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Stress Management: How to Take Off Those Masks We Wear
The Mask of "I've Got It All Together" It's so easy to put this mask on, and then forget you are wearing it. We want to look to the outside world as if everything is fine, we've got it all handled, no problems, thank you very much. This one weighs alot, and is very heavy to carry around. Even worse, it makes it very hard to ask for help, which leads to the next mask............. The Mask of "I Don't Need Anyone" Simon and Garfunkel sang "I am a rock, I am an island." So American culture, and so wrong. While it's good to stand on your own two feet, pull yourself up by your own bootstraps, and all other applicable clichés, when taken to an extreme, it can be very isolating. While being independent is a worthy goal, we all need someone to lean on. The curious thing is, most people really like to help when asked. The Mask of Perfectionism Another very seductive mask because it makes us look so good. Too bad it's not only false, it's also not attainable. So many people strive for perfection as a way to feel good about themselves. A good move here is to trade in perfectionism for excellence, which is attainable, and a whole lot more fun. The Mask of Busy-ness Somehow, busy-ness has become associated with importance. If we are always busy, then we must be important. Unfortunately, busy-ness binds us to many things that might be good and worthwhile, while we miss the things that are the very best. The Mask of Knowing It All In the world of "difficult people", these folks are known as IEOE's, Instant Experts On Everything. This mask is typically accompanied by a burning desire to beat people over the head with their important knowledge. The really sad thing is these folks tend to be very unteachable, and therefore never actually learn anything. The Mask of "Impression Management" While similar to the I've Got It All Together mask, it differs in at least one important way. It's much more exhausting. It's hard to put down the worry about what everyone else thinks, and the need to control the impression you make on each and every person. The goal of most masks is protection. In many cases it is not needed. Or if it was once needed, that time has passed. Taking off these masks involves risk. It's useful to begin by peeking out from behind the masks a little bit at a time, and then watch what happens. Most folks find that it's much safer out there than they thought, and it's a whole lot easier than lugging around all those heavy masks. Visit SecretsofGreatRelationships.com for tips and tools for creating and growing a great relationship. You can also subscribe to our f*r*e*e 10 day e-program on how to enrich your relationship today, from relationship coach and expert Jeff Herring.
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Stress Reduction and Sacred Moments "The great lesson from the true mystics, from the Zen Monks, and now also from the Humanistic and Transpersonal psychologists ? that the sacred is in the ordinary, that it is to be found in one's daily life, in one's neighbors, friends, and family, in one's back yard, and that travel may be a flight from confronting the sacred ? this lesson can be easily lost. To be looking elsewhere for miracles is to me a sure sign of ignorance that everything is miraculous." - Abraham Maslow Do You Have Your Foot On The Pedal? Are You Overwhelmed At Work? Is your in-tray or inbox full? I don't normally check the time that emails are sent to me, but for some reason I noticed that Nadia's message had been sent at 2am. In her email she explained that she really needed some help, to deal with all the stress in her life: Sshhh... Listen to Your Own Voice It was a self-exploration that made me understand myself. It was like discovering the one last elusive word in a jigsaw puzzle that completes other words. Tame Your Work Stress Work stress has become a major problem today. The nature of work is changing at whirlwind speed. Now more than ever before, job stress poses a threat to your health. 13 Stress Reducers & Profit Boosters The United Nations declares workplace stress to be a worldwide epidemic. In the United States alone, forty-six percent of workers report that their job is very stressful. This adds up to a million stress related workplace absences each day. Living on the Edge: Stressed Out and Nowhere to Go Is your stress level higher than it should be? Are you struggling with changes in life that you neither anticipated nor caused? If so, keep reading! Most of us carry far more stress than did our parents and grandparents. Life seems more complicated than ever. Nothing is certain, reality is artificially produced, and fantasy is real. No wonder we're confused! Stress - A Modern Cause of Disease Every day we are faced with a situation where our health is assaulted on all sides. There is not just one cause of disease. People get sick because of a number of converging changes. In Australia, according to government research, 50% of people aged 50 and over are considered to have some form of disability. 20% of children reported symptoms of Asthma to their Medical Practitioner in the past year, 30% of Australians over the age of 25 are at risk of Diabetes. Today we are faced with many enemies that simply didn't exist all those years ago. What The Most Dangerous Job In The World Taught Me About Coping With Stress I just got through reading some troubling news in the New York Times this morning. Stress Management: Ditch Thinking or Destination Thinking Imagine driving down the road. You are driving with a great amount of anticipation, on your way to an important destination, a place you have always wanted to go. Recognize the Early Signs of Burnout Most of us are trying to balance work, home, and a family life. We tend not to accept the early symptoms of burnout and carry on our daily lives. In my opinion, living your life isn't supposed to be that way. If you ignore the red flags, you'll become gravely ill and your life could come to a complete halt. Workaholism: 4 Universal Laws for Recovery The Rule of Balance Those Deceiving Emotions Deceiving? You bet they are. How? Without your even knowing it, the effects of anger, frustration, and resentment can take a toll on your life. Chances are, it's happening right now. But most people are not - no, correction, do not want to be intuitive enough to figure out what's going on. The reason? It takes a certain amount of self study - it may sound a bit ludicrous, but the truth is the vast majority of people don't want to take a good hard look at theire inner selves. It's unfortunate, too, because the reward for doing so are fantastic, it's inexplainable. There is nothing like self honesty - when you really decide to know the real you, you've taken a serious step. After the decision must come action. Entertaining Without Stress Let's face it. If you are stressed, agitated and flitting about, your guests will be uncomfortable and won't be able to relax. Here is an easy test of how well you are doing. How many times do your guests ask if there is anything they can do to help? It is reasonable that guests may ask when they first arrive but if you hear the question over and over again, you are doing something wrong. Stress Control: Tough Leadership vs. Easy Does It Tough leaders are usually seen as ogres. Their exacting demands and high expectations add to stress levels. And their obsessive compulsive behavior can have a negative effect on results if they don't understand how to control stress to get positive results without serious negative reactions. Need To Stop Worrying? I once worked with a woman whose zest,joy and enthusiasm lit up the room [and it was a big office!] Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Do You Worry All The Time? Do you worry all the time? Stress Managment and Mastery: 6 Stress Busting Tips In a hectic world, it's all too easy to reach the point of feeling stressed out beyond our ability to cope. Yet it's our ability to cope that makes all the difference. The point is that stress is not going to go away; it's here to stay. Reduce Your Stress If you live in the early part of the twenty-first century, chances are you are feeling stressed. Eldercare/Caregiving Stress--Managing Holidays Caring for a chronically ill loved one can be one of life's greatest challenges, but during holidays, when even more responsibilities are added to an already stressful schedule, caregivers can often feel guilty and frustrated for not being able to accomplish all the tasks they once did. Additionally, fond memories of past holidays, when a loved one was still healthy, can create a downward spiral with feelings of loss and sadness. How To Stress Less and Smile More-The Six Fundamental Steps To Improved Health More than two-thirds of visits to doctors' surgeries are for stress-related illnesses. Stress has been linked to headaches, backaches, insomnia, anger, cramps, elevated blood pressure, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia and lowered resistance to infection. ![]() |
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