Tax Deduction Information |
Part 2 of 5 On The Home Business Set-Up GuideAlvin N Dear Reader, These articles will provide a step by step guide on how to start and run a home based business based on my experiences and other home business owners. This is part 2 in a series of 5 articles. They are written in a basic format and where possible main points are summarised in an attempt to be understood by all. I have tried to minimise the technical jargon as much as possible. So lets jump right in and see what we need to know about starting and running a home based business. Regards, Alvin
Legal Structures The legal structure of your business is very important as it is a function of liabilities and tax deduction. The most common structures are:
Sole Trader When you are a sole trader you are personally responsible and liable for the business and its activities. Commonly you may start out as a sole trader, and as you expand, you will need to seek out partners or investors. Your accountant is the best person to advise you if this is the best structure for your business. Partnership This arrangement is where you and your partner are liable for anything related to your business. It is a very good idea to get a solicitor to write up a partnership agreement to avoid disputes down the track. Company This is a legal entity liable for the debts it incurs and paying tax on income. Your accountant can help you set a company up, or you can buy one off the shelf, which may be more cost effective. Trust Depending on your personal circumstances, and the country you live in, trusts can be useful in business and estate planning. They can be quite complex, and again, your accountant is the best person to speak too. Registering Your Business Name You can operate a business under your own name or register a business name. Registration of a business name allows you to operate under that name. Select a name for your business that describes to your customer what you do. A descriptive name promotes and advertises your business more effectively. Licences And Permits Depending on your municipality, you may need licences and permits. Do the right thing and check with your local council. Doing the right things now will save you a lot of unnecessary leg work later. Insurance Often overlooked, insurance is an important part of your risk management plan. There are two types of insurance: general insurance for loss/damage of assets and risk insurance which is your personal insurance cover. Ensure your business insurance is separate to your personal insurance. To establish the type and amount of insurance you need for your home based business, check with an insurance broker. Managing Risk You must have a risk management strategy for your business. Your SWOT Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats analysis from article one, will show what could expose your business to loss and what actions to take to reduce that loss. Marketing As a home business entrepreneur, you must understand what your customers want and give it to them. You must strive to have a service or product that meets and excels your customers needs and expectations. This is what makes them come back to buy from you, and this is how you grow your profit. Try and think like your customers and you will find they want:
Don’t confuse marketing with selling. In a home based business, marketing is much much more and involves all aspects of the business- pricing, advertising, customer service to sales. Marketing Mix Communication with your customers is essential and develops the framework for your marketing strategy. You must tell your customers these important bits of information
Your Business Image Even though you are running a home based business, make sure your office is comfortable and professional in appearance. Your website also needs to project the same kind of professionalism Location Your home based business needs its own dedicated area. Very often the living and working areas muddle into one, not allowing you to distinguish which is for work and for play. Keeping these separate is essential for running a home business. You must ensure that all family members understand this too. A telephone is essential in your home office as it will be the first point of contact with your clients. Installing a second phone line separate from the personal line is essential along with a cell phone, answering machine and a pager. Talk to your telecommunications company, very often they have some great packages suited to small businesses. Furniture And Equipment Choose furniture that is comfortable and professional. This helps distinguish this area from the rest of the household. Your office needs equipment and here are a few to get you kick started
I hope this article has set you on the path to create your own home based business and empower you to reach your financial destiny. In the next article, I will cover some of the ins and outs of operating a small business from home. Click Here To Get Other Resources On Home Based Business Ideas & Opportunities I Am Making As Much Money Part Time From My Home Business As I Was Working Full Time In My 9-5 Job. Want To Hear My Story
