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Anabolic Steroids and Will They Work for Me?
Unfortunately nobody can tell that question over the internet, but here are some tips to consider! Firstly anabolic steroids are a class of natural and synthetic steroid hormones that promote cell growth and division, resulting in growth of muscle tissue and sometimes bone size and strength. Anabolic steroids are the synthetic derivates of male anabolic hormone testerone. Some anabolic steroids are Deca Durabolin, Sustanon, Winstrol Depot, Winstrol, Andriol, Anavar and other. The base substance of Deca Durabolin is Nandrolone Decanoate. Nandrolone Decanoate is a male sex hormone given to treat a lack of testosterone, bone breakdown, female breast cancer, stimulation of growth, weight gain, and the making of red cells. Nandrolone Decanoate works as it is easy on the liver and promotes good size and strength gains while reducing body fat. This drug is unique in that 5a -reductase, the enzyme which converts testosterone to the more-potent DHT, actually converts Nandrolone to a less-potent compound. Therefore, this is somewhat deactivated in the skin, scalp, and prostate, and these tissues experience an effectively-lower androgen level than the rest of the body. But there are some also some drawbacks or side effects Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca Durabolin) also has some side effects which are Water retention (edema), Gynecomastia, Numbness, Inhibited natural testosterone production, Elevated blood pressure , Elevated blood lipid profiles, Accelerated hair loss , Aggression, moodiness and Acne. I must remind you that Deca Durabolin has long half-life so it isn't very suitable for short alternating cycles, but it is better for more traditional cycles, with a built-in self-tapering effect in the weeks following the last injection. Yes Deca Durabolin is taken with administration by deep intermuscular Injection. Sustanon 250 is an oil-based injectable containing four different testosterone compounds: testosterone propionate, 30 mg; testosterone phenylpropionate, 60 mg; testosterone isocaproate, 60mg; and testosterone decanoate, 100 mg. It features both fast-acting and slow-acting esters, and can be injected anywhere from once every week to once every four weeks. Sustanon is used to be taken with Nolvadex or Proviron to counter and prevent estrogen-linked side effects. Testosterone Propionate: Chemical Formula C3H6O2, Testosterone propionate is a fast-acting ester with a release time of 3-4 days. To keep blood levels from fluctuating greatly, propionate is usually injected between one to three times a week. Testosterone Phenylpropionate: Chemical Formula C9H10O2, Testosterone phenylpropionate is a slow-acting ester, with a release time of 1-3 weeks. A popular name brand for T-phenylpropionate is "Testolent." Testosterone Isocaproate: Chemical formula C6H12O2, Testosterone Isocaproate is a ester with a release time of 1 week.Testosterone Decanoate: Chemical Formula C10H20O2, Testosterone Decanoate is a ester with a release time for about a month, but recent discoveries show that levels drop siginficantly drop in a few weeks. Andriol is a brand name for Testosterone Undecanoate Testosterone undecanoate is not a c-17 alpha alkylated hormone. Therefore, it is considered a safer oral form of testosterone. Additionally, it is absorbed through the small intestine into the lymphatic system, posing less burden on the liver. Undecanoate: Chemical Structure C11H22O2. Undecanoate is not a commonly found ester, and appears in oral testosterone undecanoate (Andriol). It is an ester with a release time of 2-3 weeks. More on this subject will be discussed next week! Eddy "ED" Johnson is a long time bodybuilder and user of anabolic steroids, now he is emplojed by http://www.eurobolic.com as a consultant
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Saw Palmetto At the rate it's going, Saw Palmetto will soon be known as the "Robert DeNiro of supplements." Vitamin C - The Key to Great Health Vitamin C is important to all animals, including humans, because it is vital to the production of collagen. Vitamin C is also important because it helps protect the fat-soluble vitamins A and E as well as fatty acids from oxidation. Vitamin C prevents and cures the disease scurvy, and can be beneficial in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia. I have to confess that I knew nothing until I joined my pharmacy, about what collagen was, and why it was so important? Collagen is the most ubiquitous substance in the body because it is the most abundant of the fibers contained in connective tissue. Connective tissue gives our body form and supports our organs. Collagen is everywhere in the body, and vitamin C plays a role in the formation of collagen. So, how is vitamin C involved in collagen synthesis? When collagen is produced, there is a complex series of events, some occurring inside of the cell, and some outside of the cell. Vitamin C acts inside the cell, where it adds hydrogen and oxygen to proline and lysine, the amino acids. This helps form a procollagen that is later modified into collagen outside the cell. Calcium Supplement - The Importance of Taking One Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body and also an important supplement to take. Calcium is needed to form bones and teeth and is also required for blood clotting, transmission of signals in nerve cells, and muscle contraction. The importance of calcium for preventing osteoporosis, however, is probably its most well-known role. How Selling Vitamins can Bring you Financial Freedom Most people are becoming more health conscious. Many of the baby boomers are looking for ways to look and feel younger. This is where selling vitamins comes in. The Importance of Taking a Multivitamin Supplement It's absolutely crucial that your body gets the nutrients it needs to function effectively and efficiently. The daily stress of pollution, fatty and processed food, and stress deplete your body of nutrients and it's up to you to replace these nutrients. You can do this through healthy nutrition, or even better, through healthy nutrition and proper supplementation. Vitamin C Is Useless In Fighting The Common Cold And Could Be Dangerous For Smokers Those who start eating lemons at first symptoms of the common cold should slow down. According to a recent study, Vitamin C does nothing to prevent the common cold. Can Calcium Aid in Boosting Your Health? A popular mineral today, coral calcium, is mainly calcium, but is also abundant in many trace sea minerals. Some people consider coral calcium to be nature's purest calcium supplement. Harvested from sea marine coral in Okinawa, Japan, coral calcium has been consumed by Okinawan's for many, many years. Getting In-Zinc As with most nutrients and minerals, zinc is often ignored by the average person however, it is an essential mineral that plays many roles in promoting the healthy functioning of the body. Its importance to the body's well-being goes far back as the earliest moments of growth and development and is serves a highly important role in maintaining a healthy way of life. And as like with the other nutrients and vitamins that the body needs in order for it to stay in tip, top shape, there are recommended amounts of zinc that each and every person should be able to maintain daily. Refusal to do so can actually cause all sorts of complications with one's health while taking in excessive amounts of zinc can still prove to be quite detrimental to a person's well-being. Eat Well First Before You Take Your Vitamins There is a huge market when it comes to vitamins. Every Walmart and Walgreens across the nation are stocked with shelves and shelves of vitamins and minerals. Do you actually know what vitamins are and how they can help you? The word vitamin is from combining ?vital amine by a Polish chemist Casimir Funk in 1912. Vitamin B1 was first isolated by Funk. He determined that B1 is one of the vitamins that prevented beriberi. Not much beriberi going around these days thanks to Funk. Vitamins are organic and function as catalysts for reactions. If these catalysts or vitamins are missing such as in a vitamin deficiency, the body can begin breaking down and you can become sick. The Effects of Creatine Supplements on Your Body The skeletal muscle component known as creatine is not only available as creatine supplement. Several other sources besides creatine supplement can benefit us with the effects of creatine. Firstly, creatine is produced naturally in the body through amino acid action, which occurs when food is processed. What are Phytochemicals (Phytonutrients)? Don't be overwhelmed by this big word, phytochemicals, there won't be a spelling test at the end of the day. You won't even need to understand all of the powerful properties of phytonutrients to appreciate what they do for you. You just need to know where to get them and you probably won't be surprised to find out that the richest sources of phytochemicals are in fruits, vegetables, beans and nuts. The Fountain Of Youth Aging, a steady decline Pros And Cons For Vitamin Supplements ? Are They Good Or Bad? There are a number of pros and cons for vitamin supplements. You may find yourself reading articles and watching adverts that claim vitamin supplements are the best things since sliced bread ? a cure for everything and a suitable alternative for a diet that is rich in nutritional value. However, there are both pros and cons for vitamin supplements, and they are certainly not an alternative for good health and good diet. Whether you are taking vitamin supplements, fiber supplements, acid supplements, or any other type of supplement, it is important to follow direction with regards to dosage and frequency for optimum benefit. Pulling The Roots Of Disease "Anybody who tells you that disease has only one cause, and that drugs and surgery are the solution, is DEAD WRONG." Dr. Ward Coleman, N.D. Side Effects of Hyaluronic Acid Products Currently, there are no known side effects for most hyaluronic acid products including pills, serums, creams and liquids. However, there are some side effects associated with knee and facial injections. Why We Do Not Sell Coral Calcium Since coral calcium is one of he hottest products on the market for the treatment of arthritis you would think that a site that is called the Arthritis Store would sell it. So why don't we sell coral calcium. It is simple we care too much for our customers. We do not sell products just because we can make money from them. We can offer coral calcium for one fifth of what it sells for on the info-mercials. But the simple truth is it is a scam. Know Your Bodybuilding Supplement - L-Lysine Lysine is an essential amino acid therefore it must be obtained from the diet as the body cannot produce its own. It is an essential building block for all protein in the body and can be found in animal meats, fish, dairy products, legumes and brewer's yeast. It performs many useful functions in the body and has proved to be especially useful in treating herpes and cold sores. Lysine also increases the absorption of calcium so it may help to prevent and treat osteoporosis. The Secret to a Longer, Healthier, Happy Life is a Strong Immune System! How can I improve my health and lifestyle beyond diet and exercise? Why Do Supplements Make You Sick? I have good news for you! The answer is both yes and no, depending on how you look at it. Finding Fish Fetuses and infants simply must get enough omega-3 oils for ideal brain development. In a research study of premature babies, those who were fed breast milk had eight points higher IQ at age eight than those fed a standard bay formula. This suggests that the higher amounts of DHA in breast milk can attribute to increased intelligence. ![]() |
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