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Protect Your Body and Slow Down Aging With Antioxidants
The Challenge of Free Radicals to Your Body Your body is under constant attack--not only from pathogens of all kinds--but also, at the molecular level, from "free radicals." Free radicals are unstable molecules that result inevitably from the oxidation of nutrients in your body to produce energy. If they are not effectively counteracted, they systematically damage the cells of your body. This accelerates aging and can ultimately lead to many chronic degenerative diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, Parkinson's disease, cataracts, and arthritis. Just as your immune system defends your body against various kinds of pathogens, your main defense against free radical damage is the antioxidant defense system. This consists of a group of compounds that effectively disarm free radicals before they attack your tissues. They accomplish this disarming action by engulfing free radicals and then joining their molecular structure. Although this results in the new molecule becoming a free radical itself, it is much weaker than the original free radical and is, thus, much less likely to cause harm to the cells of your body. So this is a classic instance of "when you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Dr. Lester Packer spent his entire career researching the details of this process. He, along with a team of colleagues and other scientists, have established that it involves a dynamic interplay among five key antioxidants: vitamins C and E, Coenzyme Q10, lipoic acid, and glutathione. These key substances work together in such a way that they bolster each other and maintain a balance of the overall system that they comprise. By systematically rejuvenating each other, they are said to work "synergistically." Collectively, they are called "the antioxidant network." You can read about all the details of how free radicals--if they are not quelled--damage the body, and also learn the specifics of how the antioxidant network works to protect you in Dr. Packer's recently-published, enlightening book, "The Antioxidant Miracle." One very important conclusion of his work, which is stressed in his book, is that the modern diet does NOT provide an adequate intake of key antioxidants and that it is, therefore, crucially important for EVERYONE to supplement their diets with high quality antioxidants in order to slow down aging and help prevent the development of degenerative disease. As he points out very cogently, the research evidence indicates that some of these diseases, such as cataracts, can be prevented COMPLETELY through effective supplementation. How To Get The Most Potent Antioxidant Available Although there are a great many antioxidant products on the market, very few of them meet the crucially-important criterion established by Dr. Packer and his colleagues of supporting the entire "antioxidant network." Interestingly, there is now much research evidence showing that supplementing with a single antioxidant, such as vitamin E for example, actually seems to CONTRIBUTE to the development of degenerative disease. Further, due to inadequate quality control, many so-called antioxidants actually have little or no effect in quenching free radicals in the body and some of them have actually been found to have a PRO-oxidative effect. There is one particular antioxidant supplement, however, that has been specifically designed to support the synergistic process of the antioxidant network. Under development for over three years before its release in 9/03, this product has been shown in comparative laboratory testing to be three times more potent than the next closest competitor of 90 antioxidant products tested. Moreover, it was shown to be 10 times more effective than the AVERAGE of these other products. This product combines an unique glyconutritional complex, which mobilizes the body's own production of glutathione, with a freeze-dried extract of 12 vine-ripened fruits and vegetables, AND a carefully-balanced blend of five antioxidants: vitamin E, quercetin, grape pomace extract, green tea extract, and vitamin C from the Australian Bush Plum. (The Australian Bush Plum contains a much higher concentration of vitamin C than any other natural source on the planet.) Another impressive fact about this supplement is that, as a part of its development, the company that created it also created a new, improved test for measuring the actual antioxidant potency of ALL antioxidants in the body--including those that are soluble in water, as well as those that are soluble in lipids. Previously, there had been no effective way to measure the lipid-based antioxidants. Finally, this product stands out from the vast majority of other antioxidants in that it conforms to Good Manufacturing Practices, ensuring a very high degree of quality control. If you would like to learn more about this product and how to purchase it, please click on the URL below and then click on "Ambrotose AO." George Shears
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Are You Flushing Your Money Down The Toilet...Literally? Many of you are probably aware that The American Medical Association has officially declared that all adults should be taking food supplements. Taking a multivitamin/mineral and an antioxidant every day is now doctor-recommended. Know Your Bodybuilding Supplement - HMB HMB stands for beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate. It is a metabolite of leucine, one of the body's essential amino acids, with small amounts found naturally in catfish, grapefruit and alfalfa. More Complete Arthritis Supplement People accept arthritic disease as a 'natural part of the aging process', but sometimes the pain from osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and over 100 other forms of arthritis so intolerable, prompting people to look for effective treatment. Antioxidants May Prevent Childhood Asthma A source suggests that there may be a new way to help children who are subjected to the dangers of second hand tobacco smoke. 3 Steps to Identify Supplements that Lack Scientific Evidence You read about a supplement that allegedly "Boosts your mood and motivation!" That sure sounds good so your surf over to the company's web site. The web site looks official--it's even got footnotes citing scientific journals. You're ready to purchase the supplement online until you ask yourself, "What if this supplement doesn't really possess any scientific evidence for its efficacy? How can I tell the difference between supplements with solid evidence for their reported benefits versus those lacking any scientific support?" Here are the 3 Steps to answer those questions: Step 1: Go to http://www.pubmed.org which is a National Library of Medicine (United States) web site where you can search for articles published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Why check PubMed? Because the National Library of Medicine carefully selects only high-quality journals that offer value to medical scientists around the world. Selection criteria are detailed on this web page: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/pubs/factsheets/jsel.html Step 2: Once on the PubMed web site, search for research articles using the generic (scientific) name of the supplement in question. Supplement manufacturers must