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Top Ten Reasons To Supplement Your Diet With EPA Fish Oil
1. Most of the modern western diets contain way too much omega 6 in the form of breads and pasta, by supplementing your diet with an omega 3 fish oil supplement it will help to correct this imbalance of omega 6 to omega 3. 2. High grade omega 3 EPA fish oil has been shown to be very beneficial in the fight against depression. If your brain becomes clogged up with Tran's fatty acids (bad fats) it is possible that the whole messaging system within your brain could become sluggish, should this happen then onset of depression may occur 3 .In one recent study performed, people who supplemented there diet with EPA fish oil lost more weight than a placebo controlled group. This is thought to be due the cells releasing the bad fats, and the body then burning them as fuel. 4. High grade EPA fish oil helps with concentration and the ability to think clearly by aiding the passage of signals within the tiny gaps of the brain called synapses. 5. Omega 3 is an essential fatty acid and cannot be produced by the body. It is called an essential fatty acid because it is Essential for correct body balance and function of most vital organs and hormones. 6 Omega 3 high grade EPA fish oil has blood thinning properties similar to aspirin, this is very beneficial for people who are at risk from a heart attack. And other similar cardiac problems. Those with arrhythmia problems and those taking blood thinning medication should consult their GP. 7. The quality of your skin, hair and nails depends on your diet being rich in all the correct essential fatty acids, especially omega 3. The body needs these essential nutrients for optimal grow and rejuvenation. 8. The omega 3 we used to obtain from milk and meat has now been reduced drastically because the cows are mainly grain fed instead of grass fed, this has reduced the omega content in meat and milk to a very low level. 9. During pregnancy the unborn baby takes all the nutrients from the mother, this includes the omega 3 nutrient DHA. If after the birth of the child these correct nutrients are not replaced then the onset of post natal depression could occur. 10.Western diets can be lazy and full of the wrong kind of fats i.e. trans fats. Therefore we are not giving our bodies the correct balance of omega 3 essential fatty acids. The body will then start to show signs of this imbalance: Dry eyes The Author Dave mcevoy: A great resource for high grade omega 3 Ethly EPA , with a 90% concentrate of EPA and Zero DHA visit http://www.mind1st.co.uk
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Riboflavin for Migraine Headache Relief Supplementing with relatively small amounts of riboflavin (vitamin B2) may reduce the severity and frequency of migraines in chronic sufferers, reports a study in Headache (2004;44:885?90). Previous studies showing that riboflavin can prevent migraines used 400 mg per day, which is at least 200 times the amount in a typical diet. In the new study, 25 mg per day appeared to be effective. Build Health: Cut Through The Calcium Hype The initial success of penicillin generated an assumption which has stuck with us as a cultural belief in the Quick Technological Fix. That assumption is: Nutritional Vitamin Fiber Supplements ? Which One Is For You? Nutritional vitamin fiber supplements come in a variety of types, and you will find that each of the different types offers a variety of benefits. Despite various fallacies about taking such supplements, fiber is essential to our bodies for healthy functioning, and you will find many articles and much literature that will enable you to learn more about the benefits of such supplement products. One thing to remember about nutritional vitamin fiber supplements ? or any other vitamin supplements such as vitamin C ? is that they should be taken as directed in order to enjoy the maximum benefit. Is Ephedra a Miracle Cure? Americans are buzzing about the FDA's recent decision to reverse the ban on ephedra and ephedrine supplements in the United States. Known as the "world's oldest medicine," ephedra has been used for thousands of years for its variety of healing properties. While ephedra is not a cure-all, it is successfully used in treating hundreds of afflictions, including some that may surprise you. Nutrition Supplements for Aging Americans While America has given birth to the song "Young at Heart", and the phrase "you're as young as you feel!" can be heard from coast to coast by millions of people, demographic trend point firmly toward the other direction: aging. What is HGH? Hormones are chemical messengers made up of amino acids and produced by the endocrine glands to be sent all over the body to stimulate certain activities. Growth, digestion, reproduction and sexual functions in the human body are all triggered by hormones. Know Your Bodybuilding Supplement - Tribulus Tribulus terrestris is a herb that comes from a plant found in Asia. It has been used in the past by many cultures for the treatment of liver, kidney and cardiovascular diseases. It has also been used as a diuretic and to treat infertility. In recent years strength athletes in eastern Europe are reputed to have used it to enhance performance. Buy Vitamins Supplements: Tips, Myths, and Facts - An Inside Story! With dietary supplements making their way in our daily life, we find it difficult to survive without them. We have very smartly and effectively heralded these supplements as panacea for all ills. But as the saying goes, too much of even good things can be bad! So, we should be cautious enough not to make supplements our oxygen. To know your thresholds of the supplements, read on. Know Your Bodybuilding Supplement - HMB HMB stands for beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate. It is a metabolite of leucine, one of the body's essential amino acids, with small amounts found naturally in catfish, grapefruit and alfalfa. Using Bodybuilding Supplements To Build Muscle Mass! OK, first let's get something straight here... If You Want to Enjoy Optimum Good Health A Multivitamin Can Help It's never too late to change your habits, and if you are not in the habit of taking a multivitamin supplement regularly, it's time you did. Altering your behavior in this one respect will greatly improve your chances of living a long and healthy life. Good nutrition is necessary to maintain optimum health, and a multivitamin supplement will ensure that you receive what your body needs to help prevent and fight disease and improve your state of well being. Vitamin E ? Just the Facts, Ma?am It is important to understand that we are ultimately responsible for our own well-being and should do whatever is necessary to maintain our health and assist our bodies in resisting and fighting disease. Since health practitioners agree that vitamins are essential for life and health, we must ensure that we receive adequate amounts for our bodies to function properly and to protect us from illnesses. Vitamin E is one of the vitamins to which we should pay particular attention. Liquid or Pills? A lot of people take vitamins A, C, B and much more or just take a multivitamin, before you only had to choose from brand but now not just that you have to choose from liquid or pills. From many choices which its better and more effective to use. Nutritional Supplements: The Amazing Benefits of Vitamin E The real benefits of Vitamin E may surprise you. First of all, what is Vitamin E? Vitamin E is not one nutrient but actually a group of eight nutrients known as tocopherols and tocotrienols. Each one of these groups is further broken down into alpha, beta, gamma and delta. Definitve Proof - Supplements Heal No Money in Prevention 7 Vitamins Every Arthritis Sufferer Should Know About A deficiency of vitamins can lead to a variety of health problems, including some forms of arthritis. What Are Nutraceuticals and Why Are the Drug Companies Upset? If you break the word apart, Nutra has to do with nutrition, and Ceuticals has to do with drug companies ? pharmaceuticals. So what is the big deal? Nutraceuticals are god-given nutrients that are readily available for our good health, but drug companies want to make them illegal to buy and use ? unless they can sell them to increase their bank accounts. Dietary and Nutritional Supplements: Know More About Supplements At times, due to your busy and fast life, we tend to miss out on the essential nutrients such as protien, vitamins and minerals which are responsible for our good health. Good nutrition is the most important factor in achieving optimal health. If we face some type of challenges in life which doesn't allow us to have a balanced diet all the time, then supplementing out daily diet with food supplements is quick, easy and effective way to fill nutrient gaps. Beta-Glucan May Prevent Anthrax When Taken Orally In a 2002 study, a group of researchers used oral Beta Glucan to treat mice infected with Bacillus Anthracites. With the high incidence of anthrax vaccine complications, an alternative preventative approach is sorely needed to deal with this frightening disease. Non specific immune stimulation methods, such as macrophage activation would be an excellent option. Body Building Supplementation Body Building Supplement ? what is it? ![]() |
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