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Make Time Work For You
Any habit of mind or body that interferes with taking decisive action contributes to your tendency to procrastinate. Think about your good habits and the environment that leads you to be most productive. Consider your preferred working hours, your optimum concentration periods, and the ways you have been successful in the past. You can begin to build on your good points first by recognizing them and giving yourself credit for them. Then, enhance the skills and techniques you already have with those presented here and beat the specter of procrastination once and for all. If you can identify your work patterns you will see how procrastination weaves itself into your work-day. Few of us say, "OK, now I am going to procrastinate for forty minutes." Instead, we let procrastination slip in under some other guise. To focus your thoughts on your habits, ask yourself these questions: What are my daily work patterns? (Keep a written record for 3 days, noting activities in fifteen-minute intervals) -- 1) When do I try to tackle tasks that I dislike? 2) When do I socialize or concentrate on "easy-work" instead of undertaking more important tasks? 3) How do I usually handle large, annual projects? Once you have a work habit record, take the time to analyze it: When you do so, be thoughtful and honest as you answer the following questions. Remember, you are striving to improve productivity, not to reinforce procrastination. 1) Do I avoid making and refining decisions and thus deny myself the opportunity to apply myself to the goal at hand? 2) Do I take the least active option? 3) Do I allow negative ideas about a task to balloon? 4) Do I fabricate reasons for postponing action? 5) Do I need imposed pressures to finish a task? Once you record and analyze your work pattern, you can make your time more effective. 1) Manipulate your environment to your advantage by making your actual work-space fit your ideal as much as you can. 2) Use your best working time to concentrate on the jobs that give you the most difficulty. Set aside a specific period of time for a task and stick to your commitment. 3) Keep track of your time and how you spend it. If it slips by unnoticed, it will usually slip by under-used. Copyright AE Schwartz & Associates All rights reserved. For additional presentation materials and resources: ReadySetPresent and for a Free listing as a Trainer, Consultant, Speaker, Vendor/Organization: TrainingConsortium CEO, A.E. Schwartz & Associates, Boston, MA., a comprehensive organization which offers over 40 skills based management training programs. Mr. Schwartz conducts over 150 programs annually for clients in industry, research, technology, government, Fortune 100/500 companies, and nonprofit organizations worldwide. He is often found at conferences as a key note presenter and/or facilitator. His style is fast-paced, participatory, practical, and humorous. He has authored over 65 books and products, and taught/lectured at over a dozen colleges and universities throughout the United States.
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Time Management Doesnt Exist! So What Can You Do? There is no such thing as time management. You cannot control time, throw it out, sell it, or give it away. You cannot stop time; it goes on forever and ever. So, what can you do? How to Double Your Accomplishment Level Here's a smart system for doubling or tripling your daily accomplishments -- without working longer hours. This small idea produces big results for business professionals, salespeople, office workers, educators, nurses, plant foremen and politicians. Actually, everyone who has tried it and written to me has enthusiastically endorsed this idea. Vilfredo Paretos Principle: The 80-20 Rule: 80% of Results are Produced from 20% of Efforts Vilfredo Pareto's Principle, or The "Pareto Principle," is more commonly known as the 80-20 rule. It suggests that a ratio of approximately 20% to 80% can be found as an effective measure for most things in life. Whether revenues generated per customer or value for hours worked, it usually can be found that 80% of all of our results in business and in life come from only 20% of our efforts! Could you use a ?Stop Doing? list? One of the tried and true organization and time-management tools is the trusty old "to do" list. I was trained to diligently put one together at the end of the day for the following day, and whatever tasks I failed to complete, to carry it forward. This system has worked well in helping me prioritize and focus. But I have also heard many of my colleagues complain about having too much on their list, and feeling very discouraged and overwhelmed by the sheer number of items on their "To Do" list. To help ease the overwhelm, I want to introduce the concept of the "Stop Doing" list. Time is Money? Not 1 in 10 people can tell you where money comes from, what it is and what it is good for, let alone how and why we get it. Time Mastery vs. Time Management - Knowing the Difference How much time do you spend on Mastering Your Time? I don't mean managing time. There is quite a difference between managing and mastering your use of time. The goal of managing your time is to be more efficient, to squeeze more productivity out of your day. There are a lot of benefits to being a good time manager, especially in a rushed and frenetically paced culture. How To Make Your Job Easier The techies could do a lot more to make our life at work easier and more pleasant. Tips to Manage Incoming E-mail Friends, colleagues, and clients are all telling me that one of their biggest challenges is trying to manage e-mail overload. They say everyone wants something from them and consequently, they're buried in e-mail. Is this a struggle for you? If so, here are a few tips that will save you some time in reading and receiving e-mail. Priorities: Dont Dry Your Dishes Do your dishes really need to be dried, or could you just let the water evaporate? If you spend just 5 minutes per meal drying dishes, that equals a quarter of an hour per day, or 91 hours each year. Linking Purpose To Everyday Behaviors How do you know what's the best use of your time right now? Tips to Save One Hour Per Day At Home Desktop Management Boosts Productivity Many of us spend long hours at our desk. To assist make the most of every day we need to focus on creating an environment condusive to work. By establishing a good desk environment you are guaranteed to improve your efficiency and achieve more in your day. Overcome Procrastination - Discover ways to get more done in less time So What Then Is The Opposite Of Procrastination? 10 Ways to Take Back Your Time I've divided my tips into two sections - 5 ways to manage your time and 5 ways to take back your time. Both offer daily or regular practices to try out in your life right now. Time Management: How to Make Your Meetings More Productive In most organizations, meetings are often the biggest time-wasters. With a bit of planning, it's possible to both shorten the time spent in meetings and to make that time more productive. Here's how. Four Simple Ways To Take Control Of Your Time And Your Life It's been said, "That no one has enough time yet, everyone has all that there is." Simple concept - except when you're living your life in the multi-tasking lane. Decrease Your Sleep, Increase Your Energy! And Have More Time In Your Day! Many of the world's most driven and successful people sleep only 4 to 5 hours per day. Do you really need to sleep 8 or more hours? No, you don't. No one does. Reduce sleep and increase your energy? Have you ever thought of reprogramming your inner sleep clock as a time management tool? Imagine what you'd do with an extra 21 hours in your week! Time Management Lessons from a 3 Year Old Zak is my three-year old godson. He is the apple of my eye along with his sisters Carley and Brenna. I was watching him the other day as he was preparing to assume a self-proclaimed role of 'Master of the Universe' while playing a game with some of his friends. I marveled at how prepared he was and how his plan included alternatives if there were any 'problems' in the scheme of things. He was, in fact, more focused on achieving his goal than just about anyone I've ever seen. Hows YOUR Productivity? Microsoft wanted to know how individuals around the world were faring with their productivity. Microsoft seems the logical group to be asking this question since productivity generally follows technology. So from September, 2004 through January, 2005 they ran a survey called the 'Personal Productivity Challenge' or PPC. Use Your Time Wisely! When I was small, I have never considered the importance of time.I would just laze around, watch TV, lie in bed, and play videogames. As I grew older, I thought about the things that I haveachieved. To my surprise, I haven't accomplished a lot. ![]() |
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