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Always In Motion Is The Future
It's the summer of 1973, and a young film director goes searching for a studio to distribute his new screenplay. Many say no, until one finally agrees to take a chance on him. Twentieth Century Fox has such little faith anyone will actually pay to see the movie that it agrees to give him - in exchange for the usual directing fee - 40% of the box office, plus sequel, publishing and merchandising rights. Fast forward to 1977: the feature opens in a limited run at 32 theatres. Surprisingly, people show up?and like what they see. In a few days, it expands to more than 200 screens, and lines start forming around the block. The sci-fi adventure eventually becomes the highest grossing movie in history. Earlier this year, nearly 28 years to the day since the debut of "Star Wars," the sixth and final installment of George Lucas' blockbuster series - "Episode III: Revenge of the Sith" - premiered at hundreds of theatres worldwide. Forbes magazine recently ranked Lucas as the 60th richest American, with a net worth of $3 billion. How much less money would he have today if Fox simply had paid him that director's fee? While they focused on mitigating losses, he capitalized on the opportunity for monumental financial success. As a small business owner, you should look to the savvy director as a role model for envisioning what tomorrow can be and then exceeding even your own lofty expectations. Success Handler Action: In which areas of your small business do you have the greatest potential for achieving incredible results? After you finish reading this E-Newsletter, use these questions to help open your mind to the possibilities that may be right in front of you: ~ What trends are you noticing of the overall economy in your community? ~ Where are the opportunities in your industry for being innovative? ~ Who are the suppliers you can turn to for insight on what your competitors are doing? ~ When was the last time you looked at your business from your customers' perspective? ~ How often are you asking your customers about their pain, problems and issues? ~ Which of your team members have the best relationships with your customers? Not every great idea is clear right from the start. Often, big changes occur along the way to success. Lucas wrote four different drafts of the "Star Wars" screenplay, and made a last-minute decision to kill off Sir Alec Guinness' Ben Kenobi character. Unlike a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, in today's fast-changing business environment, it's essential to put together a team that is flexible enough to make the necessary adjustments to your plan on the fly. Success Handler Action: Keeping your team engaged in executing your vision is an important part of your role as a small business owner. How long has it been since you gave them a motivational boost? Here are five ideas for inspiring everyone to continue giving their best: 1. Talk to them - Visit with each team member, and ask how you can help them grow. 2. Create a game - Set a short-term goal with a reward, and celebrate their achieving it. 3. Give - Offer to match a donation of up to $50 to your employees' favorite charities. 4. Give more - Volunteer to help with your employees' pet projects/causes. 5. Surprise everyone - Take your entire team to see "Episode III: Revenge of the Sith." Whether "Episode III" was a hit or a miss, George Lucas is still be a billionaire. However, it's probably safe to say the man who envisioned the "Star Wars" franchise more than 30 years ago wanted to finish with his greatest achievement. As you think about the next steps for making your small business great, remember the wise words of the ancient Jedi Master, Yoda: "Try Not. Do, or do not. There is no try." Copyright © 2005 by Success Handler, LLC. All rights reserved. The Coach, David Handler, is the founder of Success Handler, (http://www.successhandler.com), and specializes in helping small business leaders, franchisees and franchisors find clarity and take action. He understands the challenges of running a business, because he's been there ? as a small business owner, franchisee, franchisor, corporate leader and trainer. Much like sports coaches, his coaching will show you how to compete on a level playing field in your industry.
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Boost Your Success With An R&D Team One of the best ways to ensure that your planning is successful is to create your own R&D (research and development) group. All truly successful businesses have departments or teams specifically dedicated to finding and developing new and better ways to do whatever it is the company does, so why not you? Feedback For Learning Can Turn Your Team Into Winners Feedback: Finding The Leader Within (Keys To Zen Leadership) Most believe that leadership is an innate quality that some have, not others. They believe that leaders are born not made. Nothing can be further from the truth. Each one of us has the potential to stand tall, be a light to others, clearly define a vision and mission and take charge. Within every individual an "Inner Leader" is waiting to be born. If You Can?t See It, They Won?t Do It Recently, while developing a customer service program, I asked my client to provide me with detailed descriptions of behaviors he wanted his team members to engage in. He called me back a short time later and told me that his department heads were having a difficult time with the assignment. They knew what the employees were doing wrong, but they couldn't put into words what excellent performance looked like. Brainstorm Ever lost for ideas while working in a group? One of the most often-used technique for generating many ideas is Brainstorming. Alex Osborn, a partner in an advertising agency, developed brainstorming techniques years ago in 1941 to help his employees to come up with many, many ideas for their advertising business. People Are The Heart Of Your Organization Do you let your people express their thoughts about the roles and responsibilities they have in your organisation? Don't just take it for granted that everything's fine because no one complains. Station Teams: Assembly Required Too often teams aren't assembled. They just happen. A project comes along and a team is assigned to work it. The group gathers and attempts to figure out a solution, but trouble starts brewing almost at once. Only some of the people do any work. Some people don't get along. Meetings are frequent and mind numbing. No one is quite sure what the assignment actually is. 5 Reason Why Team Has A 4 Figure Income Resolving Workplace Conflict: 4 Ways to a Win-Win Solution The effects of conflict in the workplace are widespread and costly. Its prevalence, as indicated by three serious studies, shows that 24-60% of management time and energy is spent dealing with anger. This leads to decreased productivity, increased stress among employees, hampered performance, high turnover rate, absenteeism and at its worst, violence and death. Effective Team Building For Organizational Success "Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results." -Andrew Carnegie Consensus: The Right Team Decision Strategy? Consensus is the appropriate decision strategy for the most important team decisions. Every member of your team needs to understand what consensus really means. A common misconception of consensus is that it means everyone agrees with the decision 100 percent. Why People Dont Listen... and Some Fun Things You Can Do About It It's frustrating when your co-workers, audience members, teenager or even your dog (!) won't listen. While you can't control how they receive what you say, you can control how you send it. Here are a few tips on why people don't listen and what you can do to change it. What College Taught Me About Teamwork Training I declared a Communications Major two years into school, after discovering that it was a subject in which I had sincere interest. Now that I have graduated from college, I look back at the myriad of group projects and interactions that I had with the fellow students. I can remember many stressful periods of working together, but also many rewarding times of working together and accomplishing our tasks as a group. In hindsight those tasks would have been much easier to complete had we received some basic teamwork training at the beginning of our program. Why It Pays to Out More Humor in the Workplace 1. Humor reduces stress levels and stress is the number one problem confronting employees today. Building High Performing Teams: Putting the I Back in Teamwork Ever watched a really brilliant idea meet with resistance and die? Or been involved in the battle of wills created when two people (or two departments) meet head on with their independent agendas? Equally painful perhaps, have you ever sat through one tireless and non-productive meeting after the next? Believe it or not these issues are simply different sides of the same coin. Getting the right people talking together effectively and generating desirable outcomes is what high performance teamwork is all about. And it doesn't just happen. Think creatively about how to empower teams and reap the rich benefits of people's collective wisdom. What Every Manager, Parent, and Teacher Should Know About How to Unify Employees, Families, & Youth Project Head Start has been successful not only for the youthful students, but for the teachers, supporting staff, and families as well. My first job while still in college was as a Teacher's Assistant during the summer of 1968. Years later I was a Mental Health Consultant with Head Start in the US Virgin Islands. Although a bit bias, I have nothing but respect for Project Head Start and their teachings. How to Turn Idea Squashers into Possibilities Managing a small business continues to become more challenging. However, history has shown that resourceful business owners will succeed. They will prosper, turning disadvantages into advantages by thinking creatively. Franchisor Award Programs; Ideas and Innovation Franchisors should also be heavy on the award side of motivational material. Award certificates and plaques should be given out to franchisees who perform above expectations. Each franchisor needs to take a look at their business model and find ways to best motivate the team. In our franchise company we came up with several ideas and continually innovated to find new ways to use awards to strengthen or franchise family. Awards will be given out for: Functioning in a Dysfunctional Workplace Sometimes the greatest challenges lay not within the actions of competitors, or the needs of customers, they come from within one's own company. People new to their positions either through promotion, or as a new hire, are often stunned at the challenges they find waiting for them as they slide into the seat behind their new desk. The business cards have barely been ordered before elements of dysfunction begin to appear at their office door. 3 Steps To Successfully Build A Team In Any Program Any x by y matrix plan has one big risk... but also one big advantage. ![]() |
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