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Combine Links with Quality Resources and Youre on a Winner
There are 1001 ways to drive traffic to your websites. I reckon I've tried most of them over the years and in the process have become blasé over the whole process of traffic promotion - but here's one that surprises even a hardened old cynic like me? Several months ago I designed a single-page website, launched the creature as a sub-domain and promptly forgot about it. In point of fact it was so absentmindedly conceived that the tag still contains the template reference. So what happened to it? Here's what?.it has achieved some amazing rankings. - Yahoo! # 2 (out of 8,270,000 web pages) - AltaVista #2 - AllTheWeb #2 What's even better? I attached my little afterthought single page to two of my prime sites and quality traffic is rocketing to both of them. These sites have always performed well for me but now they're on fire. 1st CREATIVE WRITING COURSE #13 on Yahoo! (out of 8,720,000 web pages) for keyword phrase 'creative writing course' HOW TO PRODUCTS-XL # 10 on Yahoo! (Out of 706,000,000 ? yes, 706 million ? web pages)for keyword phrase 'how to products' What is the secret of the single page winner? It consists entirely of LINKS to QUALITY RESOURCES with reciprocal arrangements for most. The trick is to narrow the focus on your niche and link to the cream of the marketplace including some of your competition? If you visit the website in the resource box and click on RESOURCES you can check out my little one-page monster for yourself ? and thereafter do a check on the search engines listed. Jim Green is a bestselling author with an ever-growing string of niche non-fiction titles to his credit. View his output at http://1st-creative-writing-course.com
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Link Building Strategies Well, an effective link building strategy is not building some 50-100 back links with sites with 'X' PR. It is more of getting links from the informative websites that is visited often by the people who could be your future customers. In broad sense the websites related to your focus industry. How To Get At Least 50 Visitors A Day Free How To Get At Least 50 Visitors A Day Free! Winning the Traffic Exchange Game Winning the traffic exchange game can be done. I was just starting out online and had no money so I was looking for a free way to drive traffic to my site. That is when I first found traffic exchanges. I found the concept to be great and signed up for everyone I found and started clicking and clicking and clicking. After countless hours, a blistered clicking finger and a lot of frustration I found the secret to the game. The Best Traffic Secret I Ever Learned If you could get high quality traffic that would grow on a daily basis free of charge starting tomorrow would you do it? Link Popularity and Your Add URL Page With all the buzz going on about the importance of a site's link popularity, the "look and feel" of your Add URL page (or whatever you have named your add URL page) has taken on an increased importance as well. Traffic Generation Tutorials - Article 1 of 10 Bi Weekly Articles This article will be continually updated with your feedback and updates will appear http://www.its-brilliant.com/0001.html. Please See Contact and Reprint details at end of Article An "In Depth" Look At How To Create an email discussion list If you find this information valuable, please send it on to a friend How to Get Your Traffic to Take Off in a Hurry without Paying a Dime The desire of every webmaster and in fact anybody with some sort of web presence, it to increase their traffic in a hurry. Higher traffic automatically means more revenue for the website, it hardly matters what the websites' business is. Increasing traffic is hard work and usually takes time. One can however work hard at doing the following things and speed up the process. Steal Traffic From Your Competitors This interesting idea is likely to drive your competitors nuts. Part 2 - Do Not Ever Link to a Site Without Doing This First! Writing Links How To Fire Up Your Link Popularity When I first started out in Internet marketing, reciprocal linking was one of the techniques that I was required to master. Website Visitors - Building Strong Website Traffic It is worth looking at some values and strengths of a few technical and promotional elements of your website that will help you to lay a foundation in building profitable online success. Once you have decided on your market and have chosen a relevant domain name for your online business, you need simple and effective tools and methods to put and keep your business on a profitable track. Ideally you will want to make use of easy-to-use methods for your business that keeps the visitors coming to your website and deliver results. Lets look at a few practical ideas. Link Exchanges Should link exchanges be used? What are link exchanges? Do they really work? These are just a few questions that most webmasters come across at a link exchange. In this article I will try to help you understand link exchanges and if they truly work like some say. How To Build Trust and Sell More Products! If the headline is what gets them there, then it's the *proof* that keeps them there. Follow closely... Profiting From Mistakes For many years now, getting traffic from search engines when people misspell a word has been a popular technique. I've often read that you should include spelling errors in the meta keyword tag on your page. Unfortunately, there is a problem with this advice. Free Traffic Programs and How to Use Them I try to use as many free traffic programs as I can to increase traffic to my web sites. But does this traffic actually make sales for me? Probably not directly but indirectly they can. 5 Free Ways to Increase your Website Traffic I don't know about you, but when I first entered the world of internet marketing I thought I could just submit my newly finished website to a few search engines, then sit back as the visitors flocked to my site. Winning The Hit Exchange Game "How do I get more traffic to your site?" That's the eternal question. Or to be more precise, "How do I get more targetted traffic to my pages, people who are going to be interested in what I have to offer?" Create Top Sites To Increase Your Traffic You have a website, beautiful in design and unique in content but nobody knows about it. How to drive traffic to your website easy and free? There are many ways to do that but today I want you to tell about "Top Sites" software. A Simple Guide to Analyzing All Those Web Traffic Ideas - Part 1 There will be a lot of people unhappy about what I am going to reveal in this article. However, I think it is time somebody spoke out about what is happening on this wonderful medium we have come to know as the internet. What I am talking about are the "sharp" practices engaged in by people offering all sorts of dubious marketing plans. How to Get Customers for Free There's no shortage of ways to spend money promoting your online shop - and certainly no shortage of people willing to take your money! However, search engines can be sending you qualified customers all day every day. How do you get a piece of this traffic? It's estimated that 70% of people stop at the first 10 results in most search engines and over 90% don't go beyond the first 30. If your shop isn't in the top of the search results, you're missing out. We'll go through the five steps to getting you higher in the search engine rankings. ![]() |
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