it feels like to have our buttons pushed. Something happens, that seems to take us over, every muscle in our body tightens up and we turn into somebody no one wants to be around. ![]() |
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