5 Simple Steps: Earn an EASY ROTH-IRA Million!!! So, you wanna earn a million dollars, super-duper easy How would you like the federal government to give you a big, huge tax break Wouldn’t it feel deliciously good to earn a Million Dollars of income, completely tax free How would you like to earn a million dollars of income passively, quietly, without lifting a finger Well, put your seatbelts on, folks, because in a brief nutshell, I’m going to introduce you to the financial vehicle that you’ve been looking for! Welcome to the wonderful world of investing through a ROTH IRA in 5 simple steps: Love Of Reading Can Predict Your Online Success When I was a very small child, I discovered that I had a love for reading. There was nothing better then spending an entire afternoon engrossed in a good novel. Reading for me was a pleasure, and magically transported me all over the world. My love of reading from an early age sharpened my vocabulary skills, my spelling, and my ability to learn, without me even realizing it. Home Business Legalities And Tax Advantages Even if you work out of your home, most cities and/or counties require you to have a business license and/or permit. Check with your local government municipalities to find out what the requirements are for where you live. Depending on where you live, you should be able to get this information from your local courthouse or townhall. Home Based Business Tax Tips Running a home based business reaps many wonderful tax deductions that other businesses some times may not claim. Unfortunately to many small business owners end up paying the government taxes every year because they are unaware or several small business deductions that are available. Home-Based Business Owners Save Thousands on Their Taxes Do You Qualify For Home-Based Tax Deductions The Seven Deadly Tax Sins: Commonly Missed Deductions Its that time again, the April 15 tax deadline is looming large. If youre like most people, you havent gathered all of your tax records, let alone filled your return. How to Check the Status of Your Tax Refund Online So, you were pleasantly surprised to learn that you are getting a refund on your taxes. Congratulations! The IRS expects to issue approximately $54 billion dollars in refunds for the 2003 tax year. The question for most taxpayers expecting a return is, "Where is my refund" What Students and Parents MUST Know about Student Loans A student loan helps you get through college. Then you come out into a high-paying career. Its a great investment in your or your sons/daughters future. 10 Tips for Investing in Distressed or Foreclosed Properties 1. Search on the world wide web for distressed or foreclosed properties as a starting point. Use a professional REALTOR to identify great foreclosure deals for you. You may be successful at searching the web on your own, but keep in mind some of the information is outdated, some may be incorrect, and some of the available properties are not even listed. A REALTOR subscribes to updated MLS listings and can offer you the most current information available. Is it time to stop filling your Landlord’s Wallet Is it time to stop filling your Landlord’s Wallet Seven Key Tax Deductions for the Self Employed As a sole proprietor, it*s wise to familiarize yourself with the some key deductions that may reduce your tax bill for 2004. Small-business consultants generally recommend that you hire an accountant to prepare your tax returns, payroll and financial statements. But you should also meet with your accountant well before the year-end rush to discuss such matters as tax planning, and record keeping for tax deductions. Keep More of What You Make - Start A Home-based Business The best advantages of owning a home-based business are you can turn non-deductible expenses into tax deductions. The deductions you create for your Schedule C have a more significant impact on the total taxes you pay than do deductions on Schedule A. Schedule C deductions not only reduce federal income tax, they also reduce self-employment tax, Medicare tax, and state and local taxes. Create Tax Savings And Transfer Wealth To Your Child With A Roth IRA Parents must give serious thought to protecting their family through estate tax planning. While life insurance and trusts should be a part of every plan, Roth IRAs can be a simple tool for passing money to your child on a tax-free basis. Tax Records - What You Should Keep And For How Long Many taxpayers are confused about how long they should keep tax records. The term "tax records" refers to your tax returns and the documents that support the information in the returns. These documents can include receipts, bank statements, 1099s, etc. If you are one of the unlucky few to be audited, these records will be vital to fending off the IRS. How To Avoid Scam Artist When Donating To Tsunami Relief Millions of people have shown their true character by making cash donations to charitable groups providing relief to those devastated by the Tsunami. While your actions are a shining example of the best traits of people, a few unsavory groups are trying to make a profit off of the tragedy. How to DRIVE-HOME Your GOD-given PURPOSE in Life with a MicrofoundationTM How are you going to DRIVE-HOME GODs PURPOSE IN YOUR LIFE Get more active at church ... or at work ... Start a church ... or a ministry Tax Advantages In A Home Business Every year, several thousand people develop an interest in "going into business." Many of these people have an idea, a product or a service they hope to promote into an in come producing business which they can operate from their own homes. Small Business Tax Deductions for Year End 2004 As a small business owner, its wise to familiarize yourself with some key deductions that may reduce your tax bill for 2004. Turning Your Trash Into Cash Junk. We all have some of it lying around the house. Whether its boxed items cluttering the attic or everyday items that just dont fit with the rooms decorating theme anymore, many of us have more than we need. At some point it all gets to be too much and in a fit of energy we decide that our place needs to be cleaned. Then the junk gets moved, typically to the nearest trash can. But wait. Before you throw out all that stuff, it pays to take head of the saying "one persons junk is another persons treasure." Five Reasons To Stay Committed To Your Retirement Savings NC—As an investor working to build your portfolio, you face many day-to-day demands on your money. Its not always easy to determine what your financial priorities should be, or to stay committed to them – especially when markets are volatile. |
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