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Time Well Spent
It is common knowledge that creating and living according to a financial budget is a requisite for fiscal health and well-being. Budgets enable allocation of resources according to priorities. $x for shelter, $x for food, $x for clothing, $x for education, $x for savings, $x for transportation, $x for entertainment, etc. What is not commonly applied, despite the preponderance of daily planners and time management software, is a temporal budget. Time is our most precious asset. It is also our only non-renewable asset. Each heartbeat, each second ticking on the clock denotes one moment less of our diminishing asset of time. Each day presents us with 24 hours = 1,440 minutes = 81,400 seconds. How are you spending these ever diminishing seconds? How have you budgeted your time? To what purpose do you pass the time of your life away? I presume, since you have enough interest in your own well-being to subscribe to this eZine, that you have an interest in personal fulfillment. There are aspects to your being; each aspect having its own needs. In order to be fulfilled and happy, these needs will need to be met. Time must therefore be allocated or budgeted to fulfill those needs if you wish to achieve any measure of fulfillment. For the sake of simplicity, I will identify the main aspects of self as physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. How much time in each do you have budgeted to meet your physical needs, your emotional needs, your mental needs and your spiritual needs? Of course, just as there is no clear delineation between these various aspects of self, there is also the possibility of getting several needs met from the same activity; say for example?sex. So, now that I have your attention, please seriously consider taking the time to manage your time. Examine your spending habits and create a time budget to help you manage your most valuable asset. What amount of time do you have allocated for the fulfillment of your various needs? Do you have time set aside to exercise? Time budgeted for ongoing education? Time allocated for honoring the sacred? Does it really make sense to squander all those hours in front of the idiot box? Are those daily commutes underutilized times? Could you be learning something from tape or CD to increase your IQ instead of "dumbing down" to withstand the boredom of another lap in the rat race by listening to talk radio? 1,440. Divvie it up. Prioritize it. Spend it well. Invest it in your own enhancement. Every moment lost or wasted is gone forever. Each moment spent without purpose or intent is like money tossed in the fire. © Leslie Fieger. All rights reserved worldwide. Leslie is the author of The DELFIN Knowledge System Trilogy: The Initiation, The Journey and The Quest plus many more success publications. He also the co-author of The End of the World with Hugh Jeffries and Alexandra's DragonFire with his daughter Ashley. Subscribe to his free and ad-free eZine at http://www.ProsperityParadigm.com or http://www.LeslieFieger.com. Reprinting and republishing of this article is granted only with the above credit included. Permission to reprint or republish does not waive any copyright.
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Realistic Time Budgeting Tips I'm sure we've all had the experience of having a certain block of time available, and our to-do list tasks or goals that we want to accomplish in that time frame, only to turn around at the end of that period of time to have the frustrating experience of not getting nearly enough done that we thought we could. What happened? Where did all the time go? This can be in our personal / family lives, our jobs or our businesses. Increasing Your ROI All requests are not equal; all customers or clients are not equal; all to-do-list tasks are not equal; all work responsibilities are not equal. You can do fifty things today and get little, if any, return on your investment for having done them. Or you can do one or two things which have a large return. The Ultimate Time Management Tips: 5 Steps To Reaching Your Goals With Minimum Work Would you like to know how to get 10 times more done in a day than most people do in a week, with less work? Are You Really Swamped or Just Disorganized "Time is what we need the most and what we use the least." Benjamin Franklin Priorities: Dont Dry Your Dishes Do your dishes really need to be dried, or could you just let the water evaporate? If you spend just 5 minutes per meal drying dishes, that equals a quarter of an hour per day, or 91 hours each year. A Time-Saving Programming Tactic that Doesn?t Work Let's say that you have a software project that's under severe time pressure. Let's say that this deadline is so tight that you already know it will involve many late nights of black coffee and frenetic programming. What can you do to make this process go faster? Everythings Blurry Except For You Riding the subway home yesterday, my typically silent car was enlivened by two young girls and their mothers who hopped on. The girls, 7 years old or so, immediately danced over to the upright pole in the middle of the aisle and started twirling around it. After several minutes of this, giggling and talking and having a marvelous time chasing each other (paying no attention whatsoever to anyone else in the car), they settled into a rhythm directly across from each other. Still twirling, but more slowly, one said to the other ... "everything's blurry except for you" ... and the other immediately chanted it back. Back and forth. Their delight in each other's company was glowing in their conversation and lack of interest in anyone else on the train. They truly focused on each other, and discovered that everything else gets blurry! What a delightful example of focusing on someone when you're with them, and giving them 100% of your attention ... fully being there with them. 3 Ways To Do More With Less Time We live in a world where more is expected of us every day. Time Management is Life Management Many of the clients I work with in success coaching can relate to the following example. 24 Time Management Tips Where does your time go? We all know we are busy, yet we feel behind and don't get to do the things we really want to do. Could you use a ?Stop Doing? list? One of the tried and true organization and time-management tools is the trusty old "to do" list. I was trained to diligently put one together at the end of the day for the following day, and whatever tasks I failed to complete, to carry it forward. This system has worked well in helping me prioritize and focus. But I have also heard many of my colleagues complain about having too much on their list, and feeling very discouraged and overwhelmed by the sheer number of items on their "To Do" list. To help ease the overwhelm, I want to introduce the concept of the "Stop Doing" list. Time Management For Home Business Owners As each day passes, and more and more things need to get done with your business, you may find yourself alittle overwhelmed with how much is left to be done. This is nothing new, and a problem that almost every home business owner encounters. Dont Forget To Take Time Out For You! As mothers we play so many different roles and most of us don't take time off that we deserve. Just think about it we play doctor, cook, chauffeur, teacher, lawyer, and the occasional referee as well. The 3 Biggest Priority Busters As a professional organizer, consultant and trainer, I have come to recognize that unless there is a focused effort to keep vigilance over priority busters, our best time management efforts will go unrealized. Our day-to-day lives demand more to resolving this than just practicing better time management principles. Time Management Doesnt Exist! So What Can You Do? There is no such thing as time management. You cannot control time, throw it out, sell it, or give it away. You cannot stop time; it goes on forever and ever. So, what can you do? Time Management Training - A Necessary Investment or A Waste Of Money? Many organisations view time management training as something they'll spend their money on, only if they have to. Usually when pruning the company or department budget, training is often the first area that gets the chop. And yet can you really afford not to? Time Management: 11 Tips Work more efficiently and be more productive using these time-management tips: Four Steps To Make Your Day Dynamic! There are two ways to start your day. The first is to dive in; tackling whatever is in front of you. You might check your emails. This is an interesting beginning as it is always possible something fun and new came in since you last looked. 31 Ways to Get An Extra Hour Out of Each Day How can you get an extra hour out of each day? For many small business owners this is a daily challenge. Tips to Manage Your Time Time and money are both very important in business. Yet, like me, many business people tend to give a lot more specific thought as to how to spend their money. Too often, how we spend our time is only thought of in terms of "What am I going to do today?" or "What should I do next?" ![]() |
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