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Do You Want to Get Others to Improve Their Performance? Then Expect the Best
Recently I decided to stretch my athletic abilities and add a running program to my regular exercise routine. Although I had tried to run in the past, my level of success was pretty pathetic. This time, however, I decided to follow my own advice and find some expert runners who could teach me how to run. And that is exactly what I did. Our local roadrunner's organization was about to begin a running clinic for inexperienced runners. I immediately signed up for the program. During the second class, we were asked to run one mile at our top speed. What I lack in skill and endurance, I make up for in competitiveness, so I clocked in a mile at 9:28 (9 minutes and 28 seconds). While this may seem paltry for an experienced runner, I can assure you that it was a major accomplishment for me. During this speed test, I began to see outstanding leadership qualities of one of my coaches emerge. Vera, one of the trainers, was absolutely thrilled with my time. She told me what a wonderful time it was for someone so new to running. I started to think that maybe I could finally learn to run after all. Almost two weeks later, I had a major lapse in judgment and signed up for a 5K (3.1 mile race). Now remember, I had just started running 3 1/2 weeks before and here I was ready to compete with 1,100 runners, some of whom could run a 5K in between commercials (not quite, but they were very fast). When I arrived at the race, I saw Vera at the registration desk and went over to her. "Vera," I said, "I don't know how to run a race. What do I do?" She looked up at me with a big smile and said, "You ran a 9:28 as your fast mile. Just aim for a 10 minute pace for the first mile and you'll be fine." I walked away thinking that she had totally lost her mind. I couldn't possibly sustain a 10-minute per mile pace for 3 miles. The best I had been able to do was just over 11 minutes per mile. I ran the race, running part of the way, walking part of the way, huffing and puffing most of the way, and wondering what I was doing there when I could be home sitting on the couch watching TV. A short while after the race ended, I discovered my time. I had run at a pace of 9:55 (9 minutes and 55 seconds) per mile. I couldn't wait to share my success with Vera. At the next class, I told Vera my time and she was delighted. "That's wonderful," she said, again with a huge smile and total conviction. "You'll definitely be able to get down to an 8 minute mile." An 8-minute mile? At this point, I can't even imagine running 5 miles without having to walk. However, Vera is an expert and if she thinks I can, maybe I can. Vera believed in me. While I didn't believe that I could live up to Vera's expectation of an 8 minute mile, I was willing to borrow her belief in me and continue to try to get my endurance up and my time down. As I struggled to run and breathe at the same time, wanting to quit more than once, I repeated to myself, "Vera says I can do an 8 minute mile." This kept my motivation in gear and my feet in motion, even when I wanted to chuck the whole idea of becoming a runner. You can use Vera's leadership strategy to get your team and other people in your life to strive for better performance. SET A HIGHER GOAL Look at where your team member is currently performing and set a higher goal. Make sure the goal is realistic for that individual. It must be something that you believe he or she can achieve. If, after I ran a 9:28 mile, Vera told me that I could run a 5-minute mile, I never would have believed her. She gave me a goal that she believed was possible for me, and since it was not that far away from what I had already done, it seemed that if I put forth the effort then I could achieve it. COMMUNICATE YOUR EXPECTATION Let the person know what your expectation is of him or her. Too often, people underestimate their own abilities. However, there is a part of them that would like to believe they could do better. People usually meet the expectations that others have of them. Let your team members borrow your faith in them, while they might not yet have enough faith in their own abilities. BE A CHEERLEADER Things don't always go smoothly when people try to achieve something and there is a strong tendency to get discouraged and give up. That's when you must encourage your team to keep on trying. Again, communicate your faith in their ability to succeed. When I complained to Vera that I was still having a hard time breathing during my runs, she told me not to worry, that I would get there if I kept up with my workouts. Your consistent positive attitude is a critical to your team's success. CARE ABOUT YOUR TEAM The bottom line that makes this entire strategy work is that you must genuinely care about your team members. Make them feel special. When Vera told me the exact time of my fast run, I was shocked that she remembered it without looking at her notes. This made me feel that she really cared about me and I began to trust her more. If your team doesn't trust you, they will perceive everything that you say and do as manipulation. When they know that you value them, they will gladly let you lead them to greater accomplishments. Follow this strategy with your team and watch their performance soar. As for me, I still don't know if I'll ever be able to run an 8-minute mile. Vera thinks I can, so I'll continue to practice even when I feel like quitting, and hopefully, one day I'll live up to her expectation of me. Della Menechella is a speaker, author, and trainer who helps organizations achieve greater success by improving the performance of their people. She is a contributing author to Thriving in the Midst of Change and the author of the videotape The Twelve Commandments of Goal Setting. She can be reached at della@dellamenechella.com. Subscribe to free Peak Performance Pointers e-zine - send blank e-mail to subscribe@dellamenechella.com.
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How Does Personal Development Help in Business? Teams run most businesses and teams work best if each member is aligned with the whole group and works in a happy friendly way. Team building has been very popular over the last ten years or so, but wouldn't it be so much easier if we naturally lived a life in synchrony with your teammates and your customers. How the P.R.I.D.E. Team Changed my Call Center Several years ago I took an assignment as a Manager in an outsourcing Call Center. Shortly after I started it became clear that several areas within the department needed improvement; absenteeism was high (19%), call takers lacked the enthusiasm about the programs to deliver quality customer service and seemed unconnected to the goals and metrics. With the overall morale of the center in a less than pleasant state the management team weighed our options. We determined that any new rules rolled out by management may be perceived as "us vs. them" by the call taking teams. Rather than try to manage down with force we decided to get the people who were doing the work involved in the improvements. It was clear, in order to make positive changes the call takers had to embrace the existing goals and embrace any changes we tried to make. What better way to do that then to include them in the process of making the changes. From this idea the P.R.I.D.E. team was formed. People Really Involved in Developing Excellence The first step was to roll out the concept of the P.R.I.D.E. team to the supervisors. I explained how the team would work and what we hoped to accomplish with it. The supervisors then rolled out the concept in their team meetings. Basic Roll out: Each team on the floor votes for a representative from their team to attend the P.R.I.D.E. meetings. P.R.I.D.E representatives gather issues, concerns and ideas from their teams and present them at the P.R.I.D.E meetings. The P.R.ID.E. Team will take action for improvement based on the ideas and discussions from each meeting. Meeting minutes will be distributed to the floor. Once the roll out was complete and the teams elected representatives, the first meeting was called to order. We congratulated the new P.R.I.D.E. team representatives for being voted in by their teams and broke the ice by getting to know each other. The group agreed on some ground rules and established time limits for discussion. I reiterated that the meetings will not be a gripe session; we will focus on improvement. We began discussing the issues challenging the center. The high rate of Absenteeism (19%) was the issue we chose to bring to the table first. We asked the group why absenteeism was so high and asked what we as the management team could do to help. The representative's answers provided insight and ideas to improve attendance. Suggestions ranged from things as simple as being welcomed to work in the morning, to more challenging tasks such as supervisors building better relationships with their team members. The ideas and thoughts we tapped into gave us direction to improve this metric. Instead of pushing an elephant up the stairs, we were following the lead to reach our destination. After listening to and acting on the P.R.I.D.E. Team's suggestions we started to see some very impressive changes. Over a three month period Absenteeism dropped to 3%! People were more excited about doing their jobs and finding ways to improve. There was a general buzz around the center. Communication was one of the keys to our success. In addition to the P.R.I.D.E. Team members discussing the meetings with their team members and other co-workers, we documented the conversations from the meeting then distributed them to the floor to ensure no "behind closed door" perceptions. If time allowed supervisors would bring the P.R.I.D.E meeting notes to team meetings for discussions as well. The meetings evolved. The more meetings we ran the more root causes we discovered. We listened to every issue big and small. We created subgroups to focus on large issues. Sometimes there were issues we could not do anything about, but we always provided an explanation on why action could not be taken. Listening to the representatives' ideas and making changes based on them created buy in for change. The call takers were more apt to make the ideas work because they came from them. After the P.R.I.D.E. program was well in place, I turned it over to the senior supervisors to run. It was a great development opportunity and helped build relationships throughout the group. Overall the P.R.I.D.E Team created a paradigm shift in the center. The existence and actions of the team sent a message that everyone in the center was part of the same team. The representatives realized their importance. There was only "us" instead of "us and them". The program created involvement, strengthened commitment to the company and opened communication gateways. Whats Your REAL problem?? When was the last time you spent excessive time and money solving a problem only to discover the problem you thought you had wasn't really the problem at all? You are Excused from Training Trainers, please picture this... You are presenting in a new location to a new group. You are prepared for a one day workshop. Your materials are ready and you are "on". Things seem to be going well. You are building a nice rapport with the class and the pace of the training is right on schedule. About two hours into your day one participant starts to demonstrate disruptive behavior. This individual begins talking to the person beside him during the lecture. A few minutes later, during an activity this gentleman is doing everything in his power to take people's attention away from the subject at hand. As the calm cool trainer you are, you try to work with him to no avail, and his behavior is really starting to affect the others in the workshop. You've got about one hour to lunch, and you are now behind on your timeline?For the sake of the training, what do you do? Leadership ? Do The Simple But Important Things Why do we human beings complicate things? Is it that we don't believe that simple things work. From years of working with leaders at all levels and many different sectors here are the simple yet powerful steps you must take if you want to be a brilliant leader. Whats the Secret Ingredient That Turns Groups into Teams? What's the Secret Ingredient That Turns Groups into Teams? Working together building and maintaining long-term team relationships is the key behavior and skill of the most effective people in any organization. Working as a Winning Team It's a great sunny day so it's time to get out and enjoy the weather. Many of us would like to, but we have projects due, tasks that need to be done, people that we need to see, and money that needs to be made. What if your company gave you that time off as compensation for the great effort that you gave to the team to finish a project on time? 7 Key Dimensions of High Performance Teams 7 Key Dimensions of High Performance Teams Building Successful Work Relationships--Playing In The Same Sandbox Remember playing in your childhood sandbox? If you enjoyed being outside for most of the day, you could play in the sandbox for hours on end-shaping and pouring the sand or mixing it with a little water to form a castle or hill. Children enjoy playing with sand or dirt and learn at an early age how to make the most of this play time activity. Team Building Survey Reveals Clues, Not Answers Team Building Question: Effective Team Building Part 1 - Another Brick in the Wall! The first in a series of articles giving a slightly different viewpoint on effective team building, condensed from an original seminar presented by the author, John Roberts. John is a Freelance Training Consultant and director of JayrConsulting Ltd. Part 1 deals with selecting and building the initial team. The ideas expressed are personal opinions built up from many years of experience in the Electronics/Aerospace industry, the Armed Forces, the Telecoms industry and the Training industry. There is no suggestion of this being a 100% solution applicable to or workable in all situations, but it is aimed at getting people to think outside of the norm and question the 'normal' way of doing things. Story Telling With a Purpose For a brief time, I tried to sell life insurance. And, the operative word was 'tried' I can assure you. Although I thought I did a good job on the presentations and scripts provided by trainers, I did not make a single sale. Teamwork in the Workplace: A Definition A tight knit team is a group of competent individuals who care deeply about each other. They are fiercely committed to their mission, and are highly motivated to combing their energy and expertise to achieve a common objective. From our observation and studies on teamwork in the workplace, we have found three primary conditions that have to be met in order to attain higher levels of team performance and member satisfaction. Resources and Commitment Ownership and Heart Learning The Magic and Mystery of Teams As the world of manufacturing has become increasingly competitive, managers have diligently searched out new and innovative ways to increase productivity, multiply the power of every employee, and better utilize every resource in order to positively impact the bottom line. Team Building requires one great dynamic for true Success - Mateship A Successful Team is built around mateship, around respect for your team mates and for yourself. I am not saying that everyone will get on like best buddies, what I noticed is that in all our 'differences' everyone was accepted as they were, got on within the boundaries of the club and got the job done. I have seen teams that have been full of stars, as I am sure you have too, and those teams have not succeeded. They have not achieved their full potentials as individuals or as a team. Proactive High Performance Teamwork Proactive High Performance Teamwork is made up of nine proactive components and will provide the growth you are seeking in your practice. Two of the nine components are Performance and Opportunities. Employee and Coworkers Gifts Giving gifts to your co-workers or your employees can be a tricky business. You want to give something that is they will really enjoy but doesn't break your piggy bank. You want to give something that suits the individual's tastes but doesn't suggest anything politically. We have some suggestions that for the most part can be given to either sex and to anyone of almost any age which we think will help you in your gift giving search. Marche, or How Teams Work. On the trail in Northern Canada "Marche" was the word that translated as "Mush" and was used to drive the dog teams that once were the only source of power in the frozen North. People Are The Heart Of Your Organization Do you let your people express their thoughts about the roles and responsibilities they have in your organisation? Don't just take it for granted that everything's fine because no one complains. Functioning in a Dysfunctional Workplace Sometimes the greatest challenges lay not within the actions of competitors, or the needs of customers, they come from within one's own company. People new to their positions either through promotion, or as a new hire, are often stunned at the challenges they find waiting for them as they slide into the seat behind their new desk. The business cards have barely been ordered before elements of dysfunction begin to appear at their office door. ![]() |
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