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Make Procrastination Wait
Reflect on the rewards of kicking the procrastination habit. They are quite clear: -- Daily feeling of accomplishment. -- Long-term sense of achievement. -- Better performance. -- Satisfaction with a job efficiently done. -- Freedom from the tyranny of imposed tasks-more confidence about mastering future assignments. -- Better professional image. -- Higher self-esteem-belief that you can and will make decisions and take effective action. -- More control of your job and career. 1) Begin the task. Take some facilitating action as soon as you have made a decision. Once you have started, you will be on your way to meeting your obligation. To control your time, plan it. Many options are open, use the one that works best for you. Take care, and remember that all require commitment - commitment to planning responsibly, and commitment to the plan itself. To plan constructively, follow these suggestions: -- Clarify your objectives. If you prioritize your values, goals, and activities, you will gain perspective on your career. You can change a vague feeling of fear into a clear feeling of challenge by knowing what you actually want to achieve over the short-term and the long-term. -- Focus on rational, important priorities. Don't waste time over the trivial. -- Outline a weekly work plan and daily to-do lists that integrate the tasks at hand and your long-term goals. 1) Set your own intermediate deadlines. Plan enough time for each phase of a large job and control your own work schedule. You will be more likely to meet staggered deadlines. Copyright AE Schwartz & Associates All rights reserved. For additional presentation materials and resources: ReadySetPresent and for a Free listing as a Trainer, Consultant, Speaker, Vendor/Organization: TrainingConsortium CEO, A.E. Schwartz & Associates, Boston, MA., a comprehensive organization which offers over 40 skills based management training programs. Mr. Schwartz conducts over 150 programs annually for clients in industry, research, technology, government, Fortune 100/500 companies, and nonprofit organizations worldwide. He is often found at conferences as a key note presenter and/or facilitator. His style is fast-paced, participatory, practical, and humorous. He has authored over 65 books and products, and taught/lectured at over a dozen colleges and universities throughout the United States.
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Do You Have The Time? Show me, O Lord, my life's end and the number of my days; let me know how fleeting is my life. Psalms 39:4. 10 Ways to Take Back Your Time I've divided my tips into two sections - 5 ways to manage your time and 5 ways to take back your time. Both offer daily or regular practices to try out in your life right now. Quantum-less Time and Mathemathically Deprived Theory What would you say to me if I told you that you don't have to be at work by 8 am, but rather that you have to be at work tomorrow? Having Time on Your Side Clarity brings accomplishment First Things Last Years ago clients would tell me they could not identify their priorities. Now I hear them saying 'I know what my priorities are?I just can't get to them'. Put a Couple of Elephants on Your Plate How do you eat two elephants? The same way you would eat one; one bite at a time. Monstrous tasks often appear to be complex and overwhelming. That's why it's so very important to isolate the parts from the whole. Break your elephant-sized project into several smaller tasks. Identify one area and cut it down to size. Lather, rinse, and eat. The key is to begin! It doesn't matter if you have or elephants on your agenda. Put one of them on your plate today. Target one part, and start! Doing Things We Dread As I sit here in front of the computer I am breaking through on something that I have been tolerating for weeks now? actually sitting down to write this newsletter. I wasn't blocked for ideas ? I had a list of them. I simply couldn't (yea right? wouldn't) sit down and put my thoughts on paper. The irony, of course is that I coach people through these very same issues and my clients have great success. Ohhhh coach heal thyself! Well the breakthrough came the other night when I was using a wonderful miracle of modern technology? The George Forman Grill! Let me explain. I love to cook. It is an amazing creative experience for me? and let me give you some advice? remember presentation is everything. A meal can go from fair to fantastic simply by arranging the food on the plate? you sort of fool people into thinking it is actually better than it is? the French have known this for years. But I digress? So I was in the mood to make a nice meal but didn't want to go to a lot of trouble. Enter the GF Grill. Its very fast and the food turns out great. BUT I HATE TO CLEAN IT. Trust me, it is NOT hard to clean, but it is one of those things that I dread. After previous uses I have let it sit there unclean for a full day simply because I "didn't wanna!" This time it was different, however. After the meal, I simply got up, did the dishes quickly and then took the 4 ½ minutes it actually takes to clean the grill so it can be put away. As I was doing this I realized that I wasn't dreading it. What was that about? I usually piss and moan about it and work myself up into a frenzy. Then I realized what was different. I didn't think about it I just did it. I knew I didn't want to wake up to a filthy kitchen, I knew it would take all of 5 minutes to do? and I did it. I was actually grateful that I had used such a simple machine and was so happy when it was all done. Perspective. I had wasted so much energy with the dread of the action that the cost of not doing it was 10 times more expensive than the 5 minutes of the unpleasantness ? which, by the way was nowhere near as unpleasant as I was making it in my head. From this lesson I today now sit down and write my newsletter. I was dreading the time it would take; would it be good; all the what if's; all the mind games; the I CAN'Ts; all that crap. Instead? it is simple? I will or I won't. My choice. (By the way? this newsletter took about 25 minutes to write? hmmm? much less than I imagined!) A Call to Action and a How to. 1) Realize how much energy avoiding things we "don't wanna" do is costing us energetically. 2) Realize that these things almost always seem bigger in our headsw than they actually are. 3) Switch from victim mode: go from "I Can't" to "I Choose Not to." As Yoda from Star Wars says? "Do or do not. There is no try!" 4) Eat That Frog. There is a book on over coming procrastination called "Eat That Frog." A premise of this book comes from the old saying, if the first thing you do each morning is to eat a live frog, you can go through the day with the satisfaction of knowing that it is the worst thing you'll probably do all day. Identify the important tasks that you are dreading and just do them? right off? first thing in the morning and look forward to the freedom you will experience the rest of the day. 5) Make your 'To Do' list specific. Vague goals engender anxiety and feel big and overwhelming. Make them specific and measurable. For example "Organize my life" vs. "Spend 20 minutes every morning sorting and filing the papers on my desk." See the difference. 6) Categorize your to-do's by the resistence factor. Separate them into one of 4 categories; a) have to do / Want to do; b) Have to do / Don't want to do; c) Don't have to do / Want to do; and d) Don't have to do / Don't want to do. Do your tasks in this order: b,a,c. 7) To change your attitude, change your perception. Make a game of it. Create a chart and put up gold stars for every item you complete. Feel good. Play. Is it all REALLY THAT important? 8) Get support. A friend, a coach, a group. Don't face things you dread alone. 9) Be kind to yourself. One step and one thing at a time. It doesn't all have to get done at once. 10) Celebrate. For each accomplishment ? no matter how small ? celebrate. Plan it beforehand and make it great!! So what things have you been dreading that you will now choose to take care of? Go ahead. Eat that frog. I dare you to do one thing? just one. Right now. It will feel great. Go get 'em, Tiger! A Fatal Mistake that Can Cost You Your Business ? And More Whether you're a new business owner or if you have been running your business for several years, one of the biggest challenges you face at one point in time or another is overwhelm and imbalance. Taking Time Out to Play - Summertime and the Living is Easy As the song goes, this is the time to relax, rest, rejuvenate and reward yourself for all the hard work you've been doing. As they say, all work and no play makes Jack & Jill a very dull boy & girl. We all need time to relax and just "play." Time Management: How To Get More Done If you can regularly ask yourself "Am I regularly and consistently working on those items that will move me towards my clearly defined goals?" and honestly answer "Yes" then you are probably doing ok. Beyond Time Management ? Seven Ways to Leverage Your Time for Greater Results Most of us have a to-do list ? some of us have a very long one! While a to-do list is a valuable tool to help us stay on track for the urgent tasks of the day (and while there are many ways to improve your production and use of this list), that isn't the focus of this article. You Cant Buy Time Our daily lives are inundated with a crammed to-do list. We are often rushing throughout our day trying to keep up with ourselves. Although technology has improved and simplified our lives, we are as pressed for time as past generations. Often your day seems so full, and you are so pressed for time that it is impossible to get in all there is to do, and yet a little quiet thinking will show that the important things can be easily put into two thirds of the day, and the remaining third is free for rest, or play, or both. You can feel normally pressed for time; and because of this pressure you can arrange in your mind what best to leave undone, and so relieve the pressure. If one thing seems as important to do as another you can make up your mind that of course you can only do what you have time for, and the remainder must go. You cannot do what you have time to do so well if you are worrying about what you have no time for. The Kaizen of Goal Setting There is an old way of goal setting and a new way of goal setting! The old way of goal-setting involved setting yor goals, preparing a list of sub-goals, and then carefully checking them off one after another (as and when they were being accomplished). Am I trying o pour cold water on the goal setting method many of us grw up on? Not necessarily 24 Time Management Tips Where does your time go? We all know we are busy, yet we feel behind and don't get to do the things we really want to do. Focus on One Thing at a Time to Get the Job Done All too often we can feel overwhelmed by the amount of work that we have to do and it is easy to get caught in the trap of trying to accomplish too many things at once and never completing any to your own satisfaction. Often there is a push to accomplish more and more, especially if you are focussed on your career and want to impress. Time Management? NO! Many people want to be coached to manage their time better. I say NO! to that. You cannot manage time anyway; it just keeps ticking away no matter what you do. Effective Time Management - Delegating Techniques Do you manage your time or does your time manage you? Do you start your day knowing what you want to achieve today and how you are going to achieve it? Quick Tips On Time Management Want to improve your time management? Priorities: Dont Dry Your Dishes Do your dishes really need to be dried, or could you just let the water evaporate? If you spend just 5 minutes per meal drying dishes, that equals a quarter of an hour per day, or 91 hours each year. What Would Save You Time? We all get overwhelmed from time to time, and sometimes it seems as if 24 hours a day is just not enough to get everything accomplished that we would like. Let's consider this a brainstorming session. Start creating a list of everyday tasks that, if you didn't have to do them, would allow you to have more time in your day. For example, most of us have to do laundry on a regular basis. That takes time. What about making dinner? Commuting? The list goes on. These types of tasks are usually necessary and unavoidable. It would be fantastic if we could hire a housekeeper, a personal chef or a chauffeur to handle these things for us. More often than not however, we end up doing ourselves the things that need to be taken care of each day. ![]() |
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