list the scientific name for their supplement's ingredients on the label and in advertisements. Supplements often contain many ingredients but usually only a few provide the purported benefits. Those are the ingredients you want to evaluate--they are often the same ones the manufacturer highlights in advertisements. Step 3: This is the step some supplement companies don't want you to know. Before you click on the "Search" button at PubMed.org, limit your search to studies that utilize the right research methodology with the right population. The right research methodology is a randomized controlled trial (the double-blind, placebo control group design fits under this category) and the right population is human beings. Specifying human subjects is important because you want to know if the ingredients in a supplement have been shown to produce the advertised benefits in real live human beings--not just in rats pressing levers for food pellets or in a "case study" with one person. This is not to say that basic science research, which is often conducted initially with animals, is unimportant. On the contrary, such research usually serves as a crucial building block for subsequent clinical research with humans. But basic science research does not provide scientific evidence for a supplement's beneficial health effects on human beings. Only research with human subjects, using randomized controlled trials, can offer such evidence. On the PubMed.org search page, click on the "Limits" tab located under the "Search" box. You will see a number of drop-down menus. First click on the Publication Type menu and then select Randomized Controlled Trial. Next click on the drop-down menu labeled, Humans or Animals and click on Humans. An Example Morinda citrifolia is the scientific name for a popular ingredient in a nutritional supplement. First search on PubMed for Morinda citrifolia, without placing Limits on your search. How many results did you receive? The count was 69 at the time I wrote this article. Looks impressive, huh? But now search for Morinda citrifolia after first placing Limits on the search as described above, so that you receive only those studies which provide more definitive scientific evidence for the positive effects of Morinda citrifolia. How many journal articles did you find searching with the specified limits? I found 1. Thus, out of 69 articles found on PubMed.org, only one provides some evidence for Morinda citrifolia's beneficial effects. Dietary Supplement Vitamin Dietary Supplement Vitamin - why is it important? Vitamin Supplement Ratings ? Proof Of Popularity Vitamin supplement ratings quite clearly show just how popular nutritional care and supplement products have become over recent years. For many vitamin and herbal products, vitamin supplement ratings seem to indicate that consumers are becoming more and more concerned with their health, and increasingly keen to protect themselves against health problems. Many people now combine supplement and vitamin intake with a healthy diet to promote a more natural way of protecting their health and enhancing the body's ability to treat illness. The Secrets of Looking and Feeling Younger and HGH Supplements The mankind has never stopped searching for the scerets of youth ever since the dawn of intelligence. The tales date back to at least the time of the Alexander Romance in the West. In the East, the efforts of searching for permanent youth were recorded in the Huangdi Nei Jing (the Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine) - the earliest medical classic in China, written 2000 years ago. Gerontology now reveals that the secrets of youth are the Human Growth Hormones (HGH) and the genes inside every man and woman's body. Keeping Tabs on Niacin Vitamin B3 is one of the vitamins that make up the nutritional powerhouse known as the Vitamin B complex. Vitamin B3 is also called niacin, nicotinic acid and niacinamide and serves many vital purposes in the proper functioning of the body and the mind. Natural Tonics for Health and Wellness I'm a great believer in natural tonics to strengthen or invigorate the healing system. - Dr. Andrew Weil Discount Supplement Discount Supplement ? what is it? Antioxidants Nutrients Have Powerful Anti-Cancer Activity! Antioxidants . . . The Nutrients Boost The Immune System and Have Powerful Anti-Cancer Activity . . . Health and nutrition experts have increasingly come to recognize the value of taking a synergistic blend of potent antioxidants, the cancer-fighting, health-promoting nutrients that help boost the immune system naturally. Heres a summary of major antioxidants that should be considered for daily intake . . . Researchers analyzed data from the Beta-Carotene and Retinol Efficacy Trial (CARET). They focused on blood samples from 278 subjects with prostate cancer and 483 matched subjects without cancer. They analyzed blood levels of several carotenoids, including lutein vitamin A and vitamin E (alpha and gamma tocopherols), then identified correlations between those levels and the risk of lung and prostate cancer. Results: In the overall population, the highest intakes of lutein, zeaxanthin and alpha-tocopherol were associated with a significantly lower risk GlutImmune: Powder for Immunity and Digestion GlutImmune? is a very convenient high absorption source of glutamine. Glutamine is an amino acid that allows for improved immune system and brain function, balanced blood sugar levels, digestive tract health, and increased muscle mass. What Good Is It To Stop Smoking If I Have Smoked For Years? I often hear people say that they have smoked for so long that they can't see what good it would do to quit now. So what is the big deal if you quit smoking? Will it do you any good or is it a pointless exercise in futility? Are MLM Nutrition Supplements Right For You? Considering that the Health and Wellness industry is currently a multi-million dollar per year market, and that MLM is one of the quickest ways to develop a large stream of residual income, promoting nutritional programs via network marketing certainly might be right for you. Garlic Can Kill Superbug - A Health Supplement The Superbug MRSA which is becoming more common in Hospitals, it has now developed a lethal strain, that has already killed a number of patients. Revealed! The Secrets of Mangosteen Do you spend at least some time in your day thinking about your health or that of a loved one? Do you also find the subject is frustrating, mainly because there is a lot of confusing and sometimes contradictory information out there? Why Are Antioxidants Important To Me? Did you know that when we breath oxygen, it interacts with certain molecules in our bodies to create free radicals and that these free radicals damage important cellular structures such as DNA and cell membranes? Well, it is true and this damage may cause cells to function poorly and mutate. Free radical damage may lead to disease and aging. Ways to Maximize Vitamin Absorption 1. Do not refrigerate vegetables and fruits (raw and uncut) for more than two days. Using Antioxidants in Your Weight Loss Program If you're smart, you should not only be focused on your goal to lose weight but to maximize your weight loss program to its full extent by getting some health benfits out of it as well, and make them priority #1. ![]() |
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