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3 Instant Traffic Techniques for Mini-Sites
When building websites there are two main options: large content site or small mini-sites. Large content sites are normally more "information" focused. Mini-sites, however, normally have one purpose only, to sell. Given what search engines want, large content sites are much better for getting search engine traffic. Most of the time (unless you're excellent at optimizing), it's hard to get mini-sites to rank well for competitive keywords. This is why most do NOT rely on search engines for traffic to their mini-sites. In all honesty, the best strategy is to combine the two types of sites by having a large content site to rank well with search engines that feeds traffic to your mini-sites. However, not all of us have the time or know-how to easily build large sites that do well with search engines. Most of us just want to put up a small site and start making money. Here are the 3 traffic generating techniques I use everyday for traffic to mini-sites. #1: Forums/Discussion Boards I have made more than $6,000 from one mini-site just by targeting it to the right forum in my signature file. All I did was leave a nice statement in my signature file; in 1 month I attracted over 5,000 targeted visitors that converted to over $6,000 for me. The basic strategy here is that you need to find related forums and become active in them. Get yourself known, find out what those members talk about and find an affiliate product to fit their demand. Then, make a nice, simple, yet captive site with a great headline followed by a review of the product. Test it and if it pulls well, you have a winner. If not, choose another product. #2: Ezine Advertising I would rate ezine advertising at the second best way to gather traffic to your mini-sites only because this technique can cost some money. Forum promotions have no cost (typically). However, ezine advertising can provide much better results. Forum marketing requires you taking the time to make sensible responses or asking good questions. However, with ezine advertising, you just write a good promotion and let the publisher send it out. An advantage of ezine advertising is that you know before you promote that you have a targeted audience that has already expressed an interest in your topic. Also, the subscriber and the publisher most likely have a good relationship (considering the subscriber has not left) and so your promotion comes with credibility and may get more attention. One of the keys to doing well with ezine advertising (for me) has been repeated ads in the same ezine. I have found that my results are best in the second of third promotion. However, if I get no results on my first mailing, I do not repeat that ezine again. Warning: Not all ezines are the same. Some will be major winners and others will be major flops. #3: Directory Sites Alright, here is the controversial technique that I use very successfully. I know, I know, some of you will think that it is "wrong" - but in the end, my job is to teach you how I get my traffic; that is exactly what I am going to do. Directory sites are sites created by software that automatically build you a site which is 500 or more pages. These sites are just simply uploaded to a domain name. Most (if done right) tend to do well with search engines. That traffic is then forwarded to your mini-sites. As you can see, we're holding fast to our policy of building a funnel system where we use the large sites to bring in the "no cost" search engine traffic (which is also highly targeted). However, all the "selling" takes place on our mini-sites. Large sites = Traffic Gathering Obviously there are many more techniques to use to attract traffic to your mini-sites such as banners, pay per click, link exchanging, etc... I just wanted to discuss the top 3 that are the easiest to implement and require the least learning curve (in my opinion). Copyright 2005 Kurma Group Anik Singal is a 21 year old successful internet marketer who has developed his own affiliate marketing system which helped him earn over $10,466 in just 60 days using mini-sites. Join his FREE Course at: http://www.AffiliateClassroom.com/free-course.html
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Winning The Hit Exchange Game "How do I get more traffic to your site?" That's the eternal question. Or to be more precise, "How do I get more targetted traffic to my pages, people who are going to be interested in what I have to offer?" 7 Things You Must Do If You Want To Increase Your Traffic Gary Halbert once said that the ONLY advantage he wanted when it came to selling burgers was not a better sauce, or better grade of beef, but a STARVING CROWD. Use eBay as Cheap Traffic! Did you know that according to alexa, www.eBay.com is ranked number 8 out of over 36 billion sites on the web? (36,000,000,000!). On average, it recieves 40 million hits daily, and of that, it's average user views 17 pages. That's impressive! What's also great, is that most listings get at least 50 very targeted views. If you can get listed on eBay's "The Pulse" (most popular internet auctions) you are guaranteed at least 5,000 visitors to that listing, and many of them will click through to your site, affiliate link, whatever makes you money. 8 Ways To Get People To Visit Your Web Site Again and Again Getting visitors to your web site is not one of the easiest things to do especially if you've only just set up your web site. The trick here is to find as many ways as possible to get the visitors, that do visit your site, to come back again and again. Free Targeted Internet Traffic Let others help with your marketing efforts. You can have strangers pass your site to others and span the globe with viral marketing. Create viral marketing with a free e-book or inviting email, it is powerful and free. To start a viral marketing campaign that grows exponentially and without effort send a witty or clever joke, picture, or poem to people in your address book. If enjoyed the recipient will pass it on to those in their list and so on. You may have received the Bill Gates free offer in your own box. This email has been circulated around the world for over three years and seen by countless. Be sure to include your url with a heading, either near the bottom or in a signature file. Do this once a month and watch your web traffic grow. Free Traffic Course - Day 3 This is the 3rd