Staying Informed Key For Your Team

We exist in such a rapidly-changing environment. Technology is moving along so quickly it seems things change with the blink of an eye. So how do you anticipate changes that directly affect your team? Being informed is the key that can unlock the door. But, how do you stay informed and minimize information overload?

* Have team members communicate proactively about important changes. Fire-fighting takes a lot more time and energy than being prepared. Additional time to prepare for changes often makes the difference in how well changes are handled.

* Deal with issues while they are still manageable. As problems grow or changes occur, the "snowball effect" can cause an issue which is initially small to become too large for anyone to handle.

* Minimize the impact of change. If a problem is not addressed in a timely manner, it can expand to affect other areas outside the team. Addressing it proactively can keep the impact of the change within the team's sphere of control.

* Focus your team's energy appropriately. The amount of time and energy needed to control problems or prepare for changes is directly related to how proactively these issues are identified.

* Avoid information gaps. When team members have all the relevant information about critical changes, everyone has a more complete picture of their work environment.

Denise O'Berry (aka 'Team Doc') provides tools, tips and advice to help organizations build better teams. Find out more at

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