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Puranol SL - New Weight Loss Product Extraordinaire - Maybe
Before you read the rest of this article I want every body to stop and think for a second about what great achievements that you have accomplished in your life that didn't come through hard work. Now that you've thought about that for a second, will get back to this at the end of the article, lets begin. I am sure most of you by now have come across the new weight loss product puranol sl or another competing weight loss product either online, TV, magazine, radio...etc etc. I am sure that you have heard it all before, lose 10lbs a week, pick a super model any super model and we guarantee that by taking 3 pills a day of our product you can look just like her, all the while eating what ever you would like. Well its all bullsh*%t! There is no magic pill in a bottle that will make you look like Pam whatever her name is, you know from that show staring that dufus who used to talk to his car, but what you can find is a product that will help you achieve your weight loss goals. Puranol Sl is a top self product with out a doubt!. Puranol Sl's formulation of Yohimbine HCL and other key ingredients can help you acheive your weight loss goals if and only if you decide that you're finally ready to make a lifestyle change. Even though Puranol Sl is a great product it wont help you lose weight just by taking it. You have to cut your calories, exercise and research the foods that your eating. By this I mean you need to know what your eating. You need to know that that piece of Lasagna is just as bad for you as a double cheese burger from your local fat I mean fast food slop shop. Listen if your ready to put in the hard work of cutting calories, making exercise a part of your life not just doing it to do it and reaserching the food that you put into your body then you can reach your goals of having a slimmer you. And yes Puranol Sl can help you get there a little faster but Puranol sl isn't magic in the bottle all it can really do is supplement you as you make a lifestyle change. So summing this up yes I believe Puranol Sl is a very good product for some one ready to lose weight, but no I dont think that with out diet, exercise and will power can Puranol Sl work. For those of you interested in checking out more info on Puranol Sl you can visit its corporate site at Puranol Sl. So you see with out hard work you will never experience healthy long term weight loss. There is no magic pill waiting to save you. In the case of Puranol SL it can help you but first you have to help yourself. I am a former personal trainer/dietician who know specializes in consulting for online health related sites. My specializations in include product reviews and supplement formulation tests. You can find some of my supplement reviews on http://solidgoldnutrition.com and I consulted on the design of http://www.tritonhealth.com a top supplement super store.
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The Frightening But True Facts About Smoking If you think that smoking is a harmless little hobby and all the people harping on you to quit are overreactors, think again. Smoking is the number ONE preventable cause of premature death and morbidity in America. There is nothing more dangerous you can be doing to your health. And it isn't just bad for you, smoking around your kids can cause severe health complications down the road and cause serious damage while their lungs and other vital organs are developing. All of this information is well documented by the AMA, American Lung and Heart Associations, and the American Cancer Society. Calcium Supplement Calcium Supplement ? why calcium. Natural Supplements - Help Your Body Vitamins and mineral supplements are a good way to supply your body with nutrients that you might not be getting from your diet. Go down any vitamin aisle in a drugstore, market, or health food store. The first thing you will see is all the 'natural' supplements and vitamin complex tablets that all claim to provide all kinds of benefits. There are supplements that claim to help you lose weight without exercise. Does it sound too good to be true? It is. You have to burn more calories than you consume and exercise will help you accomplish that but I digress. If you are considering adding supplements to your diet have a discussion with your doctor will help to determine whether or not adding supplements would be beneficial for you or not. Are Glyconutrients for Real? If glyconutrients are for real, why aren't they all over the news? Why haven't we heard about this before? These are just a couple of the skeptical questions encountered when sharing the life changing gift of glyconutrients with others. How do we know the science behind these products is real, and has the scientific community really embraced the field of glycobiology? Cortisol Blockers- After the Hype and Controversy, are there any Quality Products Still Standing? Over the last 2 years, the link between weight gain and the stress hormone Cortisol has taken center stage. The concept was introduced, capitalized upon, and basically challenged in the legal system all within the last 2 years. The FTC filed a lawsuit against a maker of a Cortisol product claiming false advertising and unsubstantiated claims, yet you still see and hear of products claiming to control Cortisol. The public still seems to hold onto hope regarding the possibility of the science and potential effectiveness of these products. Getting In-Zinc As with most nutrients and minerals, zinc is often ignored by the average person however, it is an essential mineral that plays many roles in promoting the healthy functioning of the body. Its