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That Brilliant Vitamin: Vitamin B
Perhaps you first read riboflavin at the back of a cereal box. Perhaps you first encountered folic acid from your first grade science teacher. Perhaps you first heard balanced diet from your mom. All that and more compose Vitamin B which is a group of eight individual vitamins, often referred to as B vitamins or B-complex vitamins. Vitamin B promotes normal growth and development, treats anemia and some types of nerve damage, helps mental and nervous conditions, improves resistance to infection and disease, increases appetite and energy, and improves memory. Vitamin B is also essential for the breakdown of carbohydrates into glucose, breakdown of fats and proteins, muscles in the stomach and intestinal tract, skin, hair, eyes, mouth, and liver. As mentioned earlier, Vitamin B is a group of eight individual vitamins. These vitamins are thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin, pyrodixine (B-6), folic acid (B-9), cyanocobalamin (B-12), panthotenic acid, and biotin. Vitamin B1 or Thiamine is essential for the conversion of carbohydrates into simple sugars called glucose which produces energy. This Vitamin B is also essential for the proper functioning of the heart, muscles, and nervous system. Thiamine deficiency is rare but often occurs to alcoholics because alcohol oftentimes interferes with the absorption of Vitamin B thiamine through the intestines. There are also several health implications associated with being thiamine deficient. One is beriberi, a disease characterized by anemia, paralysis, muscular atrophy, and spasms in the leg muscles. Other disorders associated with being thiamine deficient is Wernicke's encephelopathy which causes lack of coordination, Korsakoff's psychosis which affects short-term memory. Being thiamine deficient can also affect the mouth resulting to increased sensitivity of the teeth, cheeks, and gums as well as cracks in the lips. Vitamin B thiamine can be found in whole-grain cereals, bread, red meat, egg yolks, and green leafy vegetables. High doses of thiamine has been found not to cause adverse health effects and excess of this water-soluble vitamin b can be excreted. Vitamin B2 Riboflavin is important in the breakdown of carbohydrates, and fats and proteins. It is also significant in the maintenance of the skin and mucuous membrane, the cornea of the eye, and nerve sheaths. Riboflavin deficiency can cause skin disorders and inflammation of the soft tissue lining around the mouth and nose. It can also cause the eye to be hypersensitive to light. Like Thiamine, Riboflavin is found in whole grain products, milk, meat, and eggs. This is also excreted because it is a water-soluble vitamin although a little is stored in the kidney and liver. Vitamin B3 Niacin, also known as nicotinamide, is important in metabolism as well as in the maintenance of healthy skin, nerves, and gastrointestinal tract. Niacin deficiency can result to a disease called pellegra. The symptoms of pellegra are sometimes called "Three Ds" - diarrhea, dermatitis, and dementia. The mouth is also affected by pellegra which causes the inside of the cheeks and tongue to become red and painful. Vitamin B3 can be found in dairy products, poultry, fish, lean meat, nuts, and eggs. Niacin can also be prescribed in higher doses as drugs to help lower cholesterol but this can cause side effects such as flushing of the skin , itching, headaches, cramps, nausea, and skin eruptions. Vitamin B6 Pyridoxine which is also known as pyridoxal phosphate is used in the production of red blood cells and in the biochemical reactions involved in the metabolism of amino acids. It is also responsible in the synthesis of of antibodies in the immune system and helps maintain normal brain function. Vitamin B6 deficiency is rare except for alcoholics. It causes skin disorders, abnormal nervous system known as neuropathy, confusion, poor coordination, and insomnia. Inflammation of the lips, tongue and the rest of the mouth are oral symptoms of Vitamin B6 deficiency. Vitamin B6 can be found in organ meats, brown rice, fish, whole grains, fortified breads and cereals, and legumes. Vitamin B9 Folacin is a Vitamin B-complex which interacts with Vitamin B12 for the synthesis of DNA which is important for all cells in the body. Folacin, a combination of Vitamin B12 and Vitamin C, is essential in the breakdown of proteins and production of red blood cells, tissue growth, and cell function. It also stimulates appetite and formation of digestive acids. Folacin deficiency causes anemia, stunted growth, and irritation of the mouth. Alcoholics, the malnourished, the poor, the elderly, and those who have certain illnesses are usually the ones found to be Vitamin B9 deficients.Vitamin B9 is found in legumes, citrus fruits, whole grain cereals, and green vegetables. Vitamin B12 Cyanocobalamin like all other Vitamin B-complex is essential in the processing of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Vitamin B12 is also needed for maintenance of our nerve sheaths, activates amino acids during protein formation, and helps in the perpetuation of cells and fomation of new ones. One interesting thing about Vitamin B12 is that it cannot be absorbed by the body unless combined with mucoprotein made in the stomach. Once Vitamin B12 attaches to the mucoprotein, it travels in the small intestine to be absorbed by the body. Vitamin B12 deficiency is recurrently seen in strict vegetarians who do not take vitamin supplements. A deficiency can also cause pernicious anemia which in turn causes weakness, numbness of the extremities, and fever. Pantothenic acid and biotin are the last two Vitamin B-complexes. Pantothenic acid is used in the breakdown of carbohydrates, lipids, and amino acids while biotin functions as a coenzyme in carboxylation reactions. There is no known disorder associated with pantothenic acid deficiency while deficiency in biotin can cause scaly dermatitis which is a skin disorder. Pantothenic acid is mainly found in meat, legumes, and whole-grain cereals while abundance of biotin is found in beef liver, mushrooms, and egg yolk. ------------------------- Note: This article may be freely reproduced as long as the AUTHOR'S resource box at the bottom of this article is included and and all links must be Active/Linkable with no syntax changes. ------------------------- Charlene J. Nuble 2005. For up to date links and information about vitamins, please go to: http://vitamins.besthealthlink.net/ or for updated links and information on all health related topics, go to: http://www.besthealthlink.net/
