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Everything You Always Wanted to Know About How to Get a Life, But Didnt Know Whom to Ask
Question 1 "How do I get more time to play?" Answer: Schedule it in. Why? Because if you don't schedule it you will generally let other things have a higher priority and put yourself and a life further down the list. So just write 15 minutes a day, play time into your diary and don't change it for anything. To get started, get your diary NOW and write in one fun thing you have been hanging out to do. Call a friend and tell them that you are going to do it, and DO IT today. Question 2 "What happens when I feel guilty for not working?" Answer: Get over it, and value yourself. Here's why: Emotions like guilt are more damaging to your health than physical stress. So, when you feel guilty for taking a break reward yourself for noticing and tack an extra five minutes playtime onto that break. If you give yourself a hard time for feeling guilty you add more stress. Relax and realise you are human we all need a break. Even your computer gets downtime and goes into "energy save" mode. Question 3 "How do I stop myself getting frustrated with life?" Answer: Realise your expectations are just that, your expectations. Why? Because you only get frustrated when your expectations are not met. Get over that you cannot control everything or everyone. Relax and go with the flow. Ylang Ylang essential oil helps release anger that can come from frustration. It helps you relax and enjoy life your life. Vaporise it at home and work to relax. Question 4 "Where do I get the discipline to say No?" Answer: Realise discipline is easier to handle than regret. Here's why: You cannot turn back time, and regret sucks the life out of you. Saying no to stuff that is draining your energy for life, feeds you the energy to keep saying no. Consider living by the rule "If its hard to do, all the more reason to do it". If you play that game, you have self-discipline and can say NO easily. Question 5 "How do I leave work on time?" Answer: Make you the priority. Why? Because you are the only one in control of your life and it's only you who can make it happen. Start telling yourself and everyone else that you finish and leave work at 5pm. If you keep saying you never get away on time, you won't. Use positive language to get what you want. Question 6 "What happens if I ask for what I want?" Answer: You will gain the respect of others for actually asking for help. Here's why: People admire people who are straight and honest with them. It helps validate how they are also feeling. We all basically want the same things in life, but most people won't show their "humanness" and ask for what they want. If you don't ask in the first place you have no possibility of getting it. So create the possibility and ask for what you want. Question 7 "How do I get a social life?" Answer: Get out and meet people. Why? Hiding from life only fuels the problem. Stop using work as an excuse and an avoidance tactic. Go for quality people and outings not quantity at first. If you need to be in control, bring people to your safe place like maybe home or local café and have a casual dinner or lunch. Question 8 "Why don't I feel deserving of rest time?" Answer: You have too much fun whining about it. Here's why: It's easier to complain about stuff than to do something about it. If you respected yourself and took quality rest time, you would have nothing to whine about. Wow you would be happy. Shock. So, get off your soapbox about not having enough time and not being deserving and get on living the happy life you deserve. Question 9 "How do get more energy for life?" Answer: Do something you enjoy. Why? You always naturally have the energy for the things you love doing. So just change your perception to what you are doing. If you tell yourself you are tired and life is now fun. That is what it will be. Change your perception to what is happening, tell yourself you have all the energy you need and you love life. Question 10 "What happens if I don't plan for play?" Answer: You won't get it. Here's why: It's easier to do something for someone else than for yourself. So schedule it to the tiniest detail like you would a task at work, and focus on the joy that playtime will bring. Planning to this amount of detail feeds you energy and excites you into doing it more often. Write tomorrow's playtime in your diary right now. Question 11 "How do I get balanced?" Answer: Allow yourself to be human. Why? Because no one person or thing is ever perfect. You will drive yourself mad trying to be perfect. Being balanced is noticing if you are not balanced and taking action to rectify it. For instance if you have extra coffee today the world will not end, simply have two extra waters to balance it out. Question 12 "What do I do if I'm in overwhelm?" Answer: Stop and breathe. Here's why: Breathing keeps you alive. It really does. If you don't breathe when overwhelmed, you will never think straight to get yourself out of it. So stop, breathe, see what is really happening compared to what you think is happening and deal with it. Question 13 "How do I take a block of time off?" Answer: Plan ahead and schedule it. Why? Something will always come up otherwise. Commit to your health and wellness. Time away from work is the time you will get your best ideas, because your mind is free to be creative. If you don't already have a break of at least two weeks planned for this year, do it now. If you need to apply for the time off, apply today, then work out where you want to go. Question 14 "What happens when I don't eat properly or I skip meals?" Answer: You increase your chance of losing your life. Here's why: Food is the fuel that keeps you alive. It's that simple, and the first thing that goes hungry is your brain. How can you think straight if your brain is not nourished? See food as a fuel and behave in your eating six days a week and have one FREE DAY a week to let loose. Question 15 "How do I make me the priority?" Answer: You stop making excuses and do it. Why? You deserve to be happy and to enjoy life. Get a close friend to keep you in check. Each time you are copping out and not looking after yourself, ask for their help. And you do the same for them. Be honest with each other, plan for fun and get a life. About Jennifer Jefferies Life Balancing expert Jennifer Jefferies is one of Australia's best-known authors and speakers. Jennifer's simple, practical and proven 7 Steps to Sanity can help bring balance to anyone who wants to have it all without sacrificing their health, sanity or sense of humour along the way. Jennifer is a qualified health practitioner, who speaks to corporations throughout Australia, New Zealand and Southeast Asia, sharing practical real-life strategies that help people to improve their health, wellbeing and productivity by finding balance in their lives. Jennifer has also written numerous books and e-books and life balancing products. You can contact Jennifer at: Jennifer Jefferies International Pty Ltd