importance to the body's well-being goes far back as the earliest moments of growth and development and is serves a highly important role in maintaining a healthy way of life. And as like with the other nutrients and vitamins that the body needs in order for it to stay in tip, top shape, there are recommended amounts of zinc that each and every person should be able to maintain daily. Refusal to do so can actually cause all sorts of complications with one's health while taking in excessive amounts of zinc can still prove to be quite detrimental to a person's well-being. Acid Amino Arginine ? An Acid With Many Benefits When you buy acid amino arginine you can look forward to a range of benefits that contribute to your health and body function. Many people buy acid amino arginine because this acid offers many benefits. The body does create this acid, which makes it a non-essential acid. However, as with many other amino acids, you can really benefit by supplementing the acid found in the body and in food. This type of acid is known for stimulating the growth hormone, but users of arginine can benefit in many other ways, from the body's natural treatment of injury to everyday function and disease prevention. The Most Researched Performance Enhancing Nutritional Supplement Creatine ? The most researched performance enhancing nutritional supplement The Bodys Own Production of Nitric Oxide Can Help Prevent Heart Attack & Stroke Nitric Oxide, a gas that occurs naturally in the body, may do more than any prescription drug to prevent heart attack and stroke. Creatine: More than a Sports Nutrition Supplement Although creatine offers an array of benefits, most people think of it simply as a supplement that bodybuilders and other athletes use to gain strength and muscle mass. Nothing could be further from the truth. Mineral Supplements - Reasons For Taking Mineral Supplement ? be healthy. Vitamins In Our Daily Lives Vitamins is something people been using for a while and it is more common this days. Is it good to use them or not? Many people say it is good since we live in a fast pace world, we live in a hurry and don't have time to site down and relax and have a nice healthy meal, for breakfast maybe a cup of coffee and off to work if you have some time, for lunch fast food convenient, fast, not expensive good right. Superior Absorption of Coral Calcium Over the past few years, Coral Calcium has received a lot of media attention as the widely preferred source of readily absorbable calcium. In 2003, a study was undertaken to compare and contrast the absorption of Ryukyuan Coral Calcium, as opposed to carbonate derived calcium. Mineral Supplement: Minerals in Your Diet! The food is the raw material for the body. Minerals are one of the important components of human nutrition. Minerals are grouped under two categories macro (the ones which we need in large amounts) and trace (the ones ne need in small amounts). The Benefits of Coenzyme Q10 Coenzyme Q10 has exploded onto the health scene. This powerful mineral has many health saving properties. It is responsible for essential chemical reactions in your body as well as being a dynamite antioxidant. Vitamin Euphoria ? A Shot in the Dark Vitamins seem to be so good for everything. The newly born needs them to grow properly; women take them to be happy; men use them to maintain or increase potency; athletes ingest them to stay fit; and older people take them to become younger or to avoid the flu. Even foods are categorized into good and bad, depending on how many or few many vitamins they contain. Ever since vitamins were produced synthetically they were made available in every drugstore or health shop around the world. Now you don't have to eat all that vitamin-rich food anymore to stay healthy, all you need is to pop in a couple of those essential vitamin pills a day, or so the advertisements tell you. But if you don't pay heed to this advice, you are told that you may become vitamin deficient and put your health at risk. Probiotics and Friendly Flora You Need Probiotics For Better Digestion and Overall Health Finally - The Truth About Calcium Supplements Undoubtedly calcium has become a hot topic of controversy. We are bombarded with advertising telling us exactly what will give our body more calcium. Between the "Got Milk?" slogans on one end and the Coral Calcium "cure-all" TV spots on the opposite end it is time that the truth be exposed. Let's look at why we need calcium and then some signs of calcium deficiency. Dietary and Nutritional Supplements: Know More About Supplements At times, due to your busy and fast life, we tend to miss out on the essential nutrients such as protien, vitamins and minerals which are responsible for our good health. Good nutrition is the most important factor in achieving optimal health. If we face some type of challenges in life which doesn't allow us to have a balanced diet all the time, then supplementing out daily diet with food supplements is quick, easy and effective way to fill nutrient gaps. Mens Herbal Health Care ? Health Enhancement Supplements Over recent years, mens herbal health care has become big business. Men are now just as keen as women to enhance life with supplements, vitamin tablets, and various supplements that can aid good health and well being. As a result, there are now a number of mens herbal health care products available, which are designed to improve and enhance various aspects of men's health or simply provide overall well-being. However, it is important to ensure that you buy only quality products that meet the strictest standards, as this will enable you to enjoy safe, effective health enhancement. ![]() |
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