Give People What They Want And Watch Your Profits Soar!

Do you know why the majority of people use the Internet?

The majority of people use the Internet to do some type of research. In other words, to read.

Now, how can you use this knowledge to your advantage?

Simple. Give people what they want! Provide plenty of good, quality, free content on your website and refresh it regularly.

What's free content?

Well, free content can take on many forms, from e-books to free advice and everything in between. However, what I'm talking about is free content in the form of articles.

But they shouldn't be just be any kind of articles. The articles should closely match the theme of your website. For example, if your website's theme is about Internet marketing, then you would have articles relating to advertising and marketing.

If your website's theme is about computers, then you would have articles relating to the service and maintenance of computers, and so on and so forth.

So, where do you get free articles?

Well, you could always write your own. It's really not that difficult. However, if you find writing your own articles too daunting a task, there's a million places on the Internet that can provide you with free content. Here are just a few:

Also, capture your visitors names and e-mail addresses. How? Start your own ezine or newsletter and ask your visitors to subscribe.

Since people rarely purchase anything the first time they visit a website, capturing their names and e-mail addresses will give you countless number of opportunities to keep your name and the name of your business fresh in your customers and prospects minds.

And don't be afraid to have a fee-based ezine or newsletter. Remember, the true value of anything is in the eye of the beholder!

By giving before you take, you'll put your visitors in a much better frame of mind to receive your offer.

About The Author

Dean Phillips is an Internet marketing expert, writer, publisher and entrepreneur. Questions? Comments? Dean can be reached at mailto:

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