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How to Say No and Let Go of Stress It was one of the first words you learned to say and you used it at every opportunity. Until someone convinced you that you couldn't, or shouldn't. Discover The Wisdom of Letting Go When a great Zen Master returned to his country after many years of studying abroad the people asked what he brought with him. He said, "I've come with nothing but empty hands." Stress Managment: 12 Universal Laws for Managing Anger 1. The Law of Everyone Stress Management Have you ever said the words, "This job/my life is so stressful!" Or something else along those lines? Sshhh... Listen to Your Own Voice It was a self-exploration that made me understand myself. It was like discovering the one last elusive word in a jigsaw puzzle that completes other words. Stress Management: Declare Your Freedom From... 1)Excessive worry How Breathing Differently Can Make You Happier "When you breathe, you inspire. When you do not breathe, you expire." ? Quote from an 11-year-old's science exam 7 Unique Stress Relievers Too much driving, too much shopping, too much rushing around, running the kids around. Do family and work demands have you stressed out? Create Reserves for a Stress Free Life One of the ways I have avoided a lot of stress the last two years is to have a stockpile of birthday and all occasion greetings cards in my filing cabinet. When you work at home like I do, you try to have the least interruptions to your day as possible. These cards have saved the day on many occasions. I get them when I am out shopping, I look for the ones I love and sometimes I am able to make the most of sales and cut price items by buying them in bulk. Of course I make sure I also have a big reserve of stamps to go with them. HELP! Im Working with a Baby!! Did you know that more than half of our adult population has an anger problem? Have you experienced them? They act all flustered and pitch a fit. Can you believe it that some of them actually throw things when they get mad? And not only that, they cuss up a storm, rant and rave, and carry on like they are a child. Rising to the Top: Overcoming Bad Situations We've all been there, right? We find ourselves living with the weight of our circumstances growing heavier by the day. We agonize over the "what if" questions and wonder just how we'll ever get out from under the burdens we bear. Our thoughts rattle around like that little metal ball in a pinball machine. Growing more and more frustrated, we begin thinking thoughts we never thought we'd think. Wholistics I have yet to see a scientist talk about the impact of time viewing in any article. It will ensure the continuing exponential growth in knowledge. I think it is quite possible that this has been part of what has unleashed Pandora's Box already and it is a far better explanation for many things that the UFOlogists are talking about. There have been a number of recent Popes who say that aliens will come to teach us in this century and there is a scientist/priest who supposedly developed a chronovisor. The combination of already developing technology in Holography, nanotechnology, and quantum teleporting may make it possible to travel to various potential futures with intelligent machines that include the human brain contents which were dumped onto a computer by Stanford in 1999. The lack of dialogue in the media about these things is very troubling to me as people continue to accept our leaders know what they are doing. 5 Steps to Stress Relief Take a moment to think about the week that just passed. Are your first thoughts of long hours at work, driving your kids to every kind of practice imaginable, hurrying to make dinner, clean the house, do laundry, vacuum and wash dishes? Is it any wonder that in today's busy world, more and more women suffer from stress-induced anxiety than ever before? 10 Ways to Monitor Corporate Stress Levels 10 Ways to Monitor Corporate Stress Levels It is Looking Up for Stress Relief No this is not related to praying, this is how your brain works. Looking up will reduce your stress?..immediately. Why, you may be asking? Build Your Stress Tolerance While free-lancing for business magazines, I was assigned to write a story about a steel production company that supplied pipe to the energy industry. I was intrigued by the rigorous stress tests run on each piece of pipe. One procedure involved a "hydro test" - water was pumped inside the pipe until a pre-determined pressure was reached. The pressure was maintained for a set duration of time; weaknesses or flaws in the pipe caused leaking or bursts of water. If there were no leaks or bursts, the pipe was approved for delivery to a client. 7 Solutions for Practical Stress Management Stress is amazingly persistent, even seductive. We get used to feeling tight and tense. Though positive thinking has its place, unless it is backed up by practical wisdom it tends to get overwhelmed and fade away. Stress Management and Mastery: The Value of Vitamin NO What part of no don't you understand? - Bumper sticker 20 Ways to Shift Worry Into Attractive Energy Worry, big or small blocks positive vibrations from entering your realm. The longer the behavior, the deeper the roots, the harder to override. Staying in its merry-go-round places the person in a form of trance. And like all trances, the person in the trance isn't aware that they are there. If told they are in a trance, they would simply deny it. Stress Can Create Symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder Stress can affect virtually any part of the body and produce physical, mental and emotional symptoms weakening the immune system and impairing coordination and thinking ability. Stress comes from relationships, from school or work situations, and from our own expectations. How we learn to deal with stress makes a huge difference in how healthy we are. Continual stress eventually wears out our body and mind. Studies by the American Medical Association have shown stress to be a factor in over 75% of all illnesses today. ![]() |
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