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Vitamin B-2
Riboflavin is a common name for vitamin B-2 and was once known as Vitamin G. You will see Vitamin B-2 described as Riboflavin on the back of vitamin bottles and in other food packaging. An interesting and curious fact about Riboflavin is that it is naturally produced by the bacteria in your gut. Although it may not be produced in sufficient quantities to prevent deficiencies. Intestinal production, however, can reduce the symptoms of a deficient state. Some experts claim that B-2 deficiency is the most prominent nutrient deficiency in North America. Those who eat a diet largely constructed of refined and fast foods may be at risk. And of course, alcoholics are at higher risk of B vitamin deficiencies. Low-income individuals may also tend to be at higher risk due to diet. Problems with blood proteins may lead to deficiency. And states that block or reduce the uptake of riboflavin into the cell can also be responsible for a deficient state. Therefore, just having an adequate supply of Riboflavin in your food does not necessarily preclude deficiency. Brewer's yeast and organ meats are sources that are high in Riboflavin. Lower amounts may be found in milk, eggs, green leafy vegetables and some fruits. As a side note, I once had a biochemistry teacher whom offered two pieces of advice to his students. He told us to drink a gallon of water per day and to take some brewer's yeast every day. As I remember it, he talked about how brewer's yeast was excellent food for the cellular processes of the body. That was probably due to the fact that brewer's yeast is an excellent source of the b vitamins. Drinking a gallon of water per day was slightly unusual advice as most experts and nutritionists agree that 2 liters is an adequate intake. This biochemistry teacher was recommending twice that amount. Remember to consult with a physician before changing your diet, supplement or water intake. Riboflavin is very important in cellular metabolism, the process by which your body produces usable energy. It is important in forming the coenzymes that are necessary to make ATP, which is the energy currency of the cells. A partial list of deficiency symptoms include fatigue, sensitivity to light and dermatitis. Nerve tissue damage and retarded growth in infants and children can result from a deficiency. More detailed and technical information about Riboflavin can be found at emedicine.com. If you have any doubts about your health as it relates to Riboflavin, ask your doctor for a proper diagnoses and treatment. Each human body is different with different needs and contraindications, that is why it is important to consult your physician. This article is for information purposes only and is not intended to prevent, treat or diagnose any health issue. If you have or think you might have a health condition or issue, please contact your primary care physician for proper diagnoses and treatment. The statements in this article have not been evaluated by the US FDA as far as I know. You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the author bylines are included and any hyperlinks are left active on web pages. You may make minor editorial corrections only. Dave Snape is a health, fitness and wellness enthusiast. His website is http://tobeinformed.com
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Steroid Stars A long time ago, in the country far, far away, a young boy decided he wanted to change his stars for good. He decided that bodybuilding would be his ticket to the top and starts pumping iron. He quickly became successful, but that was partially due to the fact that bodybuilding was the least popular sport in his country at the time. He continued to win other prizes all over Europe, but realized that he could only succeed completely if he went to U.S. and win it there. Should You Be Taking Liquid Vitamins? How many pills do you have to take every morning? Lots of multivitamins in there? For most people the answer is yes, considering there are more multivitamins sold than Prozac or Viagra! When Your Body Lacks Vitamins The body needs a minimum amount of vitamins and minerals each day to remain healthy and function properly. A balanced diet normally supplies sufficient vitamins. However, serious disorders can still develop if the diet does not meet your body's needs. Symptoms of a deficiency in vitamins and minerals usually appear when the lack is already in a relatively advanced level. Beyond Macronutrients and the Importance of Vitamin Supplements Most healthy eaters are familiar with the three macronutrients that garner the most media attention within the diet world: proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Indeed, some highly regarded eating programs, such as the Isometric DietŪ, are designed to deliver an optimal balance of these three macronutrients. Vitamins for Your Healthier LIfe VITAMINS: Pros And Cons For Vitamin Supplements ? Are They Good Or Bad? There are a number of pros and cons for vitamin supplements. You may find yourself reading articles and watching adverts that claim vitamin supplements are the best things since sliced bread ? a cure for everything and a suitable alternative for a diet that is rich in nutritional value. However, there are both pros and cons for vitamin supplements, and they are certainly not an alternative for good health and good diet. Whether you are taking vitamin supplements, fiber supplements, acid supplements, or any other type of supplement, it is important to follow direction with regards to dosage and frequency for optimum benefit. Calcium Reduces Osteoporosis Risk For Women On The Pill The findings, published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (10.1210/jc.2004-0924), are important because it is estimated that 80 percent of all women have used oral contraceptives. If the pill's effect on their bone mass is not offset with higher calcium intake in their youth, the peak bone development years, we may see an increase in the incidence of osteoporosis once they reach the menopause. According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, 10 million Americans suffer from the disease, which causes bones to become fragile and ups susceptibility to fractures, and a further 34 million more have low bone mass, which increases their chances of developing it. 3 Steps to Identify Supplements that Lack Scientific Evidence You read about a supplement that allegedly "Boosts your mood and motivation!" That sure sounds good so your surf over to the company's web site. The web site looks official--it's even got footnotes citing scientific journals. You're ready to purchase the supplement online until you ask yourself, "What if this supplement doesn't really possess any scientific evidence for its efficacy? How can I tell the difference between supplements with solid evidence for their reported benefits versus those lacking any scientific support?" Here are the 3 Steps to answer those questions: Step 1: Go to http://www.pubmed.org which is a National Library of Medicine (United States) web site where you can search for articles published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Why check PubMed? Because the National Library of Medicine carefully selects only high-quality journals that offer value to medical scientists around the world. Selection criteria are detailed on this web page: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/pubs/factsheets/jsel.html Step 2: Once on the PubMed web site, search for research articles using the generic (scientific) name of the supplement in question. Supplement manufacturers must list the scientific name for their supplement's ingredients on the label and in advertisements. Supplements often contain many ingredients but usually only a few provide the purported benefits. Those are the ingredients you want to evaluate--they are often the same ones the manufacturer highlights in advertisements. Step 3: This is the step some supplement companies don't want you to know. Before you click on the "Search" button at PubMed.org, limit your search to studies that utilize the right research methodology with the right population. The right research methodology is a randomized controlled trial (the double-blind, placebo control group design fits under this category) and the right population is human beings. Specifying human subjects is important because you want to know if the ingredients in a supplement have been shown to produce the advertised benefits in real live human beings--not just in rats pressing levers for food pellets or in a "case study" with one person. This is not to say that basic science research, which is often conducted initially with animals, is unimportant. On the contrary, such research usually serves as a crucial building block for subsequent clinical research with humans. But basic science research does not provide scientific evidence for a supplement's beneficial health effects on human beings. Only research with human subjects, using randomized controlled trials, can offer such evidence. On the PubMed.org search page, click on the "Limits" tab located under the "Search" box. You will see a number of drop-down menus. First click on the Publication Type menu and then select Randomized Controlled Trial. Next click on the drop-down menu labeled, Humans or Animals and click on Humans. An Example Morinda citrifolia is the scientific name for a popular ingredient in a nutritional supplement. First search on PubMed for Morinda citrifolia, without placing Limits on your search. How many results did you receive? The count was 69 at the time I wrote this article. Looks impressive, huh? But now search for Morinda citrifolia after first placing Limits on the search as described above, so that you receive only those studies which provide more definitive scientific evidence for the positive effects of Morinda citrifolia. How many journal articles did you find searching with the specified limits? I found 1. Thus, out of 69 articles found on PubMed.org, only one provides some evidence for Morinda citrifolia's beneficial effects. Riboflavin for Migraine Headache Relief Supplementing with relatively small amounts of riboflavin (vitamin B2) may reduce the severity and frequency of migraines in chronic sufferers, reports a study in Headache (2004;44:885?90). Previous studies showing that riboflavin can prevent migraines used 400 mg per day, which is at least 200 times the amount in a typical diet. In the new study, 25 mg per day appeared to be effective. Learn Why Digestive Enzymes are Crucial for Optimal Health Your body produces over 20 separate digestive enzymes that are actually proteins; they break down food so that your body can convert it to energy, relieve certain ailments and discomforts and bolster your immune system. Your digestive enzymes work hard from the moment that food enters your mouth. Yes! Once you take a bite of food, your digestive enzymes set out to break down the meal. The more efficient that your body is at breaking down your meals, the better your body works. Therefore, investing in and using a digestive enzyme supplement is one way to improve your overall well being. Nutritional Nutrients Nutrients form the basis for your body, emotional and spiritual needs. Fruit, vegetables, carbohydrates and fish and lean meat is important, but we've all heard the scare stories, 'Mad cow disease', 'bird flu', 'radioactive fish', 'GM crop nightmares' - and the coincidental timing of all these has made some consumers think twice about what they eat. Following these and many food-borne illnesses that have erupted across the international community, many people have made adjustments to their grocery lists, opting for organically grown meats and vegetables. Tart Cherries - Natural Cox-2 Inhibitors, Now Available in One A Day Softgels for Arthritis and Gout After nearly 4 years of research and development, Flavonoid Sciences of Traverse City, Michigan had created a proprietary new supplement called CherryFlex, a Softgel Capsule made from whole fruit. CherryFlex Softgels are marketed worldwide by Brownwood Acres Foods, and each Softgel Contains 100 mg Anthocyanins, 20 mg Flavones and 30 mg Tannins. I Love My Glyconutrients In today's modern world most people, like us, just do not feel well and have no energy! Everybody around us is either getting sick, has some terrible disease or is dying! What in the world is going on, why is all this stuff happening to us, and what can we do about it? The Secret to a Longer, Healthier, Happy Life is a Strong Immune System! How can I improve my health and lifestyle beyond diet and exercise? Glyconutrients: A Breakthrough Discovery The science of Glycobiology, touted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as one of the Top Ten Technologies that WILL change this world, is based on a breakthrough discovery. No combination of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, herbals, or any other nutrient can replace the necessary saccharides (plant sugars), found in glyconutritionals. Vitamins and Their Role in Our Lives Vitamins, like minerals, are an essential part of the function and health of the body system. While many vitamins serve individual purposes, the more common way for vitamins to function properly is as cofactors to or in partnership with other vitamins, minerals, nutrients and other substances in the body such as enzymes. Some of the most important processes in the body are the result of Vitamins partnering with each other to achieve certain affects, processes or functions. Why Fucose? Haven't heard of fucose? Think it's the latest teen dance craze? Think again, because fucose could make a huge difference in your quality of life. Mineral Supplements - Reasons For Taking Mineral Supplement ? be healthy. Vitamin E Three Important Nutrients - Vitamin E, Selenium, and Sodium and Potassium ? for good health Eat Well First Before You Take Your Vitamins There is a huge market when it comes to vitamins. Every Walmart and Walgreens across the nation are stocked with shelves and shelves of vitamins and minerals. Do you actually know what vitamins are and how they can help you? The word vitamin is from combining ?vital amine by a Polish chemist Casimir Funk in 1912. Vitamin B1 was first isolated by Funk. He determined that B1 is one of the vitamins that prevented beriberi. Not much beriberi going around these days thanks to Funk. Vitamins are organic and function as catalysts for reactions. If these catalysts or vitamins are missing such as in a vitamin deficiency, the body can begin breaking down and you can become sick. ![]() |
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