Products and Advancements in the Anti-Aging Marketplace

HGH is produced naturally, in everyone, by the pituitary gland. After the age of 23, your natural HGH levels begin to decline and you may start to experience the affects of aging. This includes weight gain, decrease in energy, lack of sex drive, low endurance, muscle atrophy and more.

HGH therapy comes in several forms. The first is by injecting Human Growth Hormone directly into your bloodstream. This invasive procedure can only be prescribed by a physician. Injectable HGH therapy was originally intended for children with stunted growth but physicians soon correlated the benefits to be helpful in trying to offset or delay the aging process and resulting health risks associated with getting older. Doctors are now liberally distributing this substance to elderly patients seeking to slow the effects of aging. The main problem associated with injectable Human Growth Hormone is that it often costs upwards of $3000 a month. That's $36,000 a year and it is not covered by insurance. Additionally, this invasive therapy comes with some health risks. Side effects such as allergic reactions, fever, and swelling are just a few of the risks associated with the injectable form of therapy.

Due to the steep costs and risks of certain side effects associated with this invasive form of therapy, explorations of alternatives have become popular. Alternative HGH therapies include "All-natural supplements, including capsules, powders, and sprays. There is one very important point to understand about these types of Human Growth Hormone therapy. They do not offer "actual" HGH. The only way to get actual Human Growth Hormone is by having it injected directly into your bloodstream via syringe, physician, and prescription. I have seen, in this crowded marketplace, several products promoting themselves as "HGH" in a spray. This is impossible because HGH is a large unstable molecule that cannot pass thru the membranes in the mouth. Furthermore, it is illegal to provide true-form HGH without a prescription. The goal of alternative therapies is to stimulate your own body's pituitary gland to produce more Human Growth Hormone on its own. These all-natural therapies have several benefits. Whether the HGH therapy is termed "all-natural", "homeopathic", or spray form, the fact is that these alternatives are only around 2% of the cost of the injectable Human Growth Hormone.

What should I choose?

With HGH alternative supplements saturating the market, it is very difficult to make a decision as to what is right for you. What is the most effective, safe, practical, and affordable solution available? Sprays remain suspect because of the premise behind them. As stated earlier in our report, we have found that is impossible for a spray to deliver actual HGH sublingually. Furthermore, administering accurate doses sublingually presents a challenge for sprays. Additional drawbacks are the potential binders and fillers that are present in this form of therapy. Lastly, taste remains a concern with all sprays. Powders are less popular and prevalent on the market. Having to measure proper mixes and portions is a hassle that I would prefer not to deal with but may be a preference for those that find pills and capsules intolerable.

Most of the "all-natural" capsules, pills, and tablets are similar in what they promise to offer. I have found that Ultimate HGH? and GenF20? HGH releasers are two of the more popular and effective HGH supplements, in capsule form, that stimulate your own pituitary gland to produce more HGH naturally. Neugenisis? is new to the market but offers its HGH releasing formula infused with rich antioxidants promoting additional Wellness benefits. Additionally, Neugenisis? is promoted in a package that includes another logical Antiaging product, a topical anti-wrinkle cream. Neugenisis?, on its own (individually) measures up well to all the stand-alone HGH releasing products available. Neugenisis? is different in that it provides additional antioxidant properties and is an effective product in a system that was created to offer the most Antiaging benefits available. New research suggests the benefit of combining all-natural HGH releasing compounds with skin rejuvenating topical cr�mes.

The Longevity System

With higher HGH levels come improved elasticity of the skin, strengthened nails, and enhanced skin rejuvenation. One of the main ingredients in all the HGH releasing products mentioned is L-Arginine. L-Arginine is involved with the production of new skin and connective tissue. It is essential to the formation of collagen and boasts many benefits that relate to skin repair and rejuvenation. NeuLife Laboratories has brought a new combination to the market and offers the "Longevity System", featuring a high-grade HGH releaser in caplet form, Neugenisis? (with active ingredient L-Arginine), and an aggressive topical anti-wrinkle cr�me, Neuderma?. Neuderma ?compliments the HGH benefits provided by Neugenisis?. Neuderma? is an aggressive topical anti-wrinkle cream which includes the benefits of Pentapeptide technology (Matrixyl and Argireline). In my research, I have established that both products, Neugenisis? and Neuderma? , can stand individually as "A" list products but as a system, Neulife Laboratories has created a niche that, up to this point, has not been filled. Both, HGH releasing supplements and skin cr�mes, can run upwards of $100.00 each. With this new system, you get the all-natural HGH releasing supplement and the topical Antiaging, anti-wrinkle cr�me, for approximately the same cost of some individual products.

If you can tolerate the costs and potential side effects of invasive HGH injections, this form of therapy may provide the quickest benefit of Human Growth Hormone. If you seek alternatives, sprays and powders have more limits than potential benefits. It is my opinion that a system of therapy, including a HGH releaser and a topical wrinkle cr�me, can provide the ultimate package for those seeking Antiaging benefits. NeuLife Laboratories has introduced the "Longevity System" to provide the comprehensive benefits that many seek but seldom find.

Ms. Bardley frequently submits her opinion-based columns to Longevity focused health forums. She sits on the Longevity advisory board for nutritional sciences and contributes to National publications centered on Anti-Aging developments.

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