day of "Free Traffic Course". Top 10 Traffic Building Mistakes To Avoid When people look to submit their sites to the major search engines, there are some key mistakes that should be avoided for successful promotion. Thinking of Buying Hits To Your Website? Think Again! Online marketing is an area where you can find a LOT of hype. Make a quick search at Google for 'buy hits', 'ad blaster' or 'email blaster' and you'll have an idea how wide those big void promises of getting 'automatic' traffic to your website. But it's not a real traffic... The Best Website Traffic Sources You have to search a lot to find what is most likely to work for your web site. Once you get an understanding for each type of advertising then you can put it to work. Social Bookmarking Traffic Results The results of the social bookmarking experiment I have been carrying out are materialising. There have been some surprising results and some results that have restored my faith in the browsing public. I have been pondering whether or not to release the results as I do not want the spammers to tarnish something that is still relatively pure. But as you can see I finally decided to go ahead and publish. 10 Tips on How to Increase Your Website Traffic Not so long ago I had read an article about a woman who dramatically increased her page ranking from article submissions on her new website. That that was a fact I already knew, just like many other Internet Marketers. However, that article was the needed inspiration I needed for me to make some changes with my daily online business habits. 7 Ways To Get More Repeat Traffic To Your Site 1. Make all or part of your site into a valuable directory. How To Get Web Site Traffic Web site traffic is essential to having a thriving online business. You cannot have enough web site traffic (visitors) unless it is the wrong traffic or you do not want to continue to build your business. Your chances of selling a product or service is proportional to the level of targeted and qualified web site traffic to your site. It is not an easy task getting the right kind of web site traffic to your site. You do not get this web site traffic without expending your time, energy and sometimes hard-earned money. A Disturbing Trend in Reciprocal Linking In the world of Internet Marketing, and Web site promotion, nothing changes faster than the parameters that rule good Search Engine rankings and placement. How to Identify Bad Link Exchange Transactions Now that more emphasis (to get better ranking in SERPs) is put on the quality of links rather than the quantity, I will try, in this article, to identify the signs that may be precursors of bad link exchange transactions. Website Traffics: 10 Sizzling Hot Secret Phrases To Ignite Your Website Traffics For many months after I put up my new website, my traffic was low and sales almost zero. How To Drive Traffic To Your Website How can you have effective results in major search engines? Banner, Link, and Traffic Exchanges really work well. How do you start? The big "trigger target" for Google appears to be links. Back in the earliest days, one link equaled one positive vote, a rather clean sorting concept that worked extremely well in a much cleaner Internet environment. As Google rose to become the dominant search engine, the search marketing industry started to focus on Google. What type of links to use? Incoming and outgoing banner or traffic link exchanges are good places to start like: Free Advertising Forum http://www.freeadvertisingforum.com/ When I visited the page yesterday, there are were 210 on that page at the same time, and in the last 24-Hours: 564. Check out other forums and groups. Like: http://www.adlandpro.com/ or, http://www.bravenet.com Bravenet is one of the largest in the world with over 7 million members. Most Linking Opportunities are no cost. By adding incoming links to your website, search engine popularity grows as well. Linking sites I use that have worked well for my site are: http://www.linkalizer.com/ and, http://www.best-web-directories.com/free-directories.htm Banners Go MLM is one of the most recommeded banner exchange programs on the Internet. http://bannersgomlm.com/ These resources provide over 50% of my website traffic for: http://www.mycashforever.com/ Major search engines provide the other 50%. That will increase as I continue to edit my KEYWORDS, and resubmit, and as more links are posted to my site. My most recent report, after the last monthly submission report indicates: Engine Link Popularity Altavista 75 Google 4 MSN 175 Yahoo! 76 Total Link Popularity: 330 Considering my website did not exist five months ago, I am told by some experts that this is great progress. Use this site to optimize your website no cost for 90 days. http://www.submitnet.net/ You can review this service at my website: www.mycashforever.com Submitnet is used by many SEO companys to improve site optimization, and includes many resources for optimizing your website. Happy marketing, your online friend, Opportunities Now Internet Marketing Services For more information about us, use KEYWORD: "opportunities now internet marketing services" in any major Search Engine. James A. "Jim" Holish 5250 E. Cortland Blvd. #19 Flagstaff, Arizona 85004 webmaster@mycashforever.com www.mycashforever.com The Swank Meter - What Does Hilary Swank Have to Do With Page Rank? Recently the wife and I were watching Million Dollar Baby. After we were done watching the Movie my wife went on the Internet to see which Karate Kid Movie Hilary was in. It turns out that doing an MSN search on "hilary swank" came up with 190,231 Web Pages, Doing an MSN Search on "mike makler" brought up 2,737 results. So 190,231/2,737 is 69.5. My Hilary Swank Rating or Swank Meter is 69.5 Understanding What Reciprocal Linking Means If you have been marketing on the internet for any length of time you have surely heard that reciprocal linking is a great way to boost your google page rank as well as your search engine ranking. But what does reciprocal linking actually mean? If you need More Targeted Visitors to Your Site this Will get the Free Traffic Flowing If you don't know by now one the best ways to attract free traffic to your site is with articles. You find them in your email. You find them on any website that provides useful content. Take a look and you will see they are all formatted the same way. ![]() |
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