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The Seven Secrets of Top Performers
Let's put to rest the fallacy that success, in sales or any
profession, is due to luck, chance, and/or hard work. There is
nothing further from the truth. Think about it, you and I both
know people who work incredibly hard, putting in long hours,
they may even have two jobs, but they are not consistently (if
ever) successful. Hard work certainly contributes to success,
but hard work alone will not make you top-flight in your
industry. Is success due, then, to luck or chance? I was recently working with top sales professionals on a seven-city tour of Canada. In these seminars, I invariably asked people what they wanted to achieve in the upcoming year. Many people had a vague idea of what they wanted (or what they thought they could achieve); and even more knew what they didn't want; but the high performers knew in measurable terms, what they wanted to accomplish in every area of their life. Without a doubt, this type of clarity and focus is power! I have interviewed thousands of the worlds most successful and without fail they see themselves winning every single day. Whether in business or athletics: Jack Nicholas in golf, Michael Jordan in basketball, the million-dollar sales producer I spoke with last week, they all have this in common. Visualizing is the key to realizing! Winners believe they will win in advance, and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. A common mistake among would-be achievers is the notion that ''if I become more skilled in my profession I will succeed.'' Yet how many highly skilled people do you know that are not profiting every single day? Often two people go through the same training course and acquire the same skills -- yet one becomes a huge success and one accomplishes nothing. The answer lies in the individuals belief system and the unshakable conviction that he or she will win. High achievers think, work, talk, play, and take action like the person they want to become. This means turning away from current results and focusing, believing, and acting ''as if'' you were already there. Understand that your current results are the direct outcomes of the past. The past does not equal the future. Winners get results! Results are not equal to no-results-and-a-good-story. Many sales professionals are better at making excuses than they are at making money. ''It's the economy, it's the location, my prices are too high.'' You can always come up with a good story, but winners hold themselves accountable. Only when you take accountability for everything in your life can you be responsible to change anything. No one in today's world can make it alone. There is just too much to learn and things are changing too rapidly. High achievers always spend time with other high achievers. Like attracts like. They attend the same events, eat at the same restaurants, join the same churches and clubs. Your business and social environment is more important than your heredity, choose your relationships and partnerships wisely. Achievers ask: "How can I provide more value? How can I give to others, to my teammates, employees, clients. What can I do to make it better?" Winners always give 10 times more value than they ask for in return. Success happens according to universal laws and timeless principles. Understand and utilize them and you will win. It works for everyone....every time. James Arthur Ray of James Ray International is an expert in
teaching individuals how to achieve Harmonic Wealth? in
all areas of their life by focusing on what they want, opposed
to what they don't want. He has been speaking to individuals as
well as Fortune 500 companies for over 20 years and is the
author of four books and an inventor of numerous learning
systems. His studies of highly successful people prove that they
continually achieve results by taking control of their thoughts
and actions to create and shape their own reality.
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