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Is Vitamin E Lethal? Recently the news carried the story that a researcher had discovered that taking vitamin E at a level of 400IU or more increases the risk of death. (Jan 2005, Annals of Internal Medicine) I was immediately suspicious because I have studied the scientific literature on vitamin E for over two decades and have come to the exact opposite conclusion. Hundreds of studies have shown the beneficial effects of vitamin E on numerous modern diseases including cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's, claudication, arthritis, fibrocystic breast disease, epilepsy, infertility, intelligence?you name it. This evidence comes from carefully controlled clinical trials and meta-nalyses and is published in peer-reviewed publications. So what gives with this new "scoop?" Why did it receive the headlines while all the other studies aren't? 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Vitamin C is also important because it helps protect the fat-soluble vitamins A and E as well as fatty acids from oxidation. Vitamin C prevents and cures the disease scurvy, and can be beneficial in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia. I have to confess that I knew nothing until I joined my pharmacy, about what collagen was, and why it was so important? Collagen is the most ubiquitous substance in the body because it is the most abundant of the fibers contained in connective tissue. Connective tissue gives our body form and supports our organs. Collagen is everywhere in the body, and vitamin C plays a role in the formation of collagen. So, how is vitamin C involved in collagen synthesis? When collagen is produced, there is a complex series of events, some occurring inside of the cell, and some outside of the cell. Vitamin C acts inside the cell, where it adds hydrogen and oxygen to proline and lysine, the amino acids. 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What You Need To Know Parents always tell their children to take their vitamins. Every day, consumers are bombarded with vitamin advertisements, and it is common knowledge that vitamins are beneficial to the human body. Unfortunately, many people do not know exactly how vitamins are beneficial. Knowing how vitamins can be helpful, and other important information about vitamins can help anyone decide the right vitamins to take, and shows their true benefits. The Cholesterol Solution Is there an alternative to statin drugs such as Lipitor and Pravachol? If yes, does it have any side effects? Physicians are facing these questions each day however, most have bought into the drug companies marketing, and have not done the research for themselves. The truth is that there a number of naturally-occurring compounds that will work as well as, or better than, these multi-million dollar drugs. These compounds are found naturally in our bodies, or are found in nature. They don't cause the side effects commonly found with statins, and are much safer to use. These compounds have been clinically shown to improve cholesterol levels without the heart damaging side effects found with statin drugs. What are Glyconutrients? Simply stated, the Greek word glyco refers to "sweet." Hence, a glyconutrient is a biochemical that contains a sugar molecule. The prefix "glyco" can be placed in front of a fat, protein or any molecule and suggests that a sugar is attached. Glycobiology is the study of the sugar portion of these proteins and fats. Looking For Health Care Supplements ? The Easy Way To Order When looking for health care supplements Texas residents can enjoy an easy way of finding a selection of health and fitness products. The Internet has made it easy to get great quality products, and when looking for health care supplements Texas residents can enjoy both choice and convenience online. You can get all sorts of supplements, from mens health and fitness products and women's products to a range of natural supplements suitable for a variety of purposes. To Supplement or Not to Supplement; That is the Question Some fitness adherents are supplement crazy and spend money like a Vegas drunk with a big roll trying to impress girls he barely knows. I know lots of folks who admit to spending hundreds of bucks each month on the newest, latest dietary or supplement craze. A subtler shade of this same affliction is the cutting-edge Elite who also purchase lots of supplements and spend lots of disposable income on nutritional supplements of some type or another, the newer the better for this crew. Both ends of the fitness feeding chain are seduced by supplements that promise everything and deliver very little. There is something intrinsic and rooted deep in the human psyche that eternally searches for a miracle pill, potion, compound, substance or procedure that will do one of three things: make you lean, make you muscular and make you look and feel decades younger than your actual chronologic age. Do Natural Thyroid Boosters Work? How Well Does Thyrin-ATC and Other Natural Thyroid Products Work? Some Vitamin Supplements to Enhance Your Ironman Training Diet There are a host of choices for supplementing your Ironman diet. I'll give you descriptions of a few that I found helpful to my Ironman training and racing. I won't delve too deeply into the world of vitamins. This is an area best left to the experts. As I said earlier, if I have not used a product or diet or anything else concerning Ironman training, I won't recommend it. Here are a few of the supplements I had good success with. Iron Mineral101 Iron is a mineral that is essential to the health and functioning of the body. Deficiencies in iron can have serious consequences for overall health and even energy levels. While iron is important for both sexes, it is of particular importance to women due to biological and reproductive factors. However, world wide, many people do not meet the minimum suggested daily intake of iron resulting in a variety of health problems that range from the mild, which simply increasing the daily iron intake could remedy, to the severe, which often require more complex treatments but could easily have been avoided by sufficient daily iron consumption. Supplements ? How To Take Them It's unfortunate but many people have digestive systems that find it hard to break down food and absorb nutrients ? this can be caused by poor levels of stomach acid, toxic substances in the gut, insufficient production of digestive enzymes among other reasons. ![]() |
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