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Time Management Tips - How to Have a Filing System That Works
Recently I was working with a new client who had invested hundreds of dollars for a records management organisation to set up a filing system for his business. The system looked impressive. The only problem was it didn't work! It had been set up in a very complicated manner. The headings were so detailed that a master sheet with a myriad of categories had to be referred to before information could be filed or retrieved. The system was far too complex for their specific needs. Have you ever had that experience where a filing system had been set up for you and/or your department/business and you couldn't find or file paperwork easily? How much time have you wasted looking for information? Time management is about managing your time. Spending precious time looking for paperwork is a great way to use up even more of your time. Did you know that The Wall Street Journal once reported in a survey they had done that the average white collar worker spends 6 weeks a year looking for paperwork? If you're serious about your time management, then having a filing system where you can easily file and find your work is very important. How Do You Know You Need a New Filing System? When it takes you longer than a couple of minutes to find something. When you run out of floor space because there are too many piles of paperwork on the floor. When colleagues or clients ask you for information and you frequently say, " Can I get back to you later because I'll have to find it!" When you catch yourself saying several times a day "I know it's here. somewhere". When the piles of paper on your desk are taller than you are. Filing Basics Clean out all old or irrelevant information. Write down what types of information you need to keep. Categories which may emerge include:
If required, sub-categories can be made:
Depending on your situation a whole drawer/s of a filing cabinet may be required to house some of these categories ie. Clients, Suppliers, Staff. The Final Word When you can file your paperwork quickly and retrieve it easily, you know you've got a system that works well for you. As part of your time management, being confident in having systems that are effective and take little time to use, will make your life so much easier. It's always the little things that make such a huge difference. More details regarding the setting up of a successful filing system are available in my manual "How to Gain An Extra Hour in Your Day" and Get Organised-Get a LIFE! Book. (See http://www.office-organiser.com.au) About The Author Lorraine Pirihi is Australia's Personal Productivity Specialist and Leading Life Coach. Her business The Office Organiser specialises in showing small business owners and managers, how to get organised at work so they can have a life! Lorraine is also a dynamic speaker and has produced many products including "How to Survive and Thrive at Work!" To subscribe to her free ezine visit http://www.office-organiser.com.au This article may be reproduced providing it is published in it's entirety, including the author's bio and all links. For further information please contact Lorraine Pirihi: lorraine@office-organiser.com.au
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Then you will have enough energy to help others and live the rest of your busy life. Sounds too basic? It's supposed to be. It's the basics that hold daily life together. Time is Money - Dont Waste It "If you control your time, you control your life" - Alan Lakein (1973) Get More Done at Your Office: Focus on These Eight Areas for Increased Productivity Your productivity depends on good tools and effective environments, and on using them both well. It can be overwhelming to get your office into shape and still get your work done. Try attacking one of these areas each week. Pick one where you can make a positive change right now, to keep you motivated. Vilfredo Paretos Principle: The 80-20 Rule: 80% of Results are Produced from 20% of Efforts Vilfredo Pareto's Principle, or The "Pareto Principle," is more commonly known as the 80-20 rule. It suggests that a ratio of approximately 20% to 80% can be found as an effective measure for most things in life. Whether revenues generated per customer or value for hours worked, it usually can be found that 80% of all of our results in business and in life come from only 20% of our efforts! Time Management - Working Smarter at Work Let's look at your time management skills. Most of us have to work, and the more you can do in the least amount of time, the better. Working smarter frees you up so that not only do you have a job, but you have a life too! Busy, Busy, Busy ?busy, busy, busy, busy, busy?busy, busy, bus? OK, slap me with a wet diaper! Enough of that silliness. Most you know what I'm talking about though, right? That's us! Busy. Doing what? Stuff. What kinds of stuff? All kinds of stuff. Like what? You name it. Give me an example. Can't. Why not? Too busy? Taking Time Off For Your Business As a business owner, wouldn't it be great if you could take time off whenever you needed to? Unfortunately, most small business owners worry that the business will fall apart if they're not there to mind the store. Too often, they simply lack the appropriate resources for their business to keep going in their absence. 6 Time Management Tips for Moms Many of you have expressed the challenge of not having enough time to accomplish all your needed tasks and not being organized. Having good organization and management skills is absolutely imperative to your business. Being well organized can greatly affect your successfulness. Applying a few of the following tips will help you become more organized and make better use of your time. ![]() |
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