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Effective Time Management Techniques
TIME MANAGEMENT With the creation of the universe, God gave humankind a miraculous gift. A wonderful gift which cannot be seen or touched but without which there will be no meaning in life. In fact without which it would be difficult to imagine life. It is time! God being kind and just gave this to all of us in equal quantity. He knew that some of His children would be wasteful. So He gave it in such a way that they would not be able to waste all of it. He assured a continuous and fresh supply of it. Each day He gives us a fresh supply of twenty four hours or 1440 minutes or 86,400 seconds per day to each of us-poor or rich, good or bad, man or woman. We may have handicaps of education, money, and connections. But we are not handicapped by time. It is given equally to all. It is the most important ingredient in success. Use your time wisely and nobody can stop you from succeeding. Time management is the key to keeping your New Year Resolutions. How to use time wisely? Of course, by managing it wisely. Here are a few tips to manage your time. 1. Eliminate Big Chunks of Wastage of Time: We are usually Pound Foolish, Penny Wise. We jump red light to save a fraction of second but before that we might have already wasted hours in some useless activity. There are big chunks of time which we usually waste-sleeping long hours, wasting time in front of TV, gossiping, in drinking and dining parties, etc. If you spend two hours each way in commuting to office, you have to find some solution to it. Either change office or residence or utilize the commuting time in reading (if traveling by bus or metro) or listening to useful audios. 2. Eliminate Wastage of Time on Irrelevant Activities: We are usually not focused in our life. Not only we should have a single goal in life but all our efforts and time should be directed towards it. If you want to write a book, not only you have to eliminate big chunks of wastage of time, but you should also avoid irrelevant activities such as, may be, a side business, politics, and involvement in activities of various social activities which may be good in themselves. 3. Plan your Time: Planning is very important for time management. One obvious benefit is that as you would never put in your plan items of big chunks of wastage of time and irrelevant activities, they would be eliminated automatically! Write down your daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, and may be even more long term plans. Gus is the writer of the recent ebook Be Happy! The Guide comes with an Action Plan. The Guide, divided into three parts of Body, Mind and Heart, and Soul, deals with various sources of happiness and how to be happy. The Action Plan gives To-Do lists, Happiness Quotations, Affirmations and Meditations, etc. For more information, please, visit: http://www.thelifebeautiful.com email:gus@thelifebeautiful.com
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Are You Really Swamped or Just Disorganized "Time is what we need the most and what we use the least." Benjamin Franklin How to Conquer the Five Major Time Wasters? * spreading yourself too thin Time is on Your Side ? Manage it Wisely How do you manage your time? Or is the more appropriate question do you wish you had better time management skills? I have clients and friends who rely on everything from legal pads to brightly colored sticky notepads to manage their time and appointments ? practically everything in their life. I don't understand why some folks place so little importance on something as important as time management! When is the Best Time to Plan Your Day? When is the best time to plan your day? Well, everyone is different. Let's take a quick look at some of the different possible times: 6 Time Management Tips for Moms Many of you have expressed the challenge of not having enough time to accomplish all your needed tasks and not being organized. Having good organization and management skills is absolutely imperative to your business. Being well organized can greatly affect your successfulness. Applying a few of the following tips will help you become more organized and make better use of your time. Oh, My Goodness! Where Has the Time Gone? It's 6:00 a.m. I'm awake. I'm pumped! I'm ready to go. I have a TO DO list that will keep me busy all day. My goal is to accomplish all of the things on my list before I go to bed tonight. Taking Time Out to Play - Summertime and the Living is Easy As the song goes, this is the time to relax, rest, rejuvenate and reward yourself for all the hard work you've been doing. As they say, all work and no play makes Jack & Jill a very dull boy & girl. We all need time to relax and just "play." Quantum-less Time and Mathemathically Deprived Theory What would you say to me if I told you that you don't have to be at work by 8 am, but rather that you have to be at work tomorrow? Sprint Through Your Workday, Even if Youre a Marathoner Whenever you have projects that can't be done in one sitting, they have to be broken up into steps. Some people are marathoners and work best when they can spend long, uninterrupted hours on their projects. They hate to stop working because of piddly considerations like eating or sleeping, and they look forward to their next sessions. They're motivated by their goals, and they enjoy the process. That keeps them on track. Procrastination - Understanding & Overcoming it Whenever I've worked on 'de-cluttering' my living or working space, I've always found that it's the unfinished project ? whatever I'm procrastinating about - that takes up the most room. How to Minimize Trips to the Grocery Store Still awaiting the birth of my baby (I am overdue), it is increasingly a challenge to go grocery shopping. Thank goodness I have wonderful friends and neighbors who offer to go for me. Making the Most of Your Time "The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot." - Michael Altshuler How To Make Your Job Easier The techies could do a lot more to make our life at work easier and more pleasant. Organization Tips That Add More Hours To Your Day One of the most common complaints that small business owners have is lack of time. What most don't realize, however is that their lack of time stems from a lack of organization. But with a few simple tips - that you can implement immediately - you can literally add hours to your day. What is ?Life Balance? and How Can You Attain It? We all face decisions that involve doing things that affect competing priorities. We all have three different lives or worlds that compete for our attention, energy and activity. These are our personal lives, our work related lives and our family lives. Our personal lives consist of our health, our inner private likes and dislikes, our inner beliefs, and our spiritual feelings. Our work related lives consist of what we do to earn an income to provide resources to live and prosper. Our family lives consist of our relatives and friends and our relationships with each person. Everythings Blurry Except For You Riding the subway home yesterday, my typically silent car was enlivened by two young girls and their mothers who hopped on. The girls, 7 years old or so, immediately danced over to the upright pole in the middle of the aisle and started twirling around it. After several minutes of this, giggling and talking and having a marvelous time chasing each other (paying no attention whatsoever to anyone else in the car), they settled into a rhythm directly across from each other. Still twirling, but more slowly, one said to the other ... "everything's blurry except for you" ... and the other immediately chanted it back. Back and forth. Their delight in each other's company was glowing in their conversation and lack of interest in anyone else on the train. They truly focused on each other, and discovered that everything else gets blurry! What a delightful example of focusing on someone when you're with them, and giving them 100% of your attention ... fully being there with them. Im Too Busy - Oh Really! If I had a dollar or even better a pound for every time I'd heard a business leader say this I'd be very rich. Are You Always Late? "Fashionably late" is no longer in fashion. In today's heavily scheduled world, it is the punctual who are respected and admired. Even though most of us know this, some people are always late, no matter how much time they have to get ready. You may be one of them. Do any of the following sound familiar? Talkin About Chicken Yesterday, I'd just gotten comfortable at my favorite table in my neighborhood Starbucks when I noticed two 70-somethings seated at the table next to me. Although they sat mere inches from one another, they communicated as if they were standing on opposite ends of a dark mountain tunnel. Top 10 Ways to Manage Yourself - Time Wise "Time management" is a myth. Time ticks by, whether you achieve what you want to or not in the run of a day or week. "Time waits for no man" as the saying goes. The only thing that you can manage, time-wise, is YOU. ![]() |
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