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Taste is Everything When Choosing a Protein Bar
As consumers, we are faced daily with choices about what to eat. As a bodybuilder, we are bombarded with protein bars that promise everything from tons of protein, low carbs, less fat, and the cheapest bar on the market. But rarely do any of the bars meet the most necessary requirement of them all. If the bar doesn't taste great, then I don't want to eat it. Regardless of how much protein might exist in a particular bar, if Bar A has more but tastes worse then than Bar B, I'm still more likely to choose Bar B. As a consumer of protein bars, I don't feel like forcing myself to eat something two or more times a day just because it has the best whey-protein on the market. And while some bars can claim to be great tasting, they never do the definitive real taste test. The real taste test is a bar that not only health conscious adults will enjoy but one that you can give your child and it won't come home in his/her backpack. If your child (if you are childless, get a bar and test it out on a niece/nephew) won't eat the bar, chances are there's a reason for that. Because it doesn't taste good. Over the last few years, low sugar, low carbs has become such a big deal. So now we have some of the healthiest bars on the market. But nobody wants (I didn't say won't) to eat them. Because it's like going to the dentist. Who wants to go? We go because we know the consequences of not going are worse. But is that really how you want to feel about something that you eat two or more times a day? How about eating a bar that tastes good, has enough of the good stuff in it, and eating it two times a day is a treat? Okay, so you might get more sugar. Again, you might get a few more carbs. But statistics prove that you will be more likely to consume all that good stuff more often if you like doing it. Most of us don't daily do something that we don't like doing unless there is a compelling reason to do so. The lure of money comes to mind when I think of work. Choose a bar that has enough protein in it and enough carbs. And sugar isn't all that bad. When you workout, your body needs instant fuel. Sugar is a better source of immediate fuel then protein. Having some sugar before your intense bodybuilding workout is not a bad thing. Forget all the science of the bar. Taste is most often overlooked in choosing a good protein bar. Give the bar to your child and see if they eat it. If they do, chances are, you will too. Marc David is a bodybuilder, writer, and author of the the e-book "The Beginner's Guide to Fitness and Bodybuilding" (BGFB): What Every Beginner Should Know but Probably Doesn't. Marc has written over 20 articles and has been featured in several health and fitness websites. Marc's opinionated and informative articles on bodybuilding, weight loss and training are featured regularly on: http://www.freedomfly.net To subscribe to Marc's free b-weekly e-zine, visit the Freedomfly website here: http://www.freedomfly.net/fitnessnewsletter.htm
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What are Phytochemicals (Phytonutrients)? Don't be overwhelmed by this big word, phytochemicals, there won't be a spelling test at the end of the day. You won't even need to understand all of the powerful properties of phytonutrients to appreciate what they do for you. You just need to know where to get them and you probably won't be surprised to find out that the richest sources of phytochemicals are in fruits, vegetables, beans and nuts. Amino Acids For Height Growth ? Boosting Your Growth Hormones Many people take amino acids for height growth these days. L-Arginine is an acid supplement that is known for its ability to burn fat, and release HGH (Human Growth Hormone) within the body. Although our bodies do produce many amino acids naturally, many people buy these supplements to improve function of the body in many ways. There are many different amino acids available, and collectively they offer a range of benefits. Some of these acids are not found naturally in the body and are taken in through food or supplement usage; others are produced in the body but you can still benefit from supplementing them. L-Arginine is an acid that can kick-start the pituitary gland, which produces HGH, and stimulating HGH levels, which is why so many people benefit from taking amino acids for height growth. Lipovarin Review: How Well Does It Work? Lipovarin Review Vitamin B6 - What Do We Need It For? Vitamin B6 plays a facilitating role in the immune system and the growth of new cells. It also assists the body in the processing of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. And do you know that Vitamin B6 can help improve your disposition and balance your mood swings? Vitamin B6 also helps balance the sodium and potassium in your body-making sure the body utilizes these two minerals effectively. Experts also concur that this vitamin has cancer-fighting properties. Great sources of Vitamin B6 are brewer's yeast, eggs, chicken, carrots, fish, liver, kidneys, peas, wheat germ, and walnuts. Vitamin B6 Deficiency Irritability, nervousness and insomnia as well as general weakness, and skin problems go hand-in-hand with Vitamin B6 deficiency. Symptoms may include unhealthy looking nails, an inflamed tongue, osteoporosis, and arthritis. Recommended Vitamin B6 Dosage The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) is 2 mg per day. Take note, an overdose of 2,000 mg per day, may cause neurological damage. In particular, people on Parkinson's disease medication should be very careful with taking Vitamin B6 as it may counteract the medication. Vitamin B6 is best taken with the rest of the B complex group vitamins, with Vitamin C and most major minerals such as sodium, potassium, and zinc. Aside from the fact that Vitamin B6 is easily flushed by the body in the urine, it is also extremely sensitive to sunlight, cooking and processing. Cortisone is this vitamin's worst enemy as it tends to cancel off the vitamin's benefits. New Health Miracle -- Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil "High-dose pharmaceutical-grade fish oil is as close to a medical miracle as we will see in the 21st century." ? Dr. Barry Sears Discovering MSM MSM is a wonderful supplement with a low toxicity rating that naturally occurs in the body and targets a host of issues. Some of the problems it may help with include hair, skin, nails, muscle fatigue, allergies and scar tissue trouble. I have also heard of people with cancer utilizing the supplement. Once upon a time, there was a big craze about DSMO and how it helped arthritis sufferers. It has been observed that the solvent DSMO converts to MSM when it hits the blood stream. Taking MSM may be equivalent to using DSMO but without the side effects and problems that come with utilizing an industrial grade solvent. Balancing Your Hormones Naturally -- What To Do First One of the questions that I frequently get asked is "What steps do I need to take to begin getting my hormones in balance?" The following is what I suggest: Iron Supplement Iron supplement - why iron? How Taking an HGH Supplement Changed My Life I finally bought the stuff. I couldn't resist anymore. After hearing all of the great things HGH supplements could do, I wanted to see if it was really true. I'd like to tell you about my experience with HGH. Hopefully this will make it a little easier for you to decide if it might be something you'd want to try for yourself. What I'm talking about here is non-prescription HGH releaser pills, not the injections you need a doctor to give you. That's only for people who have around $10,000 a year to blow. Pulling The Roots Of Disease "Anybody who tells you that disease has only one cause, and that drugs and surgery are the solution, is DEAD WRONG." Dr. Ward Coleman, N.D. Is Ephedra a Miracle Cure? Americans are buzzing about the FDA's recent decision to reverse the ban on ephedra and ephedrine supplements in the United States. Known as the "world's oldest medicine," ephedra has been used for thousands of years for its variety of healing properties. While ephedra is not a cure-all, it is successfully used in treating hundreds of afflictions, including some that may surprise you. Do You Need Vitamins On A Low Carb Diet? Should I Take Vitamins With My Low Carb Diet? Garlic Can Kill Superbug - A Health Supplement The Superbug MRSA which is becoming more common in Hospitals, it has now developed a lethal strain, that has already killed a number of patients. Body Building Supplementation Body Building Supplement ? what is it? Nutritional Supplements - How To Choose A High Quality Product Looking for quality nutritional supplements can seem quite overwhelming at times, especially if you're just starting out. It is just as important to be sure you're taking high quality supplements as it is to take the right supplements, because there's no point in taking them if they don't work. You may be tempted to buy a "store brand" or bargain nutritional supplement, but just as with anything else, be wary of trading quality for price. Glyconutrients For You? Simply stated, the Greek word glyco refers to "sweet." Hence, a glyconutrient is a biochemical that contains a sugar molecule. The prefix "glyco" can be placed in front of a fat, protein or any molecule and suggests that a sugar is attached. Glycobiology is the study of the sugar portion of these proteins and fats. Natural Human Growth Hormone: Hope or Hoax? You may feel 30, but your body keeps reminding you you're not. You fatigue easily. Your bones and joints hurt more often. The only part of your body that's thinning is your hair. Aging occurs due to the growth of the tissues and other elements in side the body. With increasing age, physically and mentally healthy adults gradually become less fit and more vulnerable to illness and death. However, these changes happen at different rates in different people. Ftiness Supplementation Fitness Supplement ? what is it? L-Glutathione, The Wonder Antioxidant A naturally occurring compound, L-Glutathione (Tathion,) has demonstrated that it is effective in fighting cancer, environmental poisons, and even cataracts. Sound like snake oil? Well, that is what I thought until I started doing research. It turns out that L-Glutathione is one of the most effective antioxidants that our body produces. It works to protect our bodies from the thousands of daily hazards that we are exposed to such as pollution, second hand smoke, alcohol, and food chemicals and poisons. In fact, it is so effective that some researchers believe that it can actually slow down the aging process. Lower Cholesterol Naturally Using a Smorgasbord of Fiber With a high cholesterol and heart disease in the family, Phil's doctor had urged him to adhere to American Heart Association's low-fat, low-cholesterol diet. ![